651 research outputs found

    Il cgml: una soluzione basata su xml per la rappresentazione di mappe vettoriali su dispositivi mobili

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    L’evoluzione tecnologica dei dispositivi mobili, in termini di potenza di calcolo, capacitĂ  di visualizzazione e memorizzazione, e il proliferare di sistemi di connessione a banda larga su rete locale wireless (WiFi) e cellulare (UMTS), permette la gestione di dati complessi quali le mappe vettoriali e l’accesso ai Location Based Service (LBS) per mezzo di un telefono cellulare o un palmare. L’uso di linguaggi XML nel settore dei LBS condiziona la struttura delle funzionalitĂ  e dei dati ma garantisce l’interoperabilitĂ  dei servizi. Un esempio Ăš il linguaggio GML (Geographic Markup Language) standard de facto nello scambio dei dati tra sistemi GIS e nella rappresentazione dell’informazione geografica. Il GML non Ăš orientato alla rappresentazione di mappe vettoriali, Ăš quindi necessario trasformarlo in un altro linguaggio XML, ad esempio il linguaggio grafico SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Per evitare la separazione tra il dato geografico (GML) e la sua visualizzazione (Mobile SVG) ma usando comunque le mappe vettoriali su dispositivi mobili, abbiamo definito il cGML (compact Geographic Markup Language). La rappresentazione di un dato tramite cGML Ăš una mappa vettoriale e come tale puĂČ essere utilizzata nella presentazione grafica, ma allo stesso momento Ăš anche un contenitore di insiemi di dati geo-riferiti, omogenei per semantica, utilizzabili in elaborazioni locali sul dispositivo mobile.Enhanced mobile device performances, in terms of CPU power, memory capacity, display capabilities and adoption of wideband connectivity based on local wireless (WiFi) and cellular (UMTS) networks, bring interactive mapping and access to Location Based Services (LBS) to mobile phones and PDAs. The use of XML language in the LBS influences data structure, functionalities and performances; although it could be time and memory expensive, it guarantees service interoperability. The GML language (Geographic Markup Language) is "de facto" standard in data exchanging between Geographic Information Systems. The GML has not been designed to represent vector map: it has to be transformed into another XML language, for example the graphical-oriented XML language Mobile SVG. To avoid the separation between the geographic data (GML) and its visualization (Mobile SVG), keeping vector mapping on mobile devices, we have designed the cGML (compact Geographic Markup Language). The data encoded using cGML is a vector map, so that it can be used in the graphic representation, but at the same time it is a container of geographical related data set, homogenous for semantic and usable in local processing on the mobile device

    The cgml: a xml language for mobile cartography

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    Increasing processing power and storage capabilities encourage systematic adoption of high-end mobile devices, such as programmable cellular phones and wireless-enabled PDA to implement new exciting applications. The performances of modern mobile devices are bringing innovative scenarios, based on position awareness and ambient intelligence paradigms. The market is moving from old 'Wireless Applications' approach to Mobile Computing, which aims to exploit mobile host capabilities. This paper presents the compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML), an XML-based language defined to enable design and development of LBS applications specific for mobile devices, and an example of client-server architecture using it

    Compact gml: merging mobile computing and mobile cartography

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    The use of portable devices is moving from "Wireless Applications", typically implemented as browsing-on-the-road, to "Mobile Computing", which aims to exploit increasing processing power of consumer devices. As users get connected with smartphones and PDAs, they look for geographic information and location-aware services. While browser-based approaches have been explored (using static images or graphics formats such as Mobile SVG), a data model tailored for local computation on mobile devices is still missing. This paper presents the Compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML) that enables design and development of specific purpose GIS applications for portable consumer devices where a cGML document can be used as a spatial query result as well

    Developing Android Mobile Map Application with standard navigation tools for pedestrians

