244 research outputs found

    On the functions generated by the general purpose analog computer

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    PreprintWe consider the General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC), introduced by Claude Shannon in 1941 as a mathematical model of Differential Analysers, that is to say as a model of continuous-time analog (mechanical, and later one electronic) machines of that time. The GPAC generates as output univariate functions (i.e. functions f:R→R). In this paper we extend this model by: (i) allowing multivariate functions (i.e. functions f:Rn→Rm); (ii) introducing a notion of amount of resources (space) needed to generate a function, which allows the stratification of GPAC generable functions into proper subclasses. We also prove that a wide class of (continuous and discontinuous) functions can be uniformly approximated over their full domain. We prove a few stability properties of this model, mostly stability by arithmetic operations, composition and ODE solving, taking into account the amount of resources needed to perform each operation. We establish that generable functions are always analytic but that they can nonetheless (uniformly) approximate a wide range of nonanalytic functions. Our model and results extend some of the results from [19] to the multidimensional case, allow one to define classes of functions generated by GPACs which take into account bounded resources, and also strengthen the approximation result from [19] over a compact domain to a uniform approximation result over unbounded domains.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Turing machines can be efficiently simulated by the General Purpose Analog Computer

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    The Church-Turing thesis states that any sufficiently powerful computational model which captures the notion of algorithm is computationally equivalent to the Turing machine. This equivalence usually holds both at a computability level and at a computational complexity level modulo polynomial reductions. However, the situation is less clear in what concerns models of computation using real numbers, and no analog of the Church-Turing thesis exists for this case. Recently it was shown that some models of computation with real numbers were equivalent from a computability perspective. In particular it was shown that Shannon's General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC) is equivalent to Computable Analysis. However, little is known about what happens at a computational complexity level. In this paper we shed some light on the connections between this two models, from a computational complexity level, by showing that, modulo polynomial reductions, computations of Turing machines can be simulated by GPACs, without the need of using more (space) resources than those used in the original Turing computation, as long as we are talking about bounded computations. In other words, computations done by the GPAC are as space-efficient as computations done in the context of Computable Analysis

    Polynomial Time corresponds to Solutions of Polynomial Ordinary Differential Equations of Polynomial Length

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    We provide an implicit characterization of polynomial time computation in terms of ordinary differential equations: we characterize the class PTIME\operatorname{PTIME} of languages computable in polynomial time in terms of differential equations with polynomial right-hand side. This result gives a purely continuous (time and space) elegant and simple characterization of PTIME\operatorname{PTIME}. This is the first time such classes are characterized using only ordinary differential equations. Our characterization extends to functions computable in polynomial time over the reals in the sense of computable analysis. This extends to deterministic complexity classes above polynomial time. This may provide a new perspective on classical complexity, by giving a way to define complexity classes, like PTIME\operatorname{PTIME}, in a very simple way, without any reference to a notion of (discrete) machine. This may also provide ways to state classical questions about computational complexity via ordinary differential equations, i.e.~by using the framework of analysis

    On some closure properties of generable languages

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    Polynomial Time Corresponds to Solutions of Polynomial Ordinary Differential Equations of Polynomial Length: The General Purpose Analog Computer and Computable Analysis Are Two Efficiently Equivalent Models of Computations

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    The outcomes of this paper are twofold. Implicit complexity. We provide an implicit characterization of polynomial time computation in terms of ordinary differential equations: we characterize the class P of languages computable in polynomial time in terms of differential equations with polynomial right-hand side. This result gives a purely continuous (time and space) elegant and simple characterization of P. We believe it is the first time such classes are characterized using only ordinary differential equations. Our characterization extends to functions computable in polynomial time over the reals in the sense of computable analysis. Our results may provide a new perspective on classical complexity, by giving a way to define complexity classes, like P, in a very simple way, without any reference to a notion of (discrete) machine. This may also provide ways to state classical questions about computational complexity via ordinary differential equations. Continuous-Time Models of Computation. Our results can also be interpreted in terms of analog computers or analog model of computation: As a side effect, we get that the 1941 General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC) of Claude Shannon is provably equivalent to Turing machines both at the computability and complexity level, a fact that has never been established before. This result provides arguments in favour of a generalised form of the Church-Turing Hypothesis, which states that any physically realistic (macroscopic) computer is equivalent to Turing machines both at a computability and at a computational complexity level

    Characterizing time computational complexity classes with polynomial differential equations

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    In this paper we show that several classes of languages from computational complexity theory, such as EXPTIME, can be characterized in a continuous manner by using only polynomial differential equations. This characterization applies not only to languages, but also to classes of functions, such as the classes defining the Grzegorczyk hierarchy, which implies an analog characterization of the class of elementary computable functions and the class of primitive recursive functions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Exploring the N-th Dimension of Language

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    This paper is aimed at exploring the hidden fundamental\ud computational property of natural language that has been so elusive that it has made all attempts to characterize its real computational property ultimately fail. Earlier natural language was thought to be context-free. However, it was gradually realized that this does not hold much water given that a range of natural language phenomena have been found as being of non-context-free character that they have almost scuttled plans to brand natural language contextfree. So it has been suggested that natural language is mildly context-sensitive and to some extent context-free. In all, it seems that the issue over the exact computational property has not yet been solved. Against this background it will be proposed that this exact computational property of natural language is perhaps the N-th dimension of language, if what we mean by dimension is\ud nothing but universal (computational) property of natural language

    A Fair Power Domain for Actor Computations

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    This report describes research done at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the laboratory's artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Office of Naval Research of the Department of Defense under Contract N00014-75-C-0522.Actor-based languages feature extreme concurrency, allow side effects, and specify a form of fairness which permits unbounded nondeterminism. This makes it difficult to provide a satisfactory mathematical foundation for the semantics. Due to the high degree of parallelism, an oracle semantics would be intractable. A weakest precondition semantics is out of the question because of the possibility of unbounded nondeterminism. The most attractive approach, fixed point semantics using power domains, has not been helpful because the available power domain constructions, although very general, seemed to deal inadequately with fairness. By taking advantage of the relatively complex structure of the actor computation domain C, however, a power domain P(C) can be defined which is similar to Smyth's weak power domain but richer. Actor systems, which are collections of mutually recursive primitive actors with side effects, may be assigned meanings as least fixed points of their associated continuous functions acting on this power domain. Given a denotation A ∈ P(C), the set of possible complete computations of the actor system it represents is the set of least upper bounds of a certain set of "fair" chain in A, and this set of chains is definable within A itself without recourse to oracles or an auxiliary interpretive semantics. It should be emphasized that this power domain construction is not nearly as generally applicable as those of the Plotkin [Pl] and Smyth [Sm], which can be used with any complete partial order. Fairness seems to require that the domain from which the power domain is to be constructed contain sufficient operational information.Department of Defense Office of Naval Researc