121 research outputs found

    Graphics standards in high-energy physics

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    Computer graphics standards for man modelling

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    The human being is arguably one of the most nonstandard and unpredictable components of all systems. Thus, in many application areas of computer-aided design, there is a need to model the physical aspects of humans alongside models of workplace and equipment. The paper briefly describes the Sammie systems, a long-established and succesful computer-aided design system that has fulfilled this requirement across a wide range of application areas. Recently, much development work has been aimed at incorporating a range of graphics and data-exchange standards into the Sammie software. These experiences are described, together with observations on their apparent limitations and advantages. In particular, the Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (Phigs), its extension to Phigs-Plus, the Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM), the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (iges), and X-Windows with the Phigs extension (Pex) are considered

    PREMO : an emerging standard for multimedia presentation

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    ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24 are developing a standard for the presentation of multimedia objects, called PREMO (Presentation Environments for Multimedia Objects). PREMO is aimed at application developers who want to include multimedia effects into the applications, but do not want to restrict themselves to model of multimedia documents, which is prevalent in multimedia applications today. This report gives an overview of the current status of PREMO

    A Graphics Function Standard Specification Validator

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    A validation methodology is proposed and implemented for natural language software specifications of standard graphics functions. Checks are made for consistency, completeness, and lack of ambiguity in data element and function descriptions. Functions and data elements are maintained in a relational database representation. The appropriate checks are performed by sequences of database operations. The relational database manager INGRES was used to support a prototype implementation of the proposed technique. The methodology supports the development of a scenario-based prototype from the information available in the specification. This permits various function sequences to be checked without implementation of the environment specified. The application of a prototype implementation of the proposed methodology to the specification of the Graphics Kernel System (GKS) software package demonstrates the practicability of the method. Several inconsistencies in GKS related to the definition of data elements have been identified

    An Overview of Computer Graphics Industry Standards.

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    This paper presents the status of the family of computer graphics standards that have been under development in recent years. In order to take advantage of the graphics standards, the industrial communities should be aware of what standards exist, and the relationship of the standards to each other. Since it is also beneficial to understand the process for the development of standards, the role of organizations in the standards-making field and the standardization process is presented. This discussion will provide an introduction and reference source for the computer graphics standards for those who have a need to understand the emerging standards, but have no technical involvement in their development. A level of understanding is provided which will assist in determining whether or not a particular standard would be appropriate for an intended application, and if further research into the standard might be required

    Visualisation in high-energy physics

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    Computer graphics standards for man modelling

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    Les Vies du livre, passées, présentes et à venir The Lives of the Book, Past, Present and to Come Edité par Nathalie Collé-Bak, Monica Latham, David Ten Eyck http://www.lcdpu.fr/livre/?GCOI=27000100341160&fa=details DESCRIPTION Cet ouvrage bilingue se propose d'explorer des questions liées à la production, à la distribution et à la réception du livre en pays francophones et anglophones. Combinant recherche universitaire et témoignages de professionnels du livre de nationalités diverses et de ..

    Graphics mini manual

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    The computer graphics capabilities available at the Center are introduced and their use is explained. More specifically, the manual identifies and describes the various graphics software and hardware components, details the interfaces between these components, and provides information concerning the use of these components at LaRC

    Design and Implementation of a 2D Graphics Package in ADA 95

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    Physiological system modelling

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    Computer graphics has a major impact in our day-to-day life. It is used in diverse areas such as displaying the results of engineering and scientific computations and visualization, producing television commercials and feature films, simulation and analysis of real world problems, computer aided design, graphical user interfaces that increases the communication bandwidth between humans and machines, etc Scientific visualization is a well-established method for analysis of data, originating from scientific computations, simulations or measurements. The development and implementation of the 3Dgen software was developed by the author using OpenGL and C language was presented in this report 3Dgen was used to visualize threedimensional cylindrical models such as pipes and also for limited usage in virtual endoscopy. Using the developed software a model was created using the centreline data input by the user or from the output of some other program, stored in a normal text file. The model was constructed by drawing surface polygons between two adjacent centreline points. The software allows the user to view the internal and external surfaces of the model. The software was designed in such a way that it runs in more than one operating systems with minimal installation procedures Since the size of the software is very small it can be stored in a 1 44 Megabyte floppy diskette. Depending on the processing speed of the PC the software can generate models of any length and size Compared to other packages, 3Dgen has minimal input procedures was able to generate models with smooth bends. It has both modelling and virtual exploration features. For models with sharp bends the software generates an overshoot