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    Advanced features of modern mobile devices have made it possible to develop and use maps and map based applications for navigation purposes. Since most mobile map applications nowadays are developed for motor vehicles, there is a demand for portable pedestrian navigation applications. In this thesis the Android mobile map application with standard navigation tools for pedestrian navigation was developed, as a platform for facilitating the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator of the HaptiMap project. The pivotal aim of the Lund Challenge demonstrator is to make the sights of Lund city more accessible. The mobile phone application is being designed as a touristic, historical location based game which will also assist tourists to navigate themselves in the city. To enable exploration of historical and current sites of Lund the demonstrator should contain basic components of exploring and way finding. Prior to the development the OpenStreetMap (OSM) road network data and Swedish National Road Database (NVDB) were introduced. The main advantage of using the OSM data over the NVDB dataset is the completeness of the OSM data in terms of pedestrian paths. The datasets were imported to PostgreSQL spatially extended PostGIS database, where different routing algorithms provided by pgRouting were used for routing calculations. As the Lund Challenge demonstrator is intended not only for general users but also for visually impaired users, the problem of user navigation in the parks and open areas were also discussed and the feasibility study was performed. The limitation of the developed application was the problem of the user navigation in the parks and open areas. It is therefore necessary to upgrade the road database with possible path in the open areas and parks in order to implement this application.Advanced features of modern devices have made it possible to develop and use maps and map-based applications for navigation purposes. Since most mobile map applications are currently developed for motor vehicles, there is a demand for portable pedestrian navigation applications. In this thesis, a mobile map application was developed with standard navigation tools for pedestrians, which can be used with mobile phones running Android Operating System. The application will be used as a platform for facilitating the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator. Lund Challenge location based demonstrator is designed to make historical and actual maps of Lund more accessible and is a part of the HaptiMap project. This project aims to create maps and develop location-based services for all users, including elderly and visually impaired. The goal of the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator (also known as The Lund Time Machine) is to minimize the efforts of pedestrians, especially tourists, with finding interesting sites around the city. Initially, it is being designed as a historical location based game which will assist tourists to navigate themselves around the city. In order to further explore historical and current sites, the Lund Challenge should be enhanced with the basic features of exploration and navigation included in this thesis. The road network data was chosen from two available sources: 1) data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) project which provides free geographic data, and 2) The Swedish National Road Database (NVDB) authorized by the Swedish government, which includes all Swedish road network and selected cycle paths. For this thesis, analysis was performed on the datasets using different shortest path algorithms for routing calculations. A primary advantage of using OSM over NVDB is the completeness of data relating to pedestrian paths. As a result, the determination was made that the OSM option was more appropriate for the purpose of this thesis. Since the Lund Challenge location based demonstrator is intended for both general and visually impaired users, the problem of user navigation in parks and open areas was also discussed and a feasibility study was performed. This study revealed a limitation in the application with user navigation in parks and open areas. To resolve this, it is necessary to upgrade the road network with all possible pedestrian paths for parks and open areas


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    Air quality is a factor of primary importance for the quality of life. The increase of the pollutants percentage in the air can cause serious problems to the human and environmental health. For this reason it is essential to monitor its values to prevent the consequences of an excessive concentration, to reduce the pollution production or to avoid the contact with major pollutant concentration through the available tools. Some recently developed tools for the monitoring and sharing of the data in an effective system permit to manage the information in a smart way, in order to improve the knowledge of the problem and, consequently, to take preventing measures in favour of the urban air quality and human health. In this paper, the authors describe an innovative solution that implements geomatics sensors (GNSS) and pollutant measurement sensors to develop a low cost sensor for the acquisition of pollutants dynamic data using a mobile platform based on bicycles. The acquired data can be analysed to evaluate the local distribution of pollutant density and shared through web platforms that use standard protocols for an effective smart use

    Fachlich erweiterbare 3D-Stadtmodelle – Management, Visualisierung und Interaktion

