427 research outputs found

    Recent Advancement in 3D Biometrics using Monocular Camera

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    Recent literature has witnessed significant interest towards 3D biometrics employing monocular vision for robust authentication methods. Motivated by this, in this work we seek to provide insight on recent development in the area of 3D biometrics employing monocular vision. We present the similarity and dissimilarity of 3D monocular biometrics and classical biometrics, listing the strengths and challenges. Further, we provide an overview of recent techniques in 3D biometrics with monocular vision, as well as application systems adopted by the industry. Finally, we discuss open research problems in this area of researchComment: Accepted and presented in IJCB 202

    Gait recognition based on the golden ratio

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    Face Liveness Detection under Processed Image Attacks

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    Face recognition is a mature and reliable technology for identifying people. Due to high-definition cameras and supporting devices, it is considered the fastest and the least intrusive biometric recognition modality. Nevertheless, effective spoofing attempts on face recognition systems were found to be possible. As a result, various anti-spoofing algorithms were developed to counteract these attacks. They are commonly referred in the literature a liveness detection tests. In this research we highlight the effectiveness of some simple, direct spoofing attacks, and test one of the current robust liveness detection algorithms, i.e. the logistic regression based face liveness detection from a single image, proposed by the Tan et al. in 2010, against malicious attacks using processed imposter images. In particular, we study experimentally the effect of common image processing operations such as sharpening and smoothing, as well as corruption with salt and pepper noise, on the face liveness detection algorithm, and we find that it is especially vulnerable against spoofing attempts using processed imposter images. We design and present a new facial database, the Durham Face Database, which is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to have client, imposter as well as processed imposter images. Finally, we evaluate our claim on the effectiveness of proposed imposter image attacks using transfer learning on Convolutional Neural Networks. We verify that such attacks are more difficult to detect even when using high-end, expensive machine learning techniques

    Image quality assessment for fake biometric detection: Application to Iris, fingerprint, and face recognition

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.To ensure the actual presence of a real legitimate trait in contrast to a fake self-manufactured synthetic or reconstructed sample is a significant problem in biometric authentication, which requires the development of new and efficient protection measures. In this paper, we present a novel software-based fake detection method that can be used in multiple biometric systems to detect different types of fraudulent access attempts. The objective of the proposed system is to enhance the security of biometric recognition frameworks, by adding liveness assessment in a fast, user-friendly, and non-intrusive manner, through the use of image quality assessment. The proposed approach presents a very low degree of complexity, which makes it suitable for real-time applications, using 25 general image quality features extracted from one image (i.e., the same acquired for authentication purposes) to distinguish between legitimate and impostor samples. The experimental results, obtained on publicly available data sets of fingerprint, iris, and 2D face, show that the proposed method is highly competitive compared with other state-of-the-art approaches and that the analysis of the general image quality of real biometric samples reveals highly valuable information that may be very efficiently used to discriminate them from fake traits.This work has been partially supported by projects Contexts (S2009/TIC-1485) from CAM, Bio-Shield (TEC2012-34881) from Spanish MECD, TABULA RASA (FP7-ICT-257289) and BEAT (FP7-SEC-284989) from EU, and Cátedra UAM-Telefónic