198 research outputs found

    Standardizing catch per unit effort by machine learning techniques in longline fisheries: a case study of bigeye tuna in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Support vector machine (SVM) is shown to have better performance in catch per unit of effort (CPUE) standardization than other methods. The SVM performance highly relates to its parameters selection and has not been discussed in CPUE standardization. Analyzing the influence of parameter selection on SVM performance for CPUE standardization could improve model construction and performance, and thus provide useful information to stock assessment and management. We applied SVM to standardize longline catch per unit fishing effort of fishery data for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the tropical fishing area of Atlantic Ocean and evaluated three parameters optimization methods: a Grid Search method, and two improved hybrid algorithms, namely SVMs in combination with the particle swarm optimization (PSO-SVM), and genetic algorithms (GA-SVM), in order to increase the strength of SVM. The mean absolute error (MAE), mean square error (MSE), three types of correlation coefficients and the normalized mean square error (NMSE) were computed to compare the algorithm performances. The PSO-SVM and GA-SVM algorithms had particularly high performances of indicative values in the training data and dataset, and the performances of PSO-SVM were marginally better than GA-SVM. The Grid search algorithm had best performances of indicative values in testing data. In general, PSO was appropriate to optimize the SVM parameters in CPUE standardization. The standardized CPUE was unstable and low from 2007 to 2011, increased during 2011- 2013, then decreased from 2015 to 2017. The abundance index was lower compared with before 2000 and showed a decreasing trend in recent years

    GSA to Obtain SVM Kernel Parameter for Thyroid Nodule Classification

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    Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the most popular methods of classification problems due to its global optima solution. However, the selection of appropriate parameters and kernel values remains an obstacle in the process. The problem can be solved by adding the best value of parameter during optimization process in SVM. Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) will be used to optimize parameters of SVM. GSA is an optimization algorithm that is inspired by mass interaction and Newton's law of gravity. This research hybridizes the GSA and SVM  to increase system accuracy. The proposed approach had been implemented to improve the classification performance of Thyroid Nodule. The data used in this research are ultrasonography image of Thyroid Nodule obtained from RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta. This research had been evaluated by comparing the default SVM parameters with the proposed method in term of accuracy. The experiment results showed that the use of GSA on SVM is capable to increase system accuracy. In the polynomial kernel the accuracy rose up from 58.5366 % to 89.4309 %, and 41.4634 % to 98.374 % in Polynomial kerne

    Customer Churn Prediction of Telecom Company Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    We can’t escape the fact that using telecommunications has become a significant part of our everyday lives. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the telecommunication industry has become crucial.  Hence, the industry now enjoys growth opportunities. In this study, KNN, Random Forest (RF), AdaBoost, Logistic Regression (LR), XGBoost, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are 6 supervised machine learning algorithms that will be used in this study to predict the customer churn of a telecom company in California. The goal of this study is to identify the classifier that predicts customer churn the most effectively. As evidenced by its accuracy of 79.67%, precision of 64.67%, recall of 51.87%, and F1-score of 57.57%, XGBoost is the overall most effective classifier in this study. Next, the purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of customers who are most likely to leave the telecom company. These characteristics were discovered based on customers’ demographics and account information. Lastly, this study also provides the company with advice on how to retain customers. The study advises company to personalize the customer experience, implement a customer loyalty program, and apply AI in customer relationship management in retaining customers

    Multistage feature selection methods for data classification

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    In data analysis process, a good decision can be made with the assistance of several sub-processes and methods. The most common processes are feature selection and classification processes. Various methods and processes have been proposed to solve many issues such as low classification accuracy, and long processing time faced by the decision-makers. The analysis process becomes more complicated especially when dealing with complex datasets that consist of large and problematic datasets. One of the solutions that can be used is by employing an effective feature selection method to reduce the data processing time, decrease the used memory space, and increase the accuracy of decisions. However, not all the existing methods are capable of dealing with these issues. The aim of this research was to assist the classifier in giving a better performance when dealing with problematic datasets by generating optimised attribute set. The proposed method comprised two stages of feature selection processes, that employed correlation-based feature selection method using a best first search algorithm (CFS-BFS) and as well as a soft set and rough set parameter selection method (SSRS). CFS-BFS is used to eliminate uncorrelated attributes in a dataset meanwhile SSRS was utilized to manage any problematic values such as uncertainty in a dataset. Several bench-marking feature selection methods such as classifier subset evaluation (CSE) and principle component analysis (PCA) and different classifiers such as support vector machine (SVM) and neural network (NN) were used to validate the obtained results. ANOVA and T-test were also conducted to verify the obtained results. The obtained averages for two experimentalworks have proven that the proposed method equally matched the performance of other benchmarking methods in terms of assisting the classifier in achieving high classification performance for complex datasets. The obtained average for another experimental work has shown that the proposed work has outperformed the other benchmarking methods. In conclusion, the proposed method is significant to be used as an alternative feature selection method and able to assist the classifiers in achieving better accuracy in the classification process especially when dealing with problematic datasets

    Monitoring the critical newborn:Towards a safe and more silent neonatal intensive care unit

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    Monitoring the critical newborn:Towards a safe and more silent neonatal intensive care unit

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    Performance Evaluation of Smart Decision Support Systems on Healthcare