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    Domain-extendable semantic 3D city models are complex mappings and inventories of the urban environment which can be utilized as an integrative information backbone to facilitate a range of application fields like urban planning, environmental simulations, disaster management, and energy assessment. Today, more and more countries and cities worldwide are creating their own 3D city models based on the CityGML specification which is an international standard issued by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to provide an open data model and XML-based format for describing the relevant urban objects with regards to their 3D geometry, topology, semantics, and appearance. It especially provides a flexible and systematic extension mechanism called “Application Domain Extension (ADE)” which allows third parties to dynamically extend the existing CityGML definitions with additional information models from different application domains for representing the extended or newly introduced geographic object types within a common framework. However, due to the consequent large size and high model complexity, the practical utilization of country-wide CityGML datasets has posed a tremendous challenge regarding the setup of an extensive application system to support the efficient data storage, analysis, management, interaction, and visualization. These requirements have been partly solved by the existing free 3D geo-database solution called ‘3D City Database (3DCityDB)’ which offers a rich set of functionalities for dealing with standard CityGML data models, but lacked the support for CityGML ADEs. The key motivation of this thesis is to develop a reliable approach for extending the existing database solution to support the efficient management, visualization, and interaction of large geospatial data elements of arbitrary CityGML ADEs. Emphasis is first placed on answering the question of how to dynamically extend the relational database schema by parsing and interpreting the XML schema files of the ADE and dynamically create new database tables accordingly. Based on a comprehensive survey of the related work, a new graph-based framework has been proposed which uses typed and attributed graphs for semantically representing the object-oriented data models of CityGML ADEs and utilizes graph transformation systems to automatically generate compact table structures extending the 3DCityDB. The transformation process is performed by applying a series of fine-grained graph transformation rules which allow users to declaratively describe the complex mapping rules including the optimization concepts that are employed in the development of the 3DCityDB database schema. The second major contribution of this thesis is the development of a new multi-level system which can serve as a complete and integrative platform for facilitating the various analysis, simulation, and modification operations on the complex-structured 3D city models based on CityGML and 3DCityDB. It introduces an additional application level based on a so-called ‘app-concept’ that allows for constructing a light-weight web application to reach a good balance between the high data model complexity and the specific application requirements of the end users. Each application can be easily built on top of a developed 3D web client whose functionalities go beyond the efficient 3D geo-visualization and interactive exploration, and also allows for performing collaborative modifications and analysis of 3D city models by taking advantage of the Cloud Computing technology. This multi-level system along with the extended 3DCityDB have been successfully utilized and evaluated by many practical projects.Fachlich erweiterbare semantische 3D-Stadtmodelle sind komplexe Abbildungen und DatenbestĂ€nde der stĂ€dtischen Umgebung, die als ein integratives InformationsrĂŒckgrat genutzt werden können, um eine Reihe von Anwendungsfeldern wie z. B. Stadtplanung, Umweltsimulationen, Katastrophenmanagement und Energiebewertung zu ermöglichen. Heute schaffen immer mehr LĂ€nder und StĂ€dte weltweit ihre eigenen 3D-Stadtmodelle auf Basis des internationalen Standards CityGML des Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), um ein offenes Datenmodell und ein XML-basiertes Format zur Beschreibung der relevanten Stadtobjekte in Bezug auf ihre 3D-Geometrien, Topologien, Semantik und Erscheinungen zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen. Es bietet insbesondere einen flexiblen und systematischen Erweiterungsmechanismus namens „Application Domain Extension“ (ADE), der es Dritten ermöglicht, die bestehenden CityGML-Definitionen mit zusĂ€tzlichen Informationsmodellen aus verschiedenen AnwendungsdomĂ€nen dynamisch zu erweitern, um die erweiterten oder neu eingefĂŒhrten Stadtobjekt-Typen innerhalb eines gemeinsamen Framework zu reprĂ€sentieren. Aufgrund der konsequent großen Datenmenge und hohen ModellkomplexitĂ€t bei der praktischen Nutzung der landesweiten CityGML-DatensĂ€tze wurden jedoch enorme Anforderungen an den Aufbau eines umfangreichen Anwendungssystems zur UnterstĂŒtzung der effizienten Speicherung, Analyse, Verwaltung, Interaktion und Visualisierung der Daten gestellt. Die bestehende kostenlose 3D-Geodatenbank-Lösung „3D City Database“ (3DCityDB) entsprach bereits teilweise diesen Anforderungen, indem sie zwar eine umfangreiche FunktionalitĂ€t fĂŒr den Umgang mit den Standard-CityGML-Datenmodellen, jedoch keine UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr CityGML-ADEs bietet. Die SchlĂŒsselmotivation fĂŒr diese Arbeit ist es, einen zuverlĂ€ssigen Ansatz zur Erweiterung der bestehenden Datenbanklösung zu entwickeln, um das effiziente Management, die Visualisierung und Interaktion großer DatensĂ€tze beliebiger CityGML-ADEs zu unterstĂŒtzen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt zunĂ€chst auf der Beantwortung der SchlĂŒsselfrage, wie man das relationale Datenbankschema dynamisch erweitern kann, indem die XML-Schemadateien der ADE analysiert und interpretiert und anschließend dem entsprechende neue Datenbanktabellen erzeugt werden. Auf Grundlage einer umfassenden Studie verwandter Arbeiten wurde ein neues graphbasiertes Framework entwickelt, das die typisierten und attributierten Graphen zur semantischen Darstellung der objektorientierten Datenmodelle von CityGML-ADEs verwendet und anschließend Graphersetzungssysteme nutzt, um eine kompakte Tabellenstruktur zur Erweiterung der 3DCityDB zu generieren. Der Transformationsprozess wird durch die Anwendung einer Reihe feingranularer Graphersetzungsregeln durchgefĂŒhrt, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, die komplexen Mapping-Regeln einschließlich der Optimierungskonzepte aus der Entwicklung des 3DCityDB-Datenbankschemas deklarativ zu formalisieren. Der zweite wesentliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines neuen mehrstufigen Systemkonzepts, das auf CityGML und 3DCityDB basiert und gleichzeitig als eine komplette und integrative Plattform zur Erleichterung der Analyse, Simulationen und Modifikationen der komplex strukturierten 3D-Stadtmodelle dienen kann. Das Systemkonzept enthĂ€lt eine zusĂ€tzliche Anwendungsebene, die auf einem sogenannten „App-Konzept“ basiert, das es ermöglicht, eine leichtgewichtige Applikation bereitzustellen, die eine gute Balance zwischen der hohen ModellkomplexitĂ€t und den spezifischen Anwendungsanforderungen der Endbenutzer erreicht. Jede Applikation lĂ€sst sich ganz einfach mittels eines bereits entwickelten 3D-Webclients aufbauen, dessen FunktionalitĂ€ten ĂŒber die effiziente 3D-Geo-Visualisierung und interaktive Exploration hinausgehen und auch die DurchfĂŒhrung kollaborativer Modifikationen und Analysen von 3D-Stadtmodellen mit Hilfe von der Cloud-Computing-Technologie ermöglichen. Dieses mehrstufige System zusammen mit dem erweiterten 3DCityDB wurde erfolgreich in vielen praktischen Projekten genutzt und bewertet

