131 research outputs found

    Sustaining Negotiated QoS in Connection Admission Control for ATM Networks Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques

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    An Algorithm to Evaluate the Echo Signal and the Voice Quality in VoIP Networks

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    Voice over the Internet Protocol (VoIP) has been increasingly popular, but reliability and voice quality remain important factors that limit the widespread adoption of VoIP systems. Providing good voice quality is of major importance for the transition from the PSTN to VoIP networks. There are several non-real-time algorithms that estimate the voice quality such as the PESQ and the E-model. In this thesis we propose a real-time fuzzy algorithm to estimate the echo quality component of the voice quality in VoIP networks. Differently from the existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm does not need a reference signal and has low computational complexity. For these reasons, the proposed algorithm can be embedded in every VoIP system of a network to monitor live calls, giving an estimate of the instantaneous voice quality to the network provider

    Comparison of vertical handover decision-based techniques in heterogeneous networks

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    Industry leaders are currently setting out standards for 5G Networks projected for 2020 or even sooner. Future generation networks will be heterogeneous in nature because no single network type is capable of optimally meeting all the rapid changes in customer demands. Heterogeneous networks are typically characterized by some network architecture, base stations of varying transmission power, transmission solutions and the deployment of a mix of technologies (multiple radio access technologies). In heterogeneous networks, the processes involved when a mobile node successfully switches from one radio access technology to the other for the purpose of quality of service continuity is termed vertical handover or vertical handoff. Active calls that get dropped, or cases where there is discontinuity of service experienced by mobile users can be attributed to the phenomenon of delayed handover or an outright case of an unsuccessful handover procedure. This dissertation analyses the performance of a fuzzy-based VHO algorithm scheme in a Wi-Fi, WiMAX, UMTS and LTE integrated network using the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator. The loose coupling type network architecture is adopted and results of the simulation are analysed and compared for the two major categories of handover basis; multiple and single criteria based handover methods. The key performance indices from the simulations showed better overall throughput, better call dropped rate and shorter handover time duration for the multiple criteria based decision method compared to the single criteria based technique. This work also touches on current trends, challenges in area of seamless handover and initiatives for future Networks (Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks)

    Klausurtagung des Instituts fĂŒr Telematik. Schloss Dagstuhl, 29. MĂ€rz bis 1. April 2000

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    Der vorliegende Bericht gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten des Instituts fĂŒr Telematik an der UniversitĂ€t Karlsruhe (TH). Das Institut fĂŒr Telematik ist in einem Teilgebiet der Informatik tĂ€tig, welches durch das Zusammenwachsen von Informatik und Kommunikationstechnik zur Telematik geprĂ€gt ist. Es gliedert sich in die Forschungsbereiche Telematik, Telecooperation Office (TecO), Cooperation & Management, Hochleistungsnetze und Netzwerkmanagement sowie dezentrale Systeme und Netzdienste. Die Schwerpunkte des Forschungsbereichs "Telematik" (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. G. KrĂŒger) liegen in den Bereichen "DienstgĂŒte", "Mobilkommunikation" und "Verteilte Systeme". Gemeinsames Ziel ist die Integration heterogener Netze (Festnetze und Funknetze), Rechnersysteme (von Workstations bis zu PDAs) und Softwarekomponenten, um damit den Anwendern eine Vielzahl von integrierten Diensten effizient und mit grĂ¶ĂŸtmöglicher QualitĂ€t zu erbringen. Das "Telecooperation Office" (TecO, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. G. KrĂŒger) ist ein Institutsbereich, der in Zusammenarbeit mit der Industrie anwendungsnahe Forschungsthemen der Telematik aufgreift. Im Mittelpunkt steht die innovative Nutzung von Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen mit den Schwerpunkten Softwaretechnik fĂŒr Web-Anwendungen, neue Formen der Telekooperation sowie tragbare und allgegenwĂ€rtige Technologien (Ubiquitous Computing). Die Kernkompetenz des Forschungsbereichs "Cooperation & Management" (Prof. Dr. S. Abeck) liegt im prozessorientierten Netz-, System- und Anwendungsmanagement. Es werden werkzeuggestĂŒtzte Managementlösungen fĂŒr Betriebsprozesse entwickelt und in realen Szenarien erprobt. Ein wichtiges Szenario stellt das multimediale Informationssystem "NEXUS" dar, das als Plattform eines europaweit verteilten Lehr- und Lernsystems genutzt wird. Der Forschungsbereich "Hochleistungsnetze & Netzwerkmanagement" (Prof. Dr. W. Juling) befasst sich mit Technologie und Konzepten moderner leistungsfĂ€higer Netzwerke sowie darĂŒber hinaus mit sĂ€mtlichen Aspekten des Managements dieser zumeist ausgedehnten Netze. Um eine enge Abstimmung zwischen ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten und betrieblicher Praxis zu erzielen, werden insbesondere auch Synergien zwischen Institut und Rechenzentrum angestrebt. Die Arbeiten des Forschungsbereichs "Dezentrale Systeme und Netzdienste" (Prof. Dr. L. Wolf) befassen sich mit der UnterstĂŒtzung verteilter Multimedia-Systeme, auch unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von Komponenten mit drahtlosem Zugang und den dafĂŒr geeigneten Architekturen und Infrastrukturen. Dabei werden vor allem Aspekte der Kommunikationssysteme wie Protokollmechanismen, Ressourcenverwaltung und adaptive und heterogene Systeme untersucht

