5 research outputs found

    An approach to evaluate the impact of the introduction of a disassembly line in traditional manufacturing systems

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    Purpose: The circular economy (CE) paradigm, traditionally based on the 3R (reuse, recycle, and remanufacture) principles, provides benefits for sustainability and represents a big opportunity for manufacturing enterprises to reduce costs and take economic advantages. This paper proposes an approach that can help stakeholders transition towards CE oriented business by evaluating the economic convenience of introducing a manual disassembly line to recover the components of End-of-Life (EoL) products in a traditional manufacturing system. Design/methodology/approach: The conceptual approach is generic and based on the characteristics of EoL products and on the reusability and recyclability features of every component. Then, based on the type of product and the disassembly sequence, the disassembly line is built in the virtual environment along the assembly line. The virtual environment must take into account the probabilistic parameters that characterise each real industrial context. Therefore, the assembly-disassembly lines are linked with the variables and economic functions needed to process the outputs of the approach application. Findings: Implemented in a virtual environment, the proposed approach evaluates a priori possible economic and environmental benefits coming from the integration of a disassembly line within a manufacturing context. The approach considers the variability of the EoL products’ status (their reusability and recyclability indices), provides the optimal number of operators that must be assigned to the manual disassembly line and determines the maximum reduction of the product cost that can be gained by introducing the disassembly line. Furthermore, an application example is provided to show the potential of the tool. Originality/value: Recently, the scientific literature has dealt with the issue related to the disassembly process of EoL products from several perspectives (e.g. disassembly line scheduling, planning, balancing, with and without the consideration of the quality of EoL products). However, to the best of our knowledge, no study provided an approach to evaluate the convenience of the investment in a disassembly line. Therefore, this document contributes to this research field by proposing a simple approach that supports the decision-making process of traditional manufacturing enterprises to evaluate a priori the economic return (i.e. how much the product cost decreases) and provide an estimate of the environmental benefits of integrating a manual disassembly line of EoL products with a traditional manufacturing systemPeer Reviewe

    An integrated approach for remanufacturing job shop scheduling with routing alternatives.

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    Remanufacturing is a practice of growing importance due to increasing environmental awareness and regulations. However, the stochastic natures inherent in the remanufacturing processes complicate its scheduling. This paper undertakes the challenge and presents a remanufacturing job shop scheduling approach by integrating alternative routing assignment and machine resource dispatching. A colored timed Petri net is introduced to model the dynamics of remanufacturing process, such as various process routings, uncertain operation times for cores, and machine resource conflicts. With the color attributes in Petri nets, two types of decision points, recovery routing selection and resource dispatching, are introduced and linked with places in CTPN model. With time attributes in Petri nets, the temporal aspect of recovery operations for cores as well as the evolution dynamics in cores\u27 operational stages is mathematically analyzed. A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm embedded scheduling strategy over CTPN is proposed to search for the optimal recovery routings for worn cores and their recovery operation sequences on workstations, in minimizing the total production cost. The approach is demonstrated through the remanufacturing of used machine tool and its effectiveness is compared against another two cases: baseline case with fixed recovery process routings and case 2 using standard SA/MST