    Fachlich erweiterbare 3D-Stadtmodelle – Management, Visualisierung und Interaktion

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    Domain-extendable semantic 3D city models are complex mappings and inventories of the urban environment which can be utilized as an integrative information backbone to facilitate a range of application fields like urban planning, environmental simulations, disaster management, and energy assessment. Today, more and more countries and cities worldwide are creating their own 3D city models based on the CityGML specification which is an international standard issued by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to provide an open data model and XML-based format for describing the relevant urban objects with regards to their 3D geometry, topology, semantics, and appearance. It especially provides a flexible and systematic extension mechanism called “Application Domain Extension (ADE)” which allows third parties to dynamically extend the existing CityGML definitions with additional information models from different application domains for representing the extended or newly introduced geographic object types within a common framework. However, due to the consequent large size and high model complexity, the practical utilization of country-wide CityGML datasets has posed a tremendous challenge regarding the setup of an extensive application system to support the efficient data storage, analysis, management, interaction, and visualization. These requirements have been partly solved by the existing free 3D geo-database solution called ‘3D City Database (3DCityDB)’ which offers a rich set of functionalities for dealing with standard CityGML data models, but lacked the support for CityGML ADEs. The key motivation of this thesis is to develop a reliable approach for extending the existing database solution to support the efficient management, visualization, and interaction of large geospatial data elements of arbitrary CityGML ADEs. Emphasis is first placed on answering the question of how to dynamically extend the relational database schema by parsing and interpreting the XML schema files of the ADE and dynamically create new database tables accordingly. Based on a comprehensive survey of the related work, a new graph-based framework has been proposed which uses typed and attributed graphs for semantically representing the object-oriented data models of CityGML ADEs and utilizes graph transformation systems to automatically generate compact table structures extending the 3DCityDB. The transformation process is performed by applying a series of fine-grained graph transformation rules which allow users to declaratively describe the complex mapping rules including the optimization concepts that are employed in the development of the 3DCityDB database schema. The second major contribution of this thesis is the development of a new multi-level system which can serve as a complete and integrative platform for facilitating the various analysis, simulation, and modification operations on the complex-structured 3D city models based on CityGML and 3DCityDB. It introduces an additional application level based on a so-called ‘app-concept’ that allows for constructing a light-weight web application to reach a good balance between the high data model complexity and the specific application requirements of the end users. Each application can be easily built on top of a developed 3D web client whose functionalities go beyond the efficient 3D geo-visualization and interactive exploration, and also allows for performing collaborative modifications and analysis of 3D city models by taking advantage of the Cloud Computing technology. This multi-level system along with the extended 3DCityDB have been successfully utilized and evaluated by many practical projects.Fachlich erweiterbare semantische 3D-Stadtmodelle sind komplexe Abbildungen und DatenbestĂ€nde der stĂ€dtischen Umgebung, die als ein integratives InformationsrĂŒckgrat genutzt werden können, um