8 research outputs found

    Precise Point Positioning Augmentation for Various Grades of Global Navigation Satellite System Hardware

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    The next generation of low-cost, dual-frequency, multi-constellation GNSS receivers, boards, chips and antennas are now quickly entering the market, offering to disrupt portions of the precise GNSS positioning industry with much lower cost hardware and promising to provide precise positioning to a wide range of consumers. The presented work provides a timely, novel and thorough investigation into the positioning performance promise. A systematic and rigorous set of experiments has been carried-out, collecting measurements from a wide array of low-cost, dual-frequency, multi-constellation GNSS boards, chips and antennas introduced in late 2018 and early 2019. These sensors range from dual-frequency, multi-constellation chips in smartphones to stand-alone chips and boards. In order to be comprehensive and realistic, these experiments were conducted in a number of static and kinematic benign, typical, suburban and urban environments. In terms of processing raw measurements from these sensors, the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) GNSS measurement processing mode was used. PPP has become the defacto GNSS positioning and navigation technique for scientific and engineering applications that require dm- to cm-level positioning in remote areas with few obstructions and provides for very efficient worldwide, wide-array augmentation corrections. To enhance solution accuracy, novel contributions were made through atmospheric constraints and the use of dual- and triple-frequency measurements to significantly reduce PPP convergence period. Applying PPP correction augmentations to smartphones and recently released low-cost equipment, novel analyses were made with significantly improved solution accuracy. Significant customization to the York-PPP GNSS measurement processing engine was necessary, especially in the quality control and residual analysis functions, in order to successfully process these datasets. Results for new smartphone sensors show positioning performance is typically at the few dm-level with a convergence period of approximately 40 minutes, which is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude better than standard point positioning. The GNSS chips and boards combined with higher-quality antennas produce positioning performance approaching geodetic quality. Under ideal conditions, carrier-phase ambiguities are resolvable. The results presented show a novel perspective and are very promising for the use of PPP (as well as RTK) in next-generation GNSS sensors for various application in smartphones, autonomous vehicles, Internet of things (IoT), etc

