32 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Tingkat Parasitisasi Parasitoid Telur Dan Larva Terhadap Plutella Xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Pada Tanaman Kubis-kubisan

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    Evaluation of parasitization of egg and larvae parasitoids to Putella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) on crucifers. Diamond back moth Plutella xylostella is an important pest of cabbage in Indonesia. Trichogramma (egg parasitoid) and Diadegma (larvae parasitoid) are the main parasitoid of diamond back moth. This study was conducted as survey methods in several region in West Java. The results indicated that level of parasitism by egg parasitoid (40.45%) was higher than larvae parasitoid (15.98%)


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    The aim of the research was to know about the morphology characters, live cycle, and behavioral of parasitoid Trichogramma spp. from Dolago. The research was conducted in May 2003 until October 2004. Spesimen got from field and observation was conducted in the laboratory.       The result indicated that the spesimen from Dolago Parigi-Moutong was Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead spesies.  The morphology characters were: male dan female was yellowish  chocolate, red eyes and black thorax. Length body of adult was 0,4 - 0,5 mm and widely head 0,17 – 0,21 mm. Antenna type of female was capitate and male was filiform. The fore wings have trichia Rs1 as much 7-10 and in the boundary of  wings growed some hairs. Long live of  pra-adult phase was  8,2 + 0,3 days, the adult phase was 1,8 + 0,7 days and the total was 10,0 + 0.8 days. The adult parasitoid emerged from host-egg by infiltrating khorion. Immediately after it out of the host-egg, the adult look for the couple and copulation as soon as he can. Pra-Oviposition activities by female to get              the compatible new host-egg. The Oviposition activities on the first day reach 15-30 times per female. On the second day, the oviposition activities remained  1-5 times or did not oviposition  at all, than the adult immediately died. Key words : Trichogramma, japonicum, parasitoid, Scirpophaga innotata, paddy


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    This research was conducted to determine the species of the egg parasitoids in rice fields in Klaten, Jawa Tengah and Bantul, Yogyakarta. The egg parasitoids were observed by trapping them with rice plant (Cisadane) containing  eggs of  N. lugens.  The plants containing eggs of N. lugens were exposed in each field for two days. Ten plants of trap were placed along 300 m by transects at each location. Three species of egg parasitoids found in all rice fields were similar: Anagrus nilaparvatae, A. optabilis (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) and Oligosita (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).Key words: egg parasitoids, rice cultivation,  Nilaparvata lugen

    Representations of ethnic minorities in China's university media

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    This paper examines the representation of ethnic minorities in China through a review of campus newspapers, a major print medium in which universities exercise power over the discourse of cultural recognition. Three universities attended by minority students were selected. A two-dimensional mode (content and configuration) is established to analyze ethnic representations. A combination of content analysis and discourse analysis is used to categorize and analyze text and photographs relevant to ethnicity. The study concludes that (1) different discursive practices are employed to construct 'images' of ethnic groups as 'Others' or 'Us'; (2) representations of ethnic minorities and the Han generate three discursive dichotomies between minority and majority: minority groups are distinctive, potentially separatistic, and visible; and the Han people are normative, patriotic, and invisible, respectively; (3) the university media reflects an ideology of 'state multiculturalism' that constructs a reflexive representation of the relationship between majority and minority. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.postprin

    Un Pueblo en tres Estados. Colonización y cultura de resistencia en los mongoles.

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    La etnia mongol se encuentra atravesada por dos Estados, en una situación política y social de desventaja, tanto en la Federación de Rusia como en la RPC. En su propia patria natural, Mongolia, los mongoles encuentran motivos para desestimar a los propios grupos étnicos emparentados por su origen común. Basándose en la pureza khalkha, los mongoles del Estado de Mongolia crean diferencias con otros pueblos de Mongolia Exterior y Mongolia Interior, haciendo imposible que los diferentes pueblos que conforman la etnia mongol puedan compararse entre sí y dificultando su percepción como un solo Pueblo. No obstante, todas estas diferencias han sido creadas en su mayoría por los estados coloniales modernos, en un intento deliberado de evitar la creación de un Estado panmongol. Sin embargo, la literatura y los sentimientos étnicos expresados en ella, forman parte de una cultura compartida y sirve como nexo cultural entre los diferentes pueblos mongoles.The Mongolian ethnic group is divided between two states, in a politically and socially disadvantaged situation, both in the Russian Federation and in the PRC. In their own natural homeland, Mongolia, Mongolians find reasons to disdain their own ethnic groups related by their common origin. On the basis of khalkha purity, Mongolians in the State of Mongolia create differences with other peoples of Outer Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, making it impossible for the different peoples that make up the Mongolian ethnic group to compare with each other and making it difficult for them to be perceived as one People. However, all these differences have mostly been created by modern colonial states in a deliberate attempt to prevent the creation of a pan-Mongolian state. Nevertheless, literature and the ethnic sentiments expressed in it are part of a shared culture and serve as a cultural link between the different Mongolian peoples.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Estudios de Asia Orienta

