4 research outputs found

    Validation and application of the lattice Boltzmann algorithm for a turbulent immiscible Rayleigh-Taylor system

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    We develop a multicomponent lattice Boltzmann (LB) model for the 2D Rayleigh--Taylor turbulence with a Shan-Chen pseudopotential implemented on GPUs. In the immiscible case this method is able to accurately overcome the inherent numerical complexity caused by the complicated structure of the interface that appears in the fully developed turbulent regime. Accuracy of the LB model is tested both for early and late stages of instability. For the developed turbulent motion we analyze the balance between different terms describing variations of the kinetic and potential energies. Then, we analyze the role of interface in the energy balance, and also the effects of the vorticity induced by the interface in the energy dissipation. Statistical properties are compared for miscible and immiscible flows. Our results can also be considered as a first validation step to extend the application of LB model to 3D immiscible Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2009.0005

    Metastability at the Yield-Stress Transition in Soft Glasses

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    We study the solid-to-liquid transition in a two-dimensional fully periodic soft-glassy model with an imposed spatially heterogeneous stress. The model we consider consists of droplets of a dispersed phase jammed together in a continuous phase. When the peak value of the stress gets close to the yield stress of the material, we find that the whole system intermittently tunnels to a metastable "fluidized" state, which relaxes back to a metastable "solid" state by means of an elastic-wave dissipation. This macroscopic scenario is studied through the microscopic displacement field of the droplets, whose time statistics displays a remarkable bimodality. Metastability is rooted in the existence, in a given stress range, of two distinct stable rheological branches as well as long-range correlations (e.g., large dynamic heterogeneity) developed in the system. Finally, we show that a similar behavior holds for a pressure-driven flow, thus suggesting possible experimental tests.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Local Fluidization of Concentrated Emulsion in Microfluidic Channels Textured at the Droplet Scale

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    The rheology of soft-flowing systems, such as concentrated emulsions, foams, gels, slurries, colloidal glasses and related complex fluids, has a larger and larger impact in modern science and engineering. Much of the fascination of these systems stems from the fact that they do not fall within any of three basic states of matter, gas-liquid-solid, but live rather on a moving border between them. To understand the flow mechanism, it is necessary to have a look at the micro-scale dynamics of its constituents (i.e, droplets for emulsions, bubbles for foams, blobs for gels, etc.). In fact, in these fluids, the flow occurs via successive elastic deformations and plastic rearrangements, which create fragile regions enhancing the “fluidization” of the material. Despite the fluidization of Soft Glassy Materials (SGMs) is strongly affected by the surface roughness, the role played by the density, the orientation and the periodicity of rough elements has not been quantitatively addressed so far. In fact, predict and control the flow of SGMs is particularly important for an ample variety of technological applications from food to pharmaceutical industries. In this work, we study the flow of concentrated emulsions in microfluidic channels, one wall of which is patterned with micron-size grooves with different patterns. Using equally spaced grooves, we find a scaling law describing the roughness-induced fluidization as a function of the density of the grooves, thus fluidization can be predicted and quantitatively regulated. Furthermore, we quantitatively report the existence of two physically different scenarios. When the gap is large, compared to the droplets in the emulsion, the droplets hit the solid obstacles and easily escape scrambling with their neighbors. Conversely, as the gap spacing is reduced, droplets get trapped inside, creating a “soft roughness” layer, i.e., a complementary series of deformable posts. Introducing an asymmetrical micro-roughness (herringbone pattern), the flow presents, in turn an asymmetric behavior. The emulsion flows faster in the same direction of the herringbone groove respect when it flows in the opposite direction. Our experimental observations are suitably complemented and confirmed by lattice Boltzmann simulations. These numerical simulations are key to highlight the change in the spatial distribution of the plastic rearrangements caused by surface roughness and to elucidate the micro-mechanics of the roughness induced fluidization