    Analysis of Precipitable Water Vapour in Angola Using GNSS Observations

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    For accurate weather predictions and analysis of extreme events, a good estimate of the amount of water content in the atmosphere is essential. This information is provided by several techniques like radiosondes that measure this parameter at various heights. However, most of them are very limited spatially and temporarily or suffer from measurement specific constraints. To complement these techniques, Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) can be measured with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) at CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations) networks. when the temperature and pressure are also known at the station location. PWV can be derived from the delay in the GNSS signal when it passes through the troposphere. In the framework of SUGGEST-AFRICA, it is being implemented a system to use the national GNSS stations for the automatic computation of PWV in Angola. Thus, this dissertation intends to describe the necessary steps to develop a system to be used for supporting meteorological and climate applications in Angola. SUGGEST-AFRICA also funded the installation of 5 weather stations, collocated with GNSS stations in Angola namely: Benguela, Cabinda, Cuito, Luanda and Namibe, in order to obtain pressure and temperature which is necessary to obtain the PWV estimates. When there are no nearby meteorological stations, the potential alternative is to use values from global/regional models. Methodologies have been optimized to passive and actively access the GNSS data; the PWV estimations are computed using PPP (Precise Point Positioning), which permits the estimation of each station separately; solutions have been validated using internal values. In addition, analyses are presented to evaluate the reliability of the network. This work presents preliminary results for the variation of the ZTD data available all around the territory in Angola and how they relate to the seasonal variations in water vapour. Also, presents preliminary results for the time-series variation of PWV in the Luanda station (collocated by the SEGAL group). This study is supported by SUGGEST-AFRICA, funded by Fundação Aga Khan and FCT. It uses computational resources provided by C4G – Collaboratory for Geosciences (PINFRA/22151/2016). It is also supported by project FCT/UIDB/50019/2020 – IDL funded by FCT.Para precisão da previsão do tempo e análise de eventos extremos é fundamental uma boa estimativa do vapor da água na atmosfera. O vapor da água na atmosfera é fornecido por várias técnicas como radio sondagem que mede este parâmetro em várias alturas. No entanto, muito dessas técnicas são limitadas devido a resolução espacial e temporal ou sofrem restrições específicas de medição. Para completar estas limitações encontrado nas demais técnicas, o vapor da água precipitável (PWV) pode ser medido pelo GNSS (Sistemas de navegação global por satélite) CORS (Rede nacional de estações de referência de operação continua). PWV pode ser obtido a partir do atraso do sinal de GNSS através da troposfera, quando a temperatura e a pressão também são conhecidas derivado da localização duma estação meteorológica. No âmbito da SUGGEST-ÁFRICA, esta ser implementado um sistema de modo a calcular o PWV de uma maneira automática em Angola. Assim, nesta dissertação pretende descrever os passos necessários para desenvolver tal sistema a ser utilizado para apoiar aplicações meteorológicas e climáticas em Angola. SUGGEST-ÁFRICA também financiou a instalação de 5 estações meteorológicas, colocada com estações GNSS em Angola, nomeadamente: Benguela, Cabinda, Cuito, Luanda e Namibe, a fim de obter a pressão e a temperatura necessárias para obter as estimativas PWV. Aconselha-se o uso dos modelos globais/regionais para aquisição de valores de pressão e temperatura quando não existe dados nas estações meteorológicas adjacentes. As metodologias foram otimizadas para o acesso passivo e ativo dos dados GNSS; a estimação do vapor de água precipitável é calculada usando a técnica PPP (Posicionamento do ponto preciso), que permite a determinação de cada estação individualmente e separadamente; as soluções foram validadas usando valor interno. Além disso, são apresentadas análises para avaliar a fiabilidade da rede. Este trabalho, também apresenta resultados preliminares para a variação de todo dados do ZTD disponível em Angola e a forma como se relacionam com as variações sazonais do vapor de água. Também, apresenta variação da série temporal do PWV na estação meteorológica de Luanda (instalado pela SEGAL). Este estudo é suportado pela SUGGEST-ÁFRICA, financiado pela fundação Aga Khan e FCT. Utiliza recurso computacional fornecido pela C4G – Colaboração de Geociências (PINFRA/ 22151/2016). Também é apoiado pelo projecto FCT/UIDB/50019/2020 – IDL financiado pela FCT

    The Potential of Precipitable Water Vapour Measurements from Global Navigation Satellite Systems in Luxembourg