    Active self-diagnosis in telecommunication networks

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    Les rĂ©seaux de tĂ©lĂ©communications deviennent de plus en plus complexes, notamment de par la multiplicitĂ© des technologies mises en Ɠuvre, leur couverture gĂ©ographique grandissante, la croissance du trafic en quantitĂ© et en variĂ©tĂ©, mais aussi de par l Ă©volution des services fournis par les opĂ©rateurs. Tout ceci contribue Ă  rendre la gestion de ces rĂ©seaux de plus en plus lourde, complexe, gĂ©nĂ©ratrice d erreurs et donc coĂ»teuse pour les opĂ©rateurs. On place derriĂšre le terme rĂ©seaux autonome l ensemble des solutions visant Ă  rendre la gestion de ce rĂ©seau plus autonome. L objectif de cette thĂšse est de contribuer Ă  la rĂ©alisation de certaines fonctions autonomiques dans les rĂ©seaux de tĂ©lĂ©communications. Nous proposons une stratĂ©gie pour automatiser la gestion des pannes tout en couvrant les diffĂ©rents segments du rĂ©seau et les services de bout en bout dĂ©ployĂ©s au-dessus. Il s agit d une approche basĂ©e modĂšle qui adresse les deux difficultĂ©s du diagnostic basĂ© modĂšle Ă  savoir : a) la façon d'obtenir un tel modĂšle, adaptĂ© Ă  un rĂ©seau donnĂ© Ă  un moment donnĂ©, en particulier si l'on souhaite capturer plusieurs couches rĂ©seau et segments et b) comment raisonner sur un modĂšle potentiellement Ă©norme, si l'on veut gĂ©rer un rĂ©seau national par exemple. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la premiĂšre difficultĂ©, nous proposons un nouveau concept : l auto-modĂ©lisation qui consiste d abord Ă  construire les diffĂ©rentes familles de modĂšles gĂ©nĂ©riques, puis Ă  identifier Ă  la volĂ©e les instances de ces modĂšles qui sont dĂ©ployĂ©es dans le rĂ©seau gĂ©rĂ©. La seconde difficultĂ© est adressĂ©e grĂące Ă  un moteur d auto-diagnostic actif, basĂ© sur le formalisme des rĂ©seaux BayĂ©siens et qui consiste Ă  raisonner sur un fragment du modĂšle du rĂ©seau qui est augmentĂ© progressivement en utilisant la capacitĂ© d auto-modĂ©lisation: des observations sont collectĂ©es et des tests rĂ©alisĂ©s jusqu Ă  ce que les fautes soient localisĂ©es avec une certitude suffisante. Cette approche de diagnostic actif a Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ©e pour rĂ©aliser une gestion multi-couches et multi-segments des alarmes dans un rĂ©seau IMS.While modern networks and services are continuously growing in scale, complexity and heterogeneity, the management of such systems is reaching the limits of human capabilities. Technically and economically, more automation of the classical management tasks is needed. This has triggered a significant research effort, gathered under the terms self-management and autonomic networking. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the realization of some self-management properties in telecommunication networks. We propose an approach to automatize the management of faults, covering the different segments of a network, and the end-to-end services deployed over them. This is a model-based approach addressing the two weaknesses of model-based diagnosis namely: a) how to derive such a model, suited to a given network at a given time, in particular if one wishes to capture several network layers and segments and b) how to reason a potentially huge model, if one wishes to manage a nation-wide network for example. To address the first point, we propose a new concept called self-modeling that formulates off-line generic patterns of the model, and identifies on-line the instances of these patterns that are deployed in the managed network. The second point is addressed by an active self-diagnosis engine, based on a Bayesian network formalism, that consists in reasoning on a progressively growing fragment of the network model, relying on the self-modeling ability: more observations are collected and new tests are performed until the faults are localized with sufficient confidence. This active diagnosis approach has been experimented to perform cross-layer and cross-segment alarm management on an IMS network.RENNES1-Bibl. Ă©lectronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Application of learning algorithms to traffic management in integrated services networks.

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN027131 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    The 1st Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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