451 research outputs found

    20 years of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures with Path Relinking

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    This is a comprehensive review of the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) metaheuristic and its hybridization with Path Relinking (PR) over the past two decades. GRASP with PR has become a widely adopted approach for solving hard optimization problems since its proposal in 1999. The paper covers the historical development of GRASP with PR and its theoretical foundations, as well as recent advances in its implementation and application. The review includes a critical analysis of variants of PR, including memory-based and randomized designs, with a total of ten different implementations. It describes these advanced designs both theoretically and practically on two well-known optimization problems, linear ordering and max-cut. The paper also explores the hybridization of GRASP with PR and other metaheuristics, such as Tabu Search and Scatter Search. Overall, this review provides valuable insights for researchers and practitioners seeking to utilize GRASP with PR for solving optimization problems.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Optimal location of car wreck adjusters

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    Su origen es difícil de determinar debido a las diversas restauraciones que se han llevado a cabo, los datos más antiguos son del siglo XVIII, aunque su origen es sin duda anterior. Junto a la Capilla se habilitó un hospital y asilo de transeúntes. Presenta planta rectangular, de una sola nave cubierta con una artesa de yeso y el presbiterio con bóveda de arista. Tiene una espadaña con campana y veleta de forja. En la puerta podemos encontrar un azulejo polícromo del siglo XVIII con la imagen de la Virgen de los Remedios. En el Interior, en el altar mayor, observamos una imagen de la Virgen de los Remedios, titular de la Capilla y Patrona del pueblo desde 1964. En el presbiterio, dentro de dos retablos neoclásicos, se encuentran las imágenes de San Isidro Labrador y de la Divina Pastora. Desde comienzos del siglo XXI la capilla ha estado cerrada ya que presentaba un elevado estado de deterioro. Debido a esto las imágenes fueron trasladadas a la Iglesia Parroquial. En el año 2012, dicho edificio fue restaurado quedando nuevamente abierto al público

    Randomized heuristics for the Capacitated Clustering Problem

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    In this paper, we investigate the adaptation of the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) and Iterated Greedy methodologies to the Capacitated Clustering Problem (CCP). In particular, we focus on the effect of the balance between randomization and greediness on the performance of these multi-start heuristic search methods when solving this NP-hard problem. The former is a memory-less approach that constructs independent solutions, while the latter is a memory-based method that constructs linked solutions, obtained by partially rebuilding previous ones. Both are based on the combination of greediness and randomization in the constructive process, and coupled with a subsequent local search phase. We propose these two multi-start methods and their hybridization and compare their performance on the CCP. Additionally, we propose a heuristic based on the mathematical programming formulation of this problem, which constitutes a so-called matheuristic. We also implement a classical randomized method based on simulated annealing to complete the picture of randomized heuristics. Our extensive experimentation reveals that Iterated Greedy performs better than GRASP in this problem, and improved outcomes are obtained when both methods are hybridized and coupled with the matheuristic. In fact, the hybridization is able to outperform the best approaches previously published for the CCP. This study shows that memory-based construction is an effective mechanism within multi-start heuristic search techniques
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