31 research outputs found

    D19 final plan for using and disseminating knowledge

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    This document presents the Final Plan for Using and Disseminating Knowledge acquired throughout the development of the CYCLOPS project as deliverable D19. It includes a description of the main achievements in disseminating knowledge, and the consortium and each participant’s plans for the exploitation of the results for the consortium as a whole, or for individual participants or groups of participants. It updates the Plan for Using and Disseminating Knowledge that was presented as Deliverable D4 and describes the final dissemination plan of the CYCLOPS project. This deliverable provides a strategy aimed at addressing various target communities in order to achieve the project dissemination and exploitation goals. After an update of the dissemination instruments employed, the deliverable focuses on the description of the dissemination activities carried out. In addition to the normal dissemination and exploitation of the work through scientific journals and professional bodies, Civil Protection Community will be specifically targeted for dissemination of the CYCLOPS deliverables, and their future exploitation of the results. Other written deliverables focus on presenting dissemination activities in specific subject areas. In particular deliverable D17 reports “the results of the dissemination of EGEE towards the Civil Protection community, and about the coordination between the EGEE and CYCLOPS activities”, deliverable D18 focuses on “collecting the CYCLOPS project results for dissemination towards different interested audiences such as Grid communities, other Civil protection agencies, but also national and international initiative and projects, SMEs, etc.” and deliverable D20 that reports “the extent to which actors beyond the research community have been involved to help spread awareness and to explore the wider societal implications of the proposed work

    Report on raising public awareness and participation (Deliverable D20)

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    The purpose of this document is to present actions taken during the Cyclops project lifetime in order to raise public awareness and participation, as well as the outcomes of these actions. Dissemination and outreach have always been considered key points for accomplishing this, ever since the project planning phases. The actions are generally framed in the Work Package devoted to dissemination (WP5), although some of them may well be regarded as a horizontal action of the project

    Project results presentation (deliverable D18)

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    This document is a report which collects together the CYCLOPS project results for dissemination to different interested audiences such as Grid communities and Civil Protection agencies. It also reports on national and international initiatives and projects, SMEs, training activities and related projects. The structure of this document shows the approach used in the project. Following an introduction, it describes a set of related projects, namely grid- based technologies/EGEE, risk management, and GMEs-based services. It then presents the business of Civil Protection and the use cases selected. These highlight the grid requirements for Grid-based CP applications. The research strategies and enhancements needed for the EGEE infra-structure are identified, based on the use cases. Dissemination of training and knowledge to different communities are also key points of the project.FP

    Desarrollo de un instalador para el módulo Glite-voms mysql del middleware glite embebido en Scientific linux para la implementación de grids Computacionales

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    La investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar un instalador para uno de los servicios del middleware glite llamado glite-VOMS mysql(2)Virtual Organization Membership Service. Actualmente las aplicaciones operativas y en desarrollo aumentan drásticamente la carga de trabajo de las computadoras, exigiendoles mayores recursos para la ejecución de las mismas. Es por esto que con esta creciente necesidad han surgido tecnologías que buscan de diferentes maneras solucionar este problema. Una de estas tecnologías es el Grid Computing cuyo término se refiere a una infraestructura que permite la integración y uso colectivo de computadoras, redes y bases de datos que son propiedad y están administrados por diferentes instituciones. En Colombia este tipo de tecnologías hasta ahora están comenzando a implementarse y desarrollarse. El desarrollo de este trabajo se realizó en la Centro nacional de cálculo Cientifico (cecalcula, en la ciudad de Merida, Merida - Venezuela y se basó en la modificación y personalización de la versión 4.5 de Scientific Linux(5) para embeber el módulo de glite-VOMS mysql y de esta manera poder realizar una instalación del módulo sin que la máquina que alojara a este, este conectada a internet para la resolución de las dependencias de paquetes necesarios para la instalación del mismo. El trabajo se basó en el estudio del proceso de instalación de glite-VOMS mysql(2), para de esta manera poder partir para el desarrollo del instalador. Una vez conocido y entendido el proceso de instalación del glite-VOMS mysql(2) era necesario aprender cómo se modifica una distribución de Scientific Linux(5), para luego poder agregar todo lo necesario para la instalación del glite-VOMS mysql(2). El producto de este trabajo es un CD instalador de Scientic Linux(5) en su versión 4.5 con el módulo de glite(8) llamado glite-VOMS mysql