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    The primary objectives of this research were to investigate the potential of precipitable water vapour (PWV) estimates derived from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) measurements, firstly, for short-term weather forecasting based on numerical weather prediction (NWP) in Luxembourg and its surroundings and, secondly, for monitoring climate on regional and global scales. The suitability of real-time (RT) zenith total delay (ZTD) estimates obtained from three different precise point positioning (PPP) software packages was assessed by comparing them with the state-of-the-art product from the International GNSS Service (namely the IGS Final troposphere product) as well as collocated radiosonde (RS) observations. It was found that the RT-PPP ZTD estimates from two of the three software packages meet the threshold requirements for NWP nowcasting. The biases between the RT-PPP ZTD and the reference ZTD were found to be stable over time for all the RT-PPP ZTD solutions. A millimetre-level impact on the RT-PPP ZTD estimates was also observed when integer ambiguities were resolved. The impact of assimilating GNSS-derived near real-time (NRT) ZTD in the Applications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale (AROME) NWP model using a three-dimensional, variational (3D-VAR) assimilation scheme on the quality of weather forecasts for Luxembourg was studied. It was found that the assimilation of GNSS-derived ZTD systematically improves the atmospheric humidity short-range forecasts in comparison to other water vapour observing systems (radio soundings, satellite radiances, surface networks). Examination of several case studies revealed the ability of the ZTD observations to modify the intensity and location of predicted precipitation in accordance with previous studies. The addition of ZTD from the dense GNSS network in Wallonie (Belgium) was also found to be beneficial by improving the prediction of rainfall patterns in Luxembourg. The 2D maps of IWV obtained from the hourly NRT system were compared with cloud distribution and precipitation maps from satellite and weather radar data, respectively, and a good agreement in the location of the front system was found. A rise in IWV was recorded during a precipitation event in Luxembourg and it was shown that by observing the IWV change over the ground-based GNSS stations in Luxembourg in NRT, it is possible to determine the speed and direction of the passing fronts and hence storms can also be tracked. A 5-year long global reprocessed GNSS data set containing over 400 ground-based GNSS stations and based on the double differencing strategy has been used to validate the ZTD estimates obtained from the climate reanalysis model of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) namely the ECMWF ReAnalysis-Interim (ERA-Interim) in different climate zones. It was found that the correlation coefficient between the GNSS-derived ZTD observations and the ZTD modeled by ERA-Interim ranges from 0.87 to 1.00. Higher correlation coefficients were found for the stations belonging to the climate zones with lower amount of water vapour. Furthermore, it was found that the mean, SDev and RMS of the differences depends on periodicity in the residuals, altitude of the stations in a particular zone as well as the topographic variation in the zone. Monthly and seasonal means of GNSS-derived ZTD (ZTDgnss) were computed using a global ZTDgnss dataset consisting of 19-years of data and over 400 stations to study the climate variability in different climate zones. In terms of seasonal means, it was found that the climate zones in the northern hemisphere have ZTD maxima in Boreal Summer (June-July-August) whereas those in the southern hemisphere have ZTD maxima in Austral Summer (December-January-February). Monthly and seasonal variability in ZTDgnss was also studied for the locations of 6 ground-based GNSS (SPSLux) stations in Luxembourg. It was found that all the 6 SPSLux stations experience the same monthly and seasonal variability of ZTDgnss. In terms of monthly variation, it was found that the maxima in ZTDgnss occurs around the month of July for all the 6 SPSLux stations whereas in terms of seasonal variation, the location of maxima was found to be in Summer (June-July-August). The suitability of the ZTD derived using precise point positioning (PPP) strategy for climate monitoring applications was studied through its comparison with the ZTD estimates derived using double differenced positioning (DDP) using a global network of 114 stations and duration of 1 year. The mean differences between the two were found to be ranging from -3.35 to 2.37 mm over different climate zones. Furthermore, correlation coefficients ranging from 0.90 and 1.00 were found between the ZTD obtained using the two processing strategies. It was found that use of higher elevation cut-off angles and tropospheric mapping functions based on NWP improves the agreement between the PPP and DDP solutions

    Beyond 100: The Next Century in Geodesy

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    This open access book contains 30 peer-reviewed papers based on presentations at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). The meeting was held from July 8 to 18, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, with the theme being the celebration of the centennial of the establishment of the IUGG. The centennial was also a good opportunity to look forward to the next century, as reflected in the title of this volume. The papers in this volume represent a cross-section of present activity in geodesy, and highlight the future directions in the field as we begin the second century of the IUGG. During the meeting, the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) organized one Union Symposium, 6 IAG Symposia, 7 Joint Symposia with other associations, and 20 business meetings. In addition, IAG co-sponsored 8 Union Symposia and 15 Joint Symposia. In total, 3952 participants registered, 437 of them with IAG priority. In total, there were 234 symposia and 18 Workshops with 4580 presentations, of which 469 were in IAG-associated symposia. ; This volume will publish papers based on International Association of Geodesy (IAG) -related presentations made at the International Association of Geodesy at the 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, July 2019. It will include papers associated with all of the IAG and joint symposia from the meeting, which span all aspects of modern geodesy, and linkages to earth and environmental sciences. It continues the long-running IAG Symposia Series

