340 research outputs found

    The Iray Light Transport Simulation and Rendering System

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    While ray tracing has become increasingly common and path tracing is well understood by now, a major challenge lies in crafting an easy-to-use and efficient system implementing these technologies. Following a purely physically-based paradigm while still allowing for artistic workflows, the Iray light transport simulation and rendering system allows for rendering complex scenes by the push of a button and thus makes accurate light transport simulation widely available. In this document we discuss the challenges and implementation choices that follow from our primary design decisions, demonstrating that such a rendering system can be made a practical, scalable, and efficient real-world application that has been adopted by various companies across many fields and is in use by many industry professionals today

    Scalable data clustering using GPUs

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    The computational demands of multivariate clustering grow rapidly, and therefore processing large data sets, like those found in flow cytometry data, is very time consuming on a single CPU. Fortunately these techniques lend themselves naturally to large scale parallel processing. To address the computational demands, graphics processing units, specifically NVIDIA\u27s CUDA framework and Tesla architecture, were investigated as a low-cost, high performance solution to a number of clustering algorithms. C-means and Expectation Maximization with Gaussian mixture models were implemented using the CUDA framework. The algorithm implementations use a hybrid of CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI to scale to many GPUs on multiple nodes in a high performance computing environment. This framework is envisioned as part of a larger cloud-based workflow service where biologists can apply multiple algorithms and parameter sweeps to their data sets and quickly receive a thorough set of results that can be further analyzed by experts. Improvements over previous GPU-accelerated implementations range from 1.42x to 21x for C-means and 3.72x to 5.65x for the Gaussian mixture model on non-trivial data sets. Using a single NVIDIA GTX 260 speedups are on average 90x for C-means and 74x for Gaussians with flow cytometry files compared to optimized C code running on a single core of a modern Intel CPU. Using the TeraGrid Lincoln high performance cluster at NCSA C-means achieves 42% parallel efficiency and a CPU speedup of 4794x with 128 Tesla C1060 GPUs. The Gaussian mixture model achieves 72% parallel efficiency and a CPU speedup of 6286x

    Efficient Knowledge Extraction from Structured Data

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    Knowledge extraction from structured data aims for identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in the data. The core step of this process is the application of a data mining algorithm in order to produce an enumeration of particular patterns and relationships in large databases. Clustering is one of the major data mining tasks and aims at grouping the data objects into meaningful classes (clusters) such that the similarity of objects within clusters is maximized, and the similarity of objects from different clusters is minimized. In this thesis, we advance the state-of-the-art data mining algorithms for analyzing structured data types. We describe the development of innovative solutions for hierarchical data mining. The EM-based hierarchical clustering method ITCH (Information-Theoretic Cluster Hierarchies) is designed to propose solid solutions for four different challenges. (1) to guide the hierarchical clustering algorithm to identify only meaningful and valid clusters. (2) to represent each cluster content in the hierarchy by an intuitive description with e.g. a probability density function. (3) to consistently handle outliers. (4) to avoid difficult parameter settings. ITCH is built on a hierarchical variant of the information-theoretic principle of Minimum Description Length (MDL). Interpreting the hierarchical cluster structure as a statistical model of the dataset, it can be used for effective data compression by Huffman coding. Thus, the achievable compression rate induces a natural objective function for clustering, which automatically satisfies all four above mentioned goals. The genetic-based hierarchical clustering algorithm GACH (Genetic Algorithm for finding Cluster Hierarchies) overcomes the problem of getting stuck in a local optimum by a beneficial combination of genetic algorithms, information theory and model-based clustering. Besides hierarchical data mining, we also made contributions to more complex data structures, namely objects that consist of mixed type attributes and skyline objects. The algorithm INTEGRATE performs integrative mining of heterogeneous data, which is one of the major challenges in the next decade, by a unified view on numerical and categorical information in clustering. Once more, supported by the MDL principle, INTEGRATE guarantees the usability on real world data. For skyline objects we developed SkyDist, a similarity measure for comparing different skyline objects, which is therefore a first step towards performing data mining on this kind of data structure. Applied in a recommender system, for example SkyDist can be used for pointing the user to alternative car types, exhibiting a similar price/mileage behavior like in his original query. For mining graph-structured data, we developed different approaches that have the ability to detect patterns in static as well as in dynamic networks. We confirmed the practical feasibility of our novel approaches on large real-world case studies ranging from medical brain data to biological yeast networks. In the second part of this thesis, we focused on boosting the knowledge extraction process. We achieved this objective by an intelligent adoption of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The GPUs have evolved from simple devices for the display signal preparation into powerful coprocessors that do not only support typical computer graphics tasks but can also be used for general numeric and symbolic computations. As major advantage, GPUs provide extreme parallelism combined with a high bandwidth in memory transfer at low cost. In this thesis, we propose algorithms for computationally expensive data mining tasks like similarity search and different clustering paradigms which are designed for the highly parallel environment of a GPU, called CUDA-DClust and CUDA-k-means. We define a multi-dimensional index structure which is particularly suited to support similarity queries under the restricted programming model of a GPU. We demonstrate the superiority of our algorithms running on GPU over their conventional counterparts on CPU in terms of efficiency

    Efficient Point-Cloud Processing with Primitive Shapes

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    This thesis presents methods for efficient processing of point-clouds based on primitive shapes. The set of considered simple parametric shapes consists of planes, spheres, cylinders, cones and tori. The algorithms developed in this work are targeted at scenarios in which the occurring surfaces can be well represented by this set of shape primitives which is the case in many man-made environments such as e.g. industrial compounds, cities or building interiors. A primitive subsumes a set of corresponding points in the point-cloud and serves as a proxy for them. Therefore primitives are well suited to directly address the unavoidable oversampling of large point-clouds and lay the foundation for efficient point-cloud processing algorithms. The first contribution of this thesis is a novel shape primitive detection method that is efficient even on very large and noisy point-clouds. Several applications for the detected primitives are subsequently explored, resulting in a set of novel algorithms for primitive-based point-cloud processing in the areas of compression, recognition and completion. Each of these application directly exploits and benefits from one or more of the detected primitives' properties such as approximation, abstraction, segmentation and continuability

    Accelerating the Information-Theoretic Approach of Community Detection Using Distributed and Hybrid Memory Parallel Schemes

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    There are several approaches for discovering communities in a network (graph). Despite being approximating in nature, discovering communities based on the laws of Information Theory has a proven standard of accuracy. The information-theoretic algorithm known as Infomap developed a decade ago for detecting communities, did not foresee the tremendous growth of social networking, multimedia, and massive information boom. To discover communities in massive networks, we have designed a distributed-memory-parallel Infomap in the MPI framework. Our design reaches scalability of over 500 processes capable of processing networks with millions of edges while maintaining quality comparable to the sequential Infomap. We have further developed a novel parallel hybrid approach for Infomap consists of both distributed and shared memory parallelism using MPI and OpenMP frameworks. This achieves a speedup of more than 11x in processing a network of over 100 million edges which is significantly greater than the state-of-the-art techniques
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