3 research outputs found

    GEM++: A Tool for Solving Substitution-Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphism

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    International audienceThe substitution-tolerant subgraph isomorphism is a particular error-tolerant subgraph matching that allows label substitutions for both vertices and edges. Such a matching is often required in pattern recognition applications since graphs extracted from images are generally labeled with features vectors computed from raw data which are naturally subject to noise. This paper describes an extended version of a Binary Linear Program (BLP) for solving this class of graph matching problem. The paper also presents GEM++, a software framework that implements the BLP and that we have made available for the research community. GEM++ allows the processing of different sub-problems (induced isomorphism or not, directed graphs or not) with complex labelling of vertices and edges. We also present some datasets available for evaluating future contributions in this field

    Graph-based Patterns for Local Coherence Modeling

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    Coherence is an essential property of well-written texts. It distinguishes a multi-sentence text from a sequence of randomly strung sentences. The task of local coherence modeling is about the way that sentences in a text link up one another. Solving this task is beneficial for assessing the quality of texts. Moreover, a coherence model can be integrated into text generation systems such as text summarizers to produce coherent texts. In this dissertation, we present a graph-based approach to local coherence modeling that accounts for the connectivity structure among sentences in a text. Graphs give our model the capability to take into account relations between non-adjacent sentences as well as those between adjacent sentences. Besides, the connectivity style among nodes in graphs reflects the relationships among sentences in a text. We first employ the entity graph approach, proposed by Guinaudeau and Strube (2013), to represent a text via a graph. In the entity graph representation of a text, nodes encode sentences and edges depict the existence of a pair of coreferent mentions in sentences. We then devise graph-based features to capture the connectivity structure of nodes in a graph, and accordingly the connectivity structure of sentences in the corresponding text. We extract all subgraphs of entity graphs as features which encode the connectivity structure of graphs. Frequencies of subgraphs correlate with the perceived coherence of their corresponding texts. Therefore, we refer to these subgraphs as coherence patterns. In order to complete our approach to coherence modeling, we propose a new graph representation of texts, rather than the entity graph. Our approach employs lexico-semantic relations among words in sentences, instead of only entity coreference relations, to model relationships between sentences via a graph. This new lexical graph representation of text plus our method for mining coherence patterns make our coherence model. We evaluate our approach on the readability assessment task because a primary factor of readability is coherence. Coherent texts are easy to read and consequently demand less effort from their readers. Our extensive experiments on two separate readability assessment datasets show that frequencies of coherence patterns in texts correlate with the readability ratings assigned by human judges. By training a machine learning method on our coherence patterns, our model outperforms its counterparts on ranking texts with respect to their readability. As one of the ultimate goals of coherence models is to be used in text generation systems, we show how our coherence patterns can be integrated into a graph-based text summarizer to produce informative and coherent summaries. Our coherence patterns improve the performance of the summarization system based on both standard summarization metrics and human evaluations. An implementation of the approaches discussed in this dissertation is publicly available

    Analyse d’images de documents patrimoniaux : une approche structurelle à base de texture

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    Over the last few years, there has been tremendous growth in digitizing collections of cultural heritage documents. Thus, many challenges and open issues have been raised, such as information retrieval in digital libraries or analyzing page content of historical books. Recently, an important need has emerged which consists in designing a computer-aided characterization and categorization tool, able to index or group historical digitized book pages according to several criteria, mainly the layout structure and/or typographic/graphical characteristics of the historical document image content. Thus, the work conducted in this thesis presents an automatic approach for characterization and categorization of historical book pages. The proposed approach is applicable to a large variety of ancient books. In addition, it does not assume a priori knowledge regarding document image layout and content. It is based on the use of texture and graph algorithms to provide a rich and holistic description of the layout and content of the analyzed book pages to characterize and categorize historical book pages. The categorization is based on the characterization of the digitized page content by texture, shape, geometric and topological descriptors. This characterization is represented by a structural signature. More precisely, the signature-based characterization approach consists of two main stages. The first stage is extracting homogeneous regions. Then, the second one is proposing a graph-based page signature which is based on the extracted homogeneous regions, reflecting its layout and content. Afterwards, by comparing the different obtained graph-based signatures using a graph-matching paradigm, the similarities of digitized historical book page layout and/or content can be deduced. Subsequently, book pages with similar layout and/or content can be categorized and grouped, and a table of contents/summary of the analyzed digitized historical book can be provided automatically. As a consequence, numerous signature-based applications (e.g. information retrieval in digital libraries according to several criteria, page categorization) can be implemented for managing effectively a corpus or collections of books. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed page signature, a detailed experimental evaluation has been conducted in this work for assessing two possible categorization applications, unsupervised page classification and page stream segmentation. In addition, the different steps of the proposed approach have been evaluated on a large variety of historical document images.Les récents progrès dans la numérisation des collections de documents patrimoniaux ont ravivé de nouveaux défis afin de garantir une conservation durable et de fournir un accès plus large aux documents anciens. En parallèle de la recherche d'information dans les bibliothèques numériques ou l'analyse du contenu des pages numérisées dans les ouvrages anciens, la caractérisation et la catégorisation des pages d'ouvrages anciens a connu récemment un regain d'intérêt. Les efforts se concentrent autant sur le développement d'outils rapides et automatiques de caractérisation et catégorisation des pages d'ouvrages anciens, capables de classer les pages d'un ouvrage numérisé en fonction de plusieurs critères, notamment la structure des mises en page et/ou les caractéristiques typographiques/graphiques du contenu de ces pages. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons une approche permettant la caractérisation et la catégorisation automatiques des pages d'un ouvrage ancien. L'approche proposée se veut indépendante de la structure et du contenu de l'ouvrage analysé. Le principal avantage de ce travail réside dans le fait que l'approche s'affranchit des connaissances préalables, que ce soit concernant le contenu du document ou sa structure. Elle est basée sur une analyse des descripteurs de texture et une représentation structurelle en graphe afin de fournir une description riche permettant une catégorisation à partir du contenu graphique (capturé par la texture) et des mises en page (représentées par des graphes). En effet, cette catégorisation s'appuie sur la caractérisation du contenu de la page numérisée à l'aide d'une analyse des descripteurs de texture, de forme, géométriques et topologiques. Cette caractérisation est définie à l'aide d'une représentation structurelle. Dans le détail, l'approche de catégorisation se décompose en deux étapes principales successives. La première consiste à extraire des régions homogènes. La seconde vise à proposer une signature structurelle à base de texture, sous la forme d'un graphe, construite à partir des régions homogènes extraites et reflétant la structure de la page analysée. Cette signature assure la mise en œuvre de nombreuses applications pour gérer efficacement un corpus ou des collections de livres patrimoniaux (par exemple, la recherche d'information dans les bibliothèques numériques en fonction de plusieurs critères, ou la catégorisation des pages d'un même ouvrage). En comparant les différentes signatures structurelles par le biais de la distance d'édition entre graphes, les similitudes entre les pages d'un même ouvrage en termes de leurs mises en page et/ou contenus peuvent être déduites. Ainsi de suite, les pages ayant des mises en page et/ou contenus similaires peuvent être catégorisées, et un résumé/une table des matières de l'ouvrage analysé peut être alors généré automatiquement. Pour illustrer l'efficacité de la signature proposée, une étude expérimentale détaillée a été menée dans ce travail pour évaluer deux applications possibles de catégorisation de pages d'un même ouvrage, la classification non supervisée de pages et la segmentation de flux de pages d'un même ouvrage. En outre, les différentes étapes de l'approche proposée ont donné lieu à des évaluations par le biais d'expérimentations menées sur un large corpus de documents patrimoniaux