    The GENIUS Grid Portal and robot certificates: a new tool for e-Science

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Grid technology is the computing model which allows users to share a wide <it>pletora </it>of distributed computational resources regardless of their geographical location. Up to now, the high security policy requested in order to access distributed computing resources has been a rather big limiting factor when trying to broaden the usage of Grids into a wide community of users. Grid security is indeed based on the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) of X.509 certificates and the procedure to get and manage those certificates is unfortunately not straightforward. A first step to make Grids more appealing for new users has recently been achieved with the adoption of robot certificates.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Robot certificates have recently been introduced to perform automated tasks on Grids on behalf of users. They are extremely useful for instance to automate grid service monitoring, data processing production, distributed data collection systems. Basically these certificates can be used to identify a person responsible for an unattended service or process acting as client and/or server. Robot certificates can be installed on a smart card and used behind a portal by everyone interested in running the related applications in a Grid environment using a user-friendly graphic interface. In this work, the GENIUS Grid Portal, powered by EnginFrame, has been extended in order to support the new authentication based on the adoption of these robot certificates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The work carried out and reported in this manuscript is particularly relevant for all users who are not familiar with personal digital certificates and the technical aspects of the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI). The valuable benefits introduced by robot certificates in e-Science can so be extended to users belonging to several scientific domains, providing an asset in raising Grid awareness to a wide number of potential users.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The adoption of Grid portals extended with robot certificates, can really contribute to creating transparent access to computational resources of Grid Infrastructures, enhancing the spread of this new paradigm in researchers' working life to address new global scientific challenges. The evaluated solution can of course be extended to other portals, applications and scientific communities.</p

    Learning by doing on the EGEE GRID and first performance analysis of CODESA-3D multirun submission

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    The project TEMA (Training on Environmental Modelling and Applications) is a CRS4 training initiative in the field of computational hydrology and grid computing (Jan-Sept, 2006). The personnel involved were Fabrizio Murgia (trainee) and Giuditta Lecca (tutor). The objectives of the project were: " To aquire specialized skills about grid computing with special emphasis on computational sub-surface hydrology; " To develop and test software procedures to run Monte Carlo simulations on the EGEE production grid; " To produce a technical report and some seminars about grid computing. The aquired competences and skills will be used in the ongoing projects GRIDA3, CyberSAR and DEGREE

    3rd EGEE User Forum

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    We have organized this book in a sequence of chapters, each chapter associated with an application or technical theme introduced by an overview of the contents, and a summary of the main conclusions coming from the Forum for the chapter topic. The first chapter gathers all the plenary session keynote addresses, and following this there is a sequence of chapters covering the application flavoured sessions. These are followed by chapters with the flavour of Computer Science and Grid Technology. The final chapter covers the important number of practical demonstrations and posters exhibited at the Forum. Much of the work presented has a direct link to specific areas of Science, and so we have created a Science Index, presented below. In addition, at the end of this book, we provide a complete list of the institutes and countries involved in the User Forum

    Despliegue de Infraestructuras Grid en la Nube

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    [EN] A Grid is composed by a set of computational and data resources located in different administrative domain that are managed under the framework of a Virtual Organization (VO) and aim to resolve scientific problems. There are specific VOs both national (VO tut.vo.ibergrid.eu) and international (Gilda testbed that provide specific Grid infrastructures for educational purposes. However, these VOs have limited interest for educational activities since they can only be used from the Grid user point of view and not as administrators of the resources and services. This is because they use preallocated resources and it is impossible add or remove resources in the existing infrastructure in a dynamic and elastic way. In this work we present an educational resource that dynamically deploys a Grid as a Service (GaaS) on the Cloud, using both public providers (Amazon Web Services) and onpremises (OpenNebula), virtualizing the administrative domains of the Grid that are integrated in a VO. These GaaS are used for educational purposes and can be employed for teaching both Grid users and system administrators.En el ámbito docente, concretamente en el área de la computación distribuida, una de las dificultades en la que nos encontramos muchas veces es la de tener acceso a la infraestructura que dan soporte a las actividades educativas. Un caso particular de dichas dificultades la podemos encontrar en el acceso a las grandes infraestructuras Grid, dado que estas están pensadas para el ámbito científico y no docente. Por ello, se propone en este TFM la creación de infraestructuras grid (globus y gLite) sobre proveedores cloud, tanto públicos como privados, de forma que estas puedan crecer o decrecer según las necesidades de las actividades educativas a desarrollar en el aula. Las recetas se implementarán a través de la herramienta Infraestructre Manager (IM) desarrollada en el Grupo Grid y Computación de Altas Prestaciones (GRyCAP) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).González Nieto, JJ. (2017). Despliegue de Infraestructuras Grid en la Nube. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/79905TFG