    Keanekaragaman dan kepadatan serangga tanah di perkebunan jeruk semiorganik dan anorganik desa Kucur Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang

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    ABSTRAK: Serangga tanah merupakan serangga yang hidup di tanah, baik yang hidup di dalam tanahmaupun yang hidup di permukaan tanah. Keanekaragaman dan kepadatan serangga tanahmenjadikan factor penentu stabilitas ekosistem tanah yang juga berkontribusi terhadapkesuburan tanah. Keanekaragaman dan kepadatan serangga tanah diduga berhubungan puladengan sistem pertanian yang ada. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi genusserangga tanah yang ditemukan pada perkebunan jeruk semiorganik dan anorganik besertaperanannya, mengetahui indeks keanekaragaman, dominasi, kemerataan serta mengetahuinilai kepadatan dan kepadatan relatif serangga tanah pada sistem pertanian yang berbedaserta berhubungan dengan faktor lingkungan pada habitat serangga tanah. Diikuti dengannilai faktor fisika-kimia tanah dan hubungan faktor fisika-kimia tanah pada kedua lokasipenelitian. Analisis data Indeks Keanekaragaman Shannon-Wienner (H’), IndeksDominasi. Selanjutnya, koefisien korelasi dari jumlah genus dan faktor abiotik dianalisisdengan aplikasi software PAST 4.09. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 12 genus yangditemukan di kedua lokasi (Forficula, Eurycotis, Apogonia,, Gnamptogenys, Pangaeus,Myrmecocystus, Alphitobius, Pterostichus, Solenopsis, Gryllus, Gryllotalpa,Captotermes). Nilai indeks sebesar 1.943 pada lahan perkebunan jeruk anorganik dansebesar 2.265 pada lahan perkebunan jeruk semiorganik. Genus Myrmecocystus dengannilai kepadatan sebesar 48 dan 98,667 pada lahan anorganik dan semiorganik. Seranggatanah yang berperan sebagai herbivora terdapat 2 genus yaitu Genus Pangeus dan Gryllusdan sebagai predator terdiri dari 6 Genus diantaranya Gnamptogenys, Myrmecocystus,Alphitobius, Pterostichus, Solenopsis dan Gryllotalpa ABSTRACT: Soil insects are insects that live in the soil, both those that live in the soil and those that liveon the surface of the soil. The diversity and density of soil insects is a determining factorin the stability of the soil ecosystem which also contributes to soil fertility. The diversityand density of soil insects is also thought to be related to the existing agricultural system.The aim of the research is to identify the genus of soil insects found in semiorganic andinorganic orange plantations and their roles, to determine the index of diversity, dominance,evenness and to determine the density and relative density values of soil insects in differentagricultural systems and to relate to environmental factors in soil insect habitats. Followedby the value of soil physico-chemical factors and the relationship between soil physico-chemical factors at the two research locations. Data analysis of the Shannon-WiennerDiversity Index (H'), Dominance Index. Next, the correlation coefficient of the number ofgenera and abiotic factors was analyzed using the PAST 4.09 software application. Theresults showed that 12 genera were found in both locations (Forficula, Eurycotis,Apogonia, Gnamptogenys, Pangaeus, Myrmecocystus, Alphitobius, Pterostichus,Solenopsis, Gryllus, Gryllotalpa, Captotermes). The index value is 1,943 on inorganicorange plantation land and 2,265 on semiorganic orange plantation land. TheMyrmecocystus genus with density values of 48 and 98,667 on inorganic and semiorganicland. There are 2 genera of land insects that act as herbivores, namely the Generas Pangeusand Gryllus and as predators there are 5 genera, including Gnamptogenys, Myrmecocystus,Alphitobius, Pterostichus, Solenopsis and Gryllotalpa. مستخلص البحث: حشرات التربة هي الحشرات التي تعيش في التربة، سواء تلك التي تعيش في التربة أو تلك التي تعيش على سطحالتربة. إن تنوع وكثافة حشرات التربة يشكالن محددات الستقرار النظام اإليكولوجي للتربة تساهم أيضا في خصوبةالتربة. يعتقد أن تنوع وكثافة حشرات التربة مرتبطان بالنظم الزراعية القائمة. هدف البحث إلى معرفة جنس حشراتالتربة الموجودة في مزارع برتقال شبه العضوية وغير العضوية وأدوارها وتحديد مؤشر التنوع والهيمنة والتساويوتحديد قيمة الكثافة والكثافة النسبية لحشرات التربة في النظم الزراعية المختلفة وعالقتها بالعوامل البيئية في موائلحشرات التربة. تليها قيمة العوامل الفيزيائية والكيميائية للتربة وعالقة العوامل الفيزيائية والكيميائية للتربة في كالموقعي البحث. تحليل البيانات مؤشر التنوع شانون وينر (H')، مؤشر الهيمنة. عالوة على ذلك، تم تحليل معامالتاالرتباط لعدد األجناس والعوامل الالأحيائية باستخدام تطبيق البرنامجPAST 4.09. أظهرت النتائج أنه تم العثور على١٢جنسا فيكال الموقعين (Forficula ، Eurycotis ، Apogonia ، Gnamptogenys ، Pangaeus ،Myrmecocystus ، Alphitobius ، Pterostichus ، Solenopsis ، Gryllus ، Gryllotalpa ،Captotermes). كانت قيمة المؤشر١.٩٤٣على أراضي مزارع برتقال غير العضوية و٢.٢٦٥على أراضيمزارع برتقال شبه العضوية. جنسMyrmecocystusبقيم كثافة٤٨و٩٨٦٦٧على األراضي غير العضوية وشبهالعضوية. حشرات التربة التي تعمل كحيوانات عاشبة هناك جنسان، وهي جنسPangeusوGryllusوكحيواناتمفترسة تتكون من٦أجناس بما في ذلكGnamptogenysوMyrmecocystusوAlphitobiusوPterostichusوSolenopsisوGryllotalpa.الكلمات الرئيسية:حشرات التربة، المؤشر، مزارع برتقال