    Beyond 100: The Next Century in Geodesy

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    This open access book contains 30 peer-reviewed papers based on presentations at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). The meeting was held from July 8 to 18, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, with the theme being the celebration of the centennial of the establishment of the IUGG. The centennial was also a good opportunity to look forward to the next century, as reflected in the title of this volume. The papers in this volume represent a cross-section of present activity in geodesy, and highlight the future directions in the field as we begin the second century of the IUGG. During the meeting, the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) organized one Union Symposium, 6 IAG Symposia, 7 Joint Symposia with other associations, and 20 business meetings. In addition, IAG co-sponsored 8 Union Symposia and 15 Joint Symposia. In total, 3952 participants registered, 437 of them with IAG priority. In total, there were 234 symposia and 18 Workshops with 4580 presentations, of which 469 were in IAG-associated symposia. ; This volume will publish papers based on International Association of Geodesy (IAG) -related presentations made at the International Association of Geodesy at the 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, July 2019. It will include papers associated with all of the IAG and joint symposia from the meeting, which span all aspects of modern geodesy, and linkages to earth and environmental sciences. It continues the long-running IAG Symposia Series

    Methods of navigation: An introduction to technological navigation

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    Ihminen on historian aikana aina navigoinut. Teknologinen navigointi syntyi merenkulussa, koska avomerellä tarvittiin mittauksia oman sijainnin määrittämiseksi. Lentokoneet, ohjukset ja avaruusalukset sekä kuivalla maalla liikkuvat kulkuneuvot ja jopa jalankulkijat kaikki ”navigoivat” nykyteknologioiden avulla. Kehitys on pääosin kahden teknologian ansiota: satelliittipaikannuksen, kuten GPS:n (Global Positioning System), ja inertianavigoinnin. Myös tieto- ja viestintätekniikka on kehittynyt, erityisesti rekursiivinen lineaarinen suodatus eli Kalmanin suodin. Lisäksi pienet ja hinnaltaan huokeat digitaaliset anturit ovat mullistamassa jokapäiväisen navigoinnin. Tässä kirjassa käsiteltäviä aiheita ovat navigoinnin perusteet, stokastiset prosessit, Kalmanin suodin, inertianavigoinnin teknologiat ja menetelmät, GNSS-signaalien rakenne, kantoaallon vaihemittaukset ja kokonaistuntemattomat, tosiaikainen GNSSpaikannus ja navigointi, differentiaalikorjausten viestintäratkaisut ja standardit, GNSStukiasemat ja -verkot, satelliittipohjaiset parannusjärjestelmät, ilmagravimetria sekä anturifuusio ja sattuman anturit.Historically, humankind has always navigated. Technological navigation originated in seafaring, because on the open ocean, measurements are needed in order to determine one’s own location as a part of navigation. Aircraft, rockets and spacecraft as well as vehicles moving on dry land, and even pedestrians, all ”navigate” by means of modern technologies. This development is mainly due to two technologies: satellite positioning, such as GPS (the Global Positioning System) and inertial navigation. Also information and communication technologiy has evolved: especially recursive linear filtering or the Kalman filter. Furthermore, small and inexpensive digital sensors are revolutionising everyday navigation. Subjects explained in this book are the fundamentals of navigation, stochastic processes, the Kalman filter, inertial navigation technology and methods, GNSS signal structure, carrier-phase measurement and ambiguities, real-time GNSS positioning and navigation, communication solutions and standards for differential corrections, GNSS base stations and networks, satellite-based augmentation systems, airborne gravimetry, sensor fusion and sensors of opportunity

    Precise Orbit Determination of CubeSats

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    CubeSats are faced with some limitations, mainly due to the limited onboard power and the quality of the onboard sensors. These limitations significantly reduce CubeSats' applicability in space missions requiring high orbital accuracy. This thesis first investigates the limitations in the precise orbit determination of CubeSats and next develops algorithms and remedies to reach high orbital and clock accuracies. The outputs would help in increasing CubeSats' applicability in future space missions