1,079 research outputs found

    A Case for using Grid Framework for Indian Rural Healthcare to Meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

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    As per the September 2010, Annual Report of Department of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI, 75% of human resources and advanced medical technology,70% of hospitals and 40% of beds are in the private sector and mostly in the urban areas. Due to poor Infrastructure, insufficient supply of skilled doctors and dispersed populations the people living in the rural areas do not get any specialist care ,advice and treatment plan resulting in high MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate per 100,000 live births) and IMR(Infant Mortality Rate).We have proposed a HealthGrid Framework using the SWAN as an IT backbone and also formation of a Data Grid EHR to be shared by specialist doctors to provide better medical services to the rural poor which in turn helps us to meet the MDGs by 2015

    RSA authentication mechanisms in control grid computing environment using Gridsim toolkit

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    There are security concerns when our sensitive data is placed in the third party infrastructure such as in the Grid Computing environment. As such, it is difficult to be assured that our data is in the safe hands.Thus, authentication has become the most critical factor pertaining to this.There are several approaches has been discussed in the grid computing environment on the safeguard, scalable and efficient authentication that are either Virtual Organization centric or Resource centric.Most of the grid computing uses public key infrastructure (PKI) to secure the identification, but the vulnerability are still cannot be avoid. In order to satisfy the security need of grid computing environment, we design an alternative authentication mechanism using RSA algorithm to ensure the user identification, and carry out the experiment in the Gridsim toolkit simulator

    Multi-Agents Implementation Frameworks - An Overview

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    Large scale deployment of Micro Grids besides the advanced metering, demand response, reliable communications infrastructure set up has been incorporated into the technological road map of the future smart power grid. To congregate the operation and control needs of distributed energy resources in Micro-Grids the Multi-Agent System (MAS) seem to have splendid features. MAS is an emerging sub-field of Distributed Artificial Intelligence that has the potential to manage the changing face of electric power grid by inculcating intelligent agents into Micro-Grids. To create agents and implement MAS a framework, a platform is obligatory where in the agents reside and operate from. There is a wide range of Multi-agent platforms available on the web like Aglet, Grasshopper, DESIRE, Jadex, ZEUS, JADE etc. Each agent platform has to be evaluated according to the some criteria that have been mentioned in this endeavor. A brief relative appraisal of an assortment of agent platforms has been provided. According to various noteworthy researches the most used platform in micro-grid applications is JADE. This paper presents an architectural and functional overview of the agent building toolkit JADE framework for Multi-Agent System implementation. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150210

    Smart grid replication : handbook for India

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    India has embarked on an ambitious sustainable development pathway by applying a multipronged approach spanning several sectors from developing smart cities to enabling electric vehicles. In the power sector, it is necessary to transform and prepare the grid at both the transmission and distribution levels to ensure the success of India’s sustainability journey. Implementation of innovative smart grid projects will enable India to reach its ambitious sustainability goals. However, a multitude of challenges in rolling out these novel solutions on a nationwide scale continue to persist. The handbook contains insights and tools that will aid implementation and replication of innovative smart grid projects in India. Therefore, this handbook provides its readers with the following: Insights into opportunities and barriers in replicating smart grid projects in India; A framework for selecting use cases based on their relevance to India; The CBA tool to assess the costs and benefits of smart grid use cases in India; The SRA tool to assess the scalability and replicability of smart grid use cases in India; Insights from applying the abovementioned tools to both European and Indian case studies