1,278 research outputs found

    GPU-Accelerated BWT Construction for Large Collection of Short Reads

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    Advances in DNA sequencing technology have stimulated the development of algorithms and tools for processing very large collections of short strings (reads). Short-read alignment and assembly are among the most well-studied problems. Many state-of-the-art aligners, at their core, have used the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) as a main-memory index of a reference genome (typical example, NCBI human genome). Recently, BWT has also found its use in string-graph assembly, for indexing the reads (i.e., raw data from DNA sequencers). In a typical data set, the volume of reads is tens of times of the sequenced genome and can be up to 100 Gigabases. Note that a reference genome is relatively stable and computing the index is not a frequent task. For reads, the index has to computed from scratch for each given input. The ability of efficient BWT construction becomes a much bigger concern than before. In this paper, we present a practical method called CX1 for constructing the BWT of very large string collections. CX1 is the first tool that can take advantage of the parallelism given by a graphics processing unit (GPU, a relative cheap device providing a thousand or more primitive cores), as well as simultaneously the parallelism from a multi-core CPU and more interestingly, from a cluster of GPU-enabled nodes. Using CX1, the BWT of a short-read collection of up to 100 Gigabases can be constructed in less than 2 hours using a machine equipped with a quad-core CPU and a GPU, or in about 43 minutes using a cluster with 4 such machines (the speedup is almost linear after excluding the first 16 minutes for loading the reads from the hard disk). The previously fastest tool BRC is measured to take 12 hours to process 100 Gigabases on one machine; it is non-trivial how BRC can be parallelized to take advantage a cluster of machines, let alone GPUs.Comment: 11 page

    MEGAHIT: An ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via succinct de Bruijn graph

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    MEGAHIT is a NGS de novo assembler for assembling large and complex metagenomics data in a time- and cost-efficient manner. It finished assembling a soil metagenomics dataset with 252Gbps in 44.1 hours and 99.6 hours on a single computing node with and without a GPU, respectively. MEGAHIT assembles the data as a whole, i.e., it avoids pre-processing like partitioning and normalization, which might compromise on result integrity. MEGAHIT generates 3 times larger assembly, with longer contig N50 and average contig length than the previous assembly. 55.8% of the reads were aligned to the assembly, which is 4 times higher than the previous. The source code of MEGAHIT is freely available at https://github.com/voutcn/megahit under GPLv3 license.Comment: 2 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure, submitted to Oxford Bioinformatics as an Application Not

    SOAP3-dp: Fast, Accurate and Sensitive GPU-based Short Read Aligner

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    To tackle the exponentially increasing throughput of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), most of the existing short-read aligners can be configured to favor speed in trade of accuracy and sensitivity. SOAP3-dp, through leveraging the computational power of both CPU and GPU with optimized algorithms, delivers high speed and sensitivity simultaneously. Compared with widely adopted aligners including BWA, Bowtie2, SeqAlto, GEM and GPU-based aligners including BarraCUDA and CUSHAW, SOAP3-dp is two to tens of times faster, while maintaining the highest sensitivity and lowest false discovery rate (FDR) on Illumina reads with different lengths. Transcending its predecessor SOAP3, which does not allow gapped alignment, SOAP3-dp by default tolerates alignment similarity as low as 60 percent. Real data evaluation using human genome demonstrates SOAP3-dp's power to enable more authentic variants and longer Indels to be discovered. Fosmid sequencing shows a 9.1 percent FDR on newly discovered deletions. SOAP3-dp natively supports BAM file format and provides a scoring scheme same as BWA, which enables it to be integrated into existing analysis pipelines. SOAP3-dp has been deployed on Amazon-EC2, NIH-Biowulf and Tianhe-1A.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PLoS ONE, additional files available at "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bhclhxpoiubh371/O5CO_CkXQE". Comments most welcom

    Fast construction of FM-index for long sequence reads

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    Summary: We present a new method to incrementally construct the FM-index for both short and long sequence reads, up to the size of a genome. It is the first algorithm that can build the index while implicitly sorting the sequences in the reverse (complement) lexicographical order without a separate sorting step. The implementation is among the fastest for indexing short reads and the only one that practically works for reads of averaged kilobases in length. Availability and implementation: https://github.com/lh3/ropebwt2 Contact: [email protected]: 2 page

    The Parallelism Motifs of Genomic Data Analysis

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    Genomic data sets are growing dramatically as the cost of sequencing continues to decline and small sequencing devices become available. Enormous community databases store and share this data with the research community, but some of these genomic data analysis problems require large scale computational platforms to meet both the memory and computational requirements. These applications differ from scientific simulations that dominate the workload on high end parallel systems today and place different requirements on programming support, software libraries, and parallel architectural design. For example, they involve irregular communication patterns such as asynchronous updates to shared data structures. We consider several problems in high performance genomics analysis, including alignment, profiling, clustering, and assembly for both single genomes and metagenomes. We identify some of the common computational patterns or motifs that help inform parallelization strategies and compare our motifs to some of the established lists, arguing that at least two key patterns, sorting and hashing, are missing

    High-Performance Computing Frameworks for Large-Scale Genome Assembly

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    Genome sequencing technology has witnessed tremendous progress in terms of throughput and cost per base pair, resulting in an explosion in the size of data. Typical de Bruijn graph-based assembly tools demand a lot of processing power and memory and cannot assemble big datasets unless running on a scaled-up server with terabytes of RAMs or scaled-out cluster with several dozens of nodes. In the first part of this work, we present a distributed next-generation sequence (NGS) assembler called Lazer, that achieves both scalability and memory efficiency by using partitioned de Bruijn graphs. By enhancing the memory-to-disk swapping and reducing the network communication in the cluster, we can assemble large sequences such as human genomes (~400 GB) on just two nodes in 14.5 hours, and also scale up to 128 nodes in 23 minutes. We also assemble a synthetic wheat genome with 1.1 TB of raw reads on 8 nodes in 18.5 hours and on 128 nodes in 1.25 hours. In the second part, we present a new distributed GPU-accelerated NGS assembler called LaSAGNA, which can assemble large-scale sequence datasets using a single GPU by building string graphs from approximate all-pair overlaps in quasi-linear time. To use the limited memory on GPUs efficiently, LaSAGNA uses a two-level semi-streaming approach from disk through host memory to device memory with restricted access patterns on both disk and host memory. Using LaSAGNA, we can assemble the human genome dataset on a single NVIDIA K40 GPU in 17 hours, and in a little over 5 hours on an 8-node cluster of NVIDIA K20s. In the third part, we present the first distributed 3rd generation sequence (3GS) assembler which uses a map-reduce computing paradigm and a distributed hash-map, both built on a high-performance networking middleware. Using this assembler, we assembled an Oxford Nanopore human genome dataset (~150 GB) in just over half an hour using 128 nodes whereas existing 3GS assemblers could not assemble it because of memory and/or time limitations
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