eine Reihe von Anwendungsfeldern wie z. B. Stadtplanung, Umweltsimulationen, Katastrophenmanagement und Energiebewertung zu ermöglichen. Heute schaffen immer mehr LĂ€nder und StĂ€dte weltweit ihre eigenen 3D-Stadtmodelle auf Basis des internationalen Standards CityGML des Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), um ein offenes Datenmodell und ein XML-basiertes Format zur Beschreibung der relevanten Stadtobjekte in Bezug auf ihre 3D-Geometrien, Topologien, Semantik und Erscheinungen zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen. Es bietet insbesondere einen flexiblen und systematischen Erweiterungsmechanismus namens „Application Domain Extension“ (ADE), der es Dritten ermöglicht, die bestehenden CityGML-Definitionen mit zusĂ€tzlichen Informationsmodellen aus verschiedenen AnwendungsdomĂ€nen dynamisch zu erweitern, um die erweiterten oder neu eingefĂŒhrten Stadtobjekt-Typen innerhalb eines gemeinsamen Framework zu reprĂ€sentieren. Aufgrund der konsequent großen Datenmenge und hohen ModellkomplexitĂ€t bei der praktischen Nutzung der landesweiten CityGML-DatensĂ€tze wurden jedoch enorme Anforderungen an den Aufbau eines umfangreichen Anwendungssystems zur UnterstĂŒtzung der effizienten Speicherung, Analyse, Verwaltung, Interaktion und Visualisierung der Daten gestellt. Die bestehende kostenlose 3D-Geodatenbank-Lösung „3D City Database“ (3DCityDB) entsprach bereits teilweise diesen Anforderungen, indem sie zwar eine umfangreiche FunktionalitĂ€t fĂŒr den Umgang mit den Standard-CityGML-Datenmodellen, jedoch keine UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr CityGML-ADEs bietet. Die SchlĂŒsselmotivation fĂŒr diese Arbeit ist es, einen zuverlĂ€ssigen Ansatz zur Erweiterung der bestehenden Datenbanklösung zu entwickeln, um das effiziente Management, die Visualisierung und Interaktion großer DatensĂ€tze beliebiger CityGML-ADEs zu unterstĂŒtzen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt zunĂ€chst auf der Beantwortung der SchlĂŒsselfrage, wie man das relationale Datenbankschema dynamisch erweitern kann, indem die XML-Schemadateien der ADE analysiert und interpretiert und anschließend dem entsprechende neue Datenbanktabellen erzeugt werden. Auf Grundlage einer umfassenden Studie verwandter Arbeiten wurde ein neues graphbasiertes Framework entwickelt, das die typisierten und attributierten Graphen zur semantischen Darstellung der objektorientierten Datenmodelle von CityGML-ADEs verwendet und anschließend Graphersetzungssysteme nutzt, um eine kompakte Tabellenstruktur zur Erweiterung der 3DCityDB zu generieren. Der Transformationsprozess wird durch die Anwendung einer Reihe feingranularer Graphersetzungsregeln durchgefĂŒhrt, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, die komplexen Mapping-Regeln einschließlich der Optimierungskonzepte aus der Entwicklung des 3DCityDB-Datenbankschemas deklarativ zu formalisieren. Der zweite wesentliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines neuen mehrstufigen Systemkonzepts, das auf CityGML und 3DCityDB basiert und gleichzeitig als eine komplette und integrative Plattform zur Erleichterung der Analyse, Simulationen und Modifikationen der komplex strukturierten 3D-Stadtmodelle dienen kann. Das Systemkonzept enthĂ€lt eine zusĂ€tzliche Anwendungsebene, die auf einem sogenannten „App-Konzept“ basiert, das es ermöglicht, eine leichtgewichtige Applikation bereitzustellen, die eine gute Balance zwischen der hohen ModellkomplexitĂ€t und den spezifischen Anwendungsanforderungen der Endbenutzer erreicht. Jede Applikation lĂ€sst sich ganz einfach mittels eines bereits entwickelten 3D-Webclients aufbauen, dessen FunktionalitĂ€ten ĂŒber die effiziente 3D-Geo-Visualisierung und interaktive Exploration hinausgehen und auch die DurchfĂŒhrung kollaborativer Modifikationen und Analysen von 3D-Stadtmodellen mit Hilfe von der Cloud-Computing-Technologie ermöglichen. Dieses mehrstufige System zusammen mit dem erweiterten 3DCityDB wurde erfolgreich in vielen praktischen Projekten genutzt und bewertet

