6 research outputs found

    Application of HEC-HMS model and satellite precipitation products to restore runoff in Laigiang river basin in Vietnam

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    The Laigiang river basin in the South Central Coast of Vietnam plays an important role in the socio-economic development of Binhdinh Province. In recent decades, the region has experienced commonly flooding in vast areas. This research aims to simulate event-based rainfall-runoff modelling, a historical flood event in December 2016, by applying the HEC-HMS model and rainfall data from CHIRPS. The CHIRPS data is an acceptable potential data input of the hydrology model. These have been confirmed through reliable validation indexes: The peak flood flow rate of 2,542.6 m3/s corresponds to the flood frequency of 5%; NSE with the value at 0.95; R2 coefficient reached 0.87; PBIAS being around 0.45, and PFC being at 0.89. It shows better performance in the rainy season than in the dry season. Inclusive, the CHIRPS rainfall data set and the HEC model could be used for some operational purposes in weather forecasting, especially for flood warnings in river basins in the South Central Coast, Vietnam

    Systematic Literature Review of Data Distribution in Preprocessing Stage with Focus on Outliers

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    Data Preprocessing refers to the steps and techniques applied to raw data before it is ready to be analyzed or modeled as a substantive part of the data flow and aims to transform, clean and organize data in a revised way for the quality, relevance and efficiency of subsequent data analysis tasks. Handling outliers in the N2O Emissions Dataset, Fertilizer Prediction and Crop Yield Prediction Dataset is an important step in the data analysis process. The approach taken will depend on the specific context and purpose of the analysis, and it is important to carefully consider the impact of outliers on the results. Using the methods discussed researchers and analysts can effectively identify and treat outliers in the N2O Emissions Dataset, Fertilizer Prediction, Crop Yield Prediction Dataset, and produce more accurate and reliable results. Implemented a systematic literature that involved searching for articles published from 2015 to 2023 for review. The quality of the existing studies used the assessment criteria of 50 relevant studies identified as having been conducted following systematic literature guidelines

    Delineation of flood inundation extent as the result of land use changes in Kuantan River Basin

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    Flood is undoubtedly the most devastating natural disaster in Malaysia. Flood induced problems such as loss of life, property damages, and infrastructure disruptions have distressed the local authorities and government agencies in Malaysia including the Kuantan District. One of the worst floods that occurred in Kuantan took place in December 2013 which was caused by extreme monsoon rain. This massive flood resulted in the evacuation of around 14,044 people and major damages to the electricity, road structure, buildings, and properties. Although flood event happens in a yearly basis in the Kuantan River Basin (KRB), there are still lack of flood risk management studies conducted in this region. Hence, a comprehensive flood study, especially the generation of flood inundation map (FIM) in (KRB) is highly needed for the future urban planning purpose. This study aims to simulate the flood hydrograph based on extreme rainfall events, and to develop the FIM for KRB. Watershed and river networks of the KRB were delineated from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model (SRTMDEM) with a resolution of 30 m using ArcGIS application. ArcGIS integrated application, the Geospatial Hydrologic Modelling Extension (HEC-GeoHMS) was used to extract the hydrological parameters as the input for the hydrological modelling. For the rainfall-runoff analysis, the SCS Unit Hydrograph transformation method and SCSCN loss method were implemented in the Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS). Runoff results from the hydrological model were then applied in the 1D-2D River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) for the unsteady-flow simulation to simulate and predict the river water level and overbank flow which were subsequently used to generate FIM. The flood hydrographs that have been simulated from the hydrological modelling was compared with the observed data. After the process of calibration and validation, it was noted that the simulation produced the same pattern of flow discharge to the observed with an average Nash Sutcliffe efficiency, NSE of 0.641 and Root Mean Square Error, RMSE of 70.9 m³/s. For the result of the 1D hydraulic modelling, it indicates that the water levels simulated at the upstream and downstream of the Kuantan river was fitted with the observed levels with an average E of 0.716 and RMSE of 0.493 m. Meanwhile, for the 2D hydraulic modelling, the generated flood inundated areas in the year 2013 demonstrates almost 70% similarity to the observed flood areas. The flood extent using land use in year 2013 is almost 50% larger compared to that in year 2010 . Based on the modelling analysis and outcome, it can be concluded that generation of flood hydrograph and flood inundation extent is sufficient by SRTM-DEM in hydrological and hydraulic modelling

    Calibration and Validation of CN Values for Watershed Hydrological Response

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    The amount of rainfall can be used to estimate the runoff that enters a reservoir. Runoff is influenced by land use, and soil type greatly affects the amount of runoff that will occur. This study discusses the development of a hydrological model with the application of the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS) in the Karangmumus watershed using soil data that has been verified in the field and divided into soil zones based on soil permeability testing in the laboratory. With the help of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Geospatial Hydrological Model (HEC-GeoHMS) applications, it is possible to identify the flow of the Karangmumus watershed and the Lempake Dam in Kalimantan by simulating the rain runoff process. The hydrological model was developed in the HEC-HMS by recording daily rainfall events from 2009 to 2019. With a daily period, then, the zoning soil type data was entered based on the results of soil permeability testing with the help of the application of the soil conservation curve method (SCS-CN), then discharge transformation, and calculation of water loss, including routing with Muskingum and SCS-Hydrograph applications. Based on the distribution of the CN value, the theoretical runoff is calculated and then calibrated with the observed discharge in 2017 and 2018, and then validated with the observed discharge in 2019, showing good results with a coefficient of determination between 0.89 to 0.92. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-01-06 Full Text: PD

    Revisión sistemática: Análisis de la influencia de cobertura vegetal en el caudal de escorrentía en una cuenca mediante los modelos HEC – HMS y SWAT

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    La variación de la cobertura vegetal tiene impacto en los procesos hidrológicos lo que se ve reflejado en las relaciones precipitación infiltración y escorrentía. La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de analizar los efectos que tiene la perdida de cobertura vegetal en la variación del caudal de escorrentía de una cuenca. La investigación fue de enfoque cualitativo, con un nivel descriptivo y de diseño no experimental. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó las bases de datos Web of Science, Dialnet, Scielo, Scopus desde el año 2018 al 2021. Los resultados que se obtuvieron a partir de la revisión sistema fueron que existen factores antrópicos y naturales que afectan a la compasión y estructura de la cobertura vegetal, por otro lado se analizó que existe relación directa entre la cobertura vegetal, infiltración y escorrentía y finalmente para la modelación de la precipitacion en escorrentia existen dos tipos de modelos hidrológicos como son el SWAT y el HEC HMS y el uso está enfocado en simulación de lluvia escorrentía

    Sistema de alerta temprana ante inundaciones, caso: Cuenca del rio Huarmey, 2021

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    El presente desarrollo de investigación tiene por finalidad desarrollar un sistema de alerta temprana de inundaciones en la cuenca del río Huarmey, para desarrollar el estudio de la investigación se llevará a cabo el método de diseño de investigación no experimental, tipo descriptiva, debido a que el estudio persigue generalmente una propuesta de sistema de alerta temprana que evaluara con los datos obtenidos de la cuenca del rio Huarmey. Esta metodología consiste primero en un análisis de los equipos de medición hidrometeorológicas existentes en la cuenca y de los datos que estos proporcionan, para pasar luego a la creación de un modelo hidrológico con la finalidad de simular el comportamiento real del rio frente a las precipitaciones, y en consecuencia poder realizar predicciones de caudales a corto, mediano y largo plazo; para luego finalmente proponer mejoras en cuanto a los sistemas de recopilación de información, que traen consigo la reducción de tiempos de reacción frente a estos desastres