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    Medical activity requires responsibility not only from clinical knowledge and skill but also on the management of an enormous amount of information related to patient care. It is through proper treatment of information that experts can consistently build a healthy wellness policy. The primary objective for the development of decision support systems (DSSs) is to provide information to specialists when and where they are needed. These systems provide information, models, and data manipulation tools to help experts make better decisions in a variety of situations. Most of the challenges that smart DSSs face come from the great difficulty of dealing with large volumes of information, which is continuously generated by the most diverse types of devices and equipment, requiring high computational resources. This situation makes this type of system susceptible to not recovering information quickly for the decision making. As a result of this adversity, the information quality and the provision of an infrastructure capable of promoting the integration and articulation among different health information systems (HIS) become promising research topics in the field of electronic health (e-health) and that, for this same reason, are addressed in this research. The work described in this thesis is motivated by the need to propose novel approaches to deal with problems inherent to the acquisition, cleaning, integration, and aggregation of data obtained from different sources in e-health environments, as well as their analysis. To ensure the success of data integration and analysis in e-health environments, it is essential that machine-learning (ML) algorithms ensure system reliability. However, in this type of environment, it is not possible to guarantee a reliable scenario. This scenario makes intelligent SAD susceptible to predictive failures, which severely compromise overall system performance. On the other hand, systems can have their performance compromised due to the overload of information they can support. To solve some of these problems, this thesis presents several proposals and studies on the impact of ML algorithms in the monitoring and management of hypertensive disorders related to pregnancy of risk. The primary goals of the proposals presented in this thesis are to improve the overall performance of health information systems. In particular, ML-based methods are exploited to improve the prediction accuracy and optimize the use of monitoring device resources. It was demonstrated that the use of this type of strategy and methodology contributes to a significant increase in the performance of smart DSSs, not only concerning precision but also in the computational cost reduction used in the classification process. The observed results seek to contribute to the advance of state of the art in methods and strategies based on AI that aim to surpass some challenges that emerge from the integration and performance of the smart DSSs. With the use of algorithms based on AI, it is possible to quickly and automatically analyze a larger volume of complex data and focus on more accurate results, providing high-value predictions for a better decision making in real time and without human intervention.A atividade médica requer responsabilidade não apenas com base no conhecimento e na habilidade clínica, mas também na gestão de uma enorme quantidade de informações relacionadas ao atendimento ao paciente. É através do tratamento adequado das informações que os especialistas podem consistentemente construir uma política saudável de bem-estar. O principal objetivo para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de apoio à decisão (SAD) é fornecer informações aos especialistas onde e quando são necessárias. Esses sistemas fornecem informações, modelos e ferramentas de manipulação de dados para ajudar os especialistas a tomar melhores decisões em diversas situações. A maioria dos desafios que os SAD inteligentes enfrentam advêm da grande dificuldade de lidar com grandes volumes de dados, que é gerada constantemente pelos mais diversos tipos de dispositivos e equipamentos, exigindo elevados recursos computacionais. Essa situação torna este tipo de sistemas suscetível a não recuperar a informação rapidamente para a tomada de decisão. Como resultado dessa adversidade, a qualidade da informação e a provisão de uma infraestrutura capaz de promover a integração e a articulação entre diferentes sistemas de informação em saúde (SIS) tornam-se promissores tópicos de pesquisa no campo da saúde eletrônica (e-saúde) e que, por essa mesma razão, são abordadas nesta investigação. O trabalho descrito nesta tese é motivado pela necessidade de propor novas abordagens para lidar com os problemas inerentes à aquisição, limpeza, integração e agregação de dados obtidos de diferentes fontes em ambientes de e-saúde, bem como sua análise. Para garantir o sucesso da integração e análise de dados em ambientes e-saúde é importante que os algoritmos baseados em aprendizagem de máquina (AM) garantam a confiabilidade do sistema. No entanto, neste tipo de ambiente, não é possível garantir um cenário totalmente confiável. Esse cenário torna os SAD inteligentes suscetíveis à presença de falhas de predição que comprometem seriamente o desempenho geral do sistema. Por outro lado, os sistemas podem ter seu desempenho comprometido devido à sobrecarga de informações que podem suportar. Para tentar resolver alguns destes problemas, esta tese apresenta várias propostas e estudos sobre o impacto de algoritmos de AM na monitoria e gestão de transtornos hipertensivos relacionados com a gravidez (gestação) de risco. O objetivo das propostas apresentadas nesta tese é melhorar o desempenho global de sistemas de informação em saúde. Em particular, os métodos baseados em AM são explorados para melhorar a precisão da predição e otimizar o uso dos recursos dos dispositivos de monitorização. Ficou demonstrado que o uso deste tipo de estratégia e metodologia contribui para um aumento significativo do desempenho dos SAD inteligentes, não só em termos de precisão, mas também na diminuição do custo computacional utilizado no processo de classificação. Os resultados observados buscam contribuir para o avanço do estado da arte em métodos e estratégias baseadas em inteligência artificial que visam ultrapassar alguns desafios que advêm da integração e desempenho dos SAD inteligentes. Como o uso de algoritmos baseados em inteligência artificial é possível analisar de forma rápida e automática um volume maior de dados complexos e focar em resultados mais precisos, fornecendo previsões de alto valor para uma melhor tomada de decisão em tempo real e sem intervenção humana