    Development of a Repair Technology Selection Tool for Aerospace Components

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    Negli ultimi anni sono state sviluppate nuove soluzioni di tipo end-life per prodotti. In particolare, ci sono opzioni di riutilizzo a recupero di valore aggiunto e opzioni di recupero dei materiali. Tuttavia di solito la selezione di tecniche di riparazione, fatta da operatori, non è ottimale, in quanto si tratta di un problema decisionale complesso a causa della presenza di diversi criteri contrastanti, quindi vi è la necessità di uno strumento o tool che aiuti il processo decisionale. La prima fase della presente tesi è iniziata con una ricerca sullo stato dell’arte della teoria del Remanufacturing e delle tecniche MDCM, per identificare il gap nella letteratura. Una volta Identificato il gap, è stato sviluppato un framework ed un algoritmo decisionale integrato basato su Fuzzy AHP e TOPSIS. Questi ultimi due metodi sono alla base del programma software sviluppato tramite Microsoft Excel VBA. Attraverso il case study, il programma e il suo algoritmo è stato testato e validato da un esperto in collaborazione con Rolls Royce plc. Questa tesi si propone di aggiungere alla letteratura un esempio di tool per la selezione di tecniche di riparazione per ogni fase del processo di riparazione. Tuttavia, questo può essere anche usato come primo passo per lo sviluppo di altri tool in altri settori o nello sviluppo di programmi che prendano in considerazione più criteri. In the last years new end life solutions have been developed for products. In particular there are value-added recovery reuse options, and material recovery options. However usually the selection of repair technique, done by operators, is not optimal as it is a complex decision making problem and it needs to consider several different and contrasting criteria, hence there is a need of a tool that aids the decision making process. The first stage of the thesis started with a significant research review on Remanufacturing and MDCM techniques, in order to identify the gap in literature. From the identified gap, a decision making framework and algorithm based on Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS was developed, that is the basis of the software tool created through Microsoft Excel VBA. Through the case study, the tool and its algorithm has been tested and validated by an expert in collaboration with Rolls Royce plc. This thesis adds to the literature an example of tool that helps the selection of repair techniques for each stages of the repair process. However this can also be used as first step for developing other tools in other fields or in tools that take in account more criteria

    Automatic Disassembly Task Sequence Planning of Aircrafts at their End-of-Life

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    RÉSUMÉ Une prise de conscience des problèmes environnementaux à l'échelle mondiale ainsi que des avantages économiques a stimulé les chercheurs à trouver les possibilités de réutiliser et de recycler les produits en fin de vie. Chaque année plusieurs centaines d'avions atteignent globalement fin de leur navigabilité et doivent être retirés du service actif. De ce fait, une attention accrue est maintenant accordée à la fin de vie des avions. Désassemblage joue un rôle important dans la prise de décision de fin de vie. La faisabilité économique du processus de démontage avec beaucoup d'incertitudes est une préoccupation majeure limitant sa mise en oeuvre dans la pratique de l'industrie. De nombreuses recherches dans le domaine de la planification et des opérations de processus de démontage a été fait, qui visent de plus en plus la faisabilité économique du démontage avec la réduction des temps de démontage de proposer des séquences de démontage optimisées. Par conséquent, ces dernières années, de nombreux chercheurs ont publié des articles sur la planification de la séquence de démontage des produits en fin de vie qui est un problème NP-complet optimisation combinatoire. Néanmoins, il y a eu un peu d'attention à la planification de la séquence de démontage d'avions en fin de vie. Cette thèse aborde la planification de séquence de démontage des pièces réutilisables d'avions en fin de vie avant le démantèlement pour le recyclage. Puisque les composants récupérés vont être utilisés à nouveau, une approche non-destructive tout en respectant les instructions fournies dans le manuel d'entretien d'avion intitulé « Aircraft Maintenance Manuel » (AMM) pour le retrait des pièces est prise en considération. Ordonnancement de désassemblage dans cette recherche ne traite pas le séquençage le démontage des pièces comme dans d'autres études, mais il planifie séquence de tâches de démontage dans l'AMM. Une tâche de démontage consiste combinaison d'opérations pour la préparation du démontage ou le procède de démontage pour un ou plusieurs pièces. Tout d'abord, un modèle de séquençage de démontage est proposé par l'examen structure des tâches de démontage dans l'AMM. Ensuite, un code Matlab est développé qui lit la base de données énuméré des tâches et sous-tâches qui sont acquises à partir de l'AMM et génère la séquence de démontage des tâches et sous-tâches automatiquement en utilisant le modèle proposé. Le code est capable de générer des séquences de désassemblage de tâches pour n’importe quelle pièce sollicitée.----------ABSTRACT An awareness of the world’s environmental problems plus economic benefits has stimulated researchers to seek the opportunities to reuse and recycle end-