    Mapping speditivo da sensori mobili per il controllo della conservazione dei valori paesaggistici del territorio. Quick mapping by mobile sensors for landscape values monitoring and conservation

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    Geomatics researches, applied to architecture and landscape, are becoming increasingly focused on development of innovation in survey techniques and digital data management. Quick techniques are sought, with a high level of automation and versatility, to support knowledge management and protection of cultural heritage, be it referred to artistic and architectural heritage or, overall, to whole varied landscape assets, in so such highest density in the country as to consider Heritage itself. The investigation and conservation initiatives in the field of landscape heritage must constantly deal with many conditions of risk exposure, and that is not always possible to make up with preventive protection, whether if it is a constant risk like that intrinsic to the status of the property, or sudden and unforeseen risks, or if it is only partially predictable, determined by an environmental emergency. In these test-sites, which have a typical vulnerability resulting from their intrinsic conditions of exposure to risk, is interesting to experiment and combine technological research with the public interest for the protection and preservation of the value of the asset. This paper is intended for the testing of systems for the expeditious acquisition of spatial data in a outstanding test site, an area of the Cinque Terre, devastated by the flood of autumn 2011 Le ricerche della Geomatica applicata all’Architettura e al paesaggio, sono mirati sempre piĂč allo sviluppo dell’innovazione nel campo delle tecniche di acquisizione dei dati e della loro gestione digitale; si ricercano metodi speditivi, con elevati gradi di automazione e versatili, per il supporto alla gestione della conoscenza e della tutela del patrimonio culturale, che sia esso riferito ai beni artistico-architettonici o in senso piĂč ampio all’insieme variegato dei beni paesaggistici, ad elevatissima densitĂ  nel territorio nazionale tanto da considerarlo Patrimonio esso stesso. Le indagini e le iniziative di conservazione in materia di patrimonio paesaggistico devono costantemente fronteggiare le innumerevoli condizioni di rischio cui esso Ăš esposto, e cui non sempre si riesce a sopperire con una tutela preventiva. sia esso un rischio costante come quello intrinseco allo status del bene, oppure rischi improvvisi e imprevedibili, o solo parzialmente prevedibili, determinati da una emergenza ambientale. E’ in questi test-site, che possiedono una tipica vulnerabilitĂ  derivante dalle loro intrinseche condizioni di esposizione al rischio, che risulta interessante sperimentare e combinare la ricerca tecnologica con l’interesse collettivo di tutela e conservazione del valore del bene stesso. Il presente contributo ha per obiettivo la sperimentazione di sistemi speditivi di acquisizione dei dati spaziali in un test site d’eccezione, un’area delle Cinque Terre devastata dall’alluvione dell’autunno 2011

    Intelligent open data 3D maps in a collaborative virtual world

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    Three-dimensional (3D) maps have many potential applications, such as navigation and urban planning. In this article, we present the use of a 3D virtual world platform Meshmoon to create intelligent open data 3D maps. A processing method is developed to enable the generation of 3D virtual environments from the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. The article combines the elements needed in contemporary smart city concepts, such as the connection between attribute information and 3D objects, and the creation of collaborative virtual worlds from open data. By using our 3D virtual world platform, it is possible to create up-to-date, collaborative 3D virtual models, which are automatically updated on all viewers. In the scenes, all users are able to interact with the model, and with each other. With the developed processing methods, the creation of virtual world scenes was partially automated for collaboration activities.Peer reviewe

    Evaluating the Performance of Three Popular Web Mapping Libraries: A Case Study Using Argentina’s Life Quality Index

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    Recent Web technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL have enabled powerful and highly dynamic Web mapping applications executing on standard Web browsers. Despite the complexity for developing such applications has been greatly reduced by Web mapping libraries, developers face many choices to achieve optimal performance and network usage. This scenario is even more complex when considering different representations of geographical data (raster, raw data or vector) and variety of devices (tablets, smartphones, and personal computers). This paper compares the performance and network usage of three popular JavaScript Web mapping libraries for implementing a Web map using different representations for geodata, and executing on different devices. In the experiments, Mapbox GL JS achieved the best overall performance on mid and high end devices for displaying raster or vector maps, while OpenLayers was the best for raster maps on all devices. Vector-based maps are a safe bet for new Web maps, since performance is on par with raster maps on mid-end smartphones, with significant less network bandwidth requirements.Fil: Zunino Suarez, Alejandro Octavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Velåzquez, Guillermo Ángel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Celemin, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Mateos Diaz, Cristian Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Hirsch Jofré, Matías Eberardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; Argentin