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    Hazelnut plant consisted of several types, including Aleurites moluccanna derived from Malaya Peninsula, Aleuritis fordi derived from China middle and montana grows in subtropical areas and allegedly originated from South China and Indochina Aleurites cordata from Japan to grow on the island near Tokyo. The nature of hazelnut plant species differ from one another Aleurites moluccanna wild plant height can reach 39 m with a trunk diameter of 110 cm. This plant was grown as a crop ever reforestation to cover the sandy hills in Java. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of disease, symptoms of frequency and intensity of the residual disease hazelnut (Aleurites moluccanna Willd) in the village Toaya Sindue District of Donggala Regency. This research was started in May - July 2014 stands hazelnut area in the village Toaya Sindue Donggala District of Central Sulawesi province. Identification of symptoms (symptoms) done by looking at the physical plant changes due to disease, such as the existence of cancer stem on pecan stands. To determine the types of diseases that attack plants used identification method is direct observations in the field. For species not yet known, the sample was taken and subsequently collected in the identification of the agriculture faculty in a Tadulako University laboratory for identification purposes. The results showed that the types of pathogens that attack the disease stands hazelnut (Aleurites moluccanna Willd) at the age of 7 and 10 in the village of Toaya there are 4 types including leaf blight disease, cancer stem, leaf spot diseases and diseases of the stands hazelnut (Aleurites moluccanna Willd ). By the age of 7 years on average was 63.3% and 39.8%, and at age 10 the average was 66.5% and 36.3%. Criteria residual damage hazelnut (Aleurites moluccanna Willd) by the age of 7 and 10 years, including being damaged criteria.Keywords: Identification, Disease, Stands, Pecans

    The Interaction of Cello and Chinese Traditional Music

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    This document concerns the interaction of the cello and Chinese traditional music with an emphasis on three major areas. An historical introduction to western music in China includes descriptions of its early appearances and development, musical education influences, and how the cello became an important instrument in China. The second section is a discussion of techniques of western music and Chinese traditional music as used by Chinese composers, who write works in both styles separately and in admixtures of the two. The third section is a description of four Chinese works that include cello: “《二泉印月》” (Reflection of Moon in Er-Quan Spring), “《川腔》” (The Voice of Chuan), “《渔舟唱晚》” (The Melodies of the Fishing Night), and “《对话集I》” (Dialogue I). Analysis of these four works helps show how the cello has been assimilated into Chinese traditional music in both solo and ensemble fields, with specific looks at incorporating traditional performing techniques on the cello, the imitation of programmatic themes and aspects of Chinese culture in such works, and complex issues concerning aspects of performance. The purpose of this document is to help introduce Chinese traditional music to western ears and further my interest in combining western music and traditional Chinese music, perhaps helping an interesting musical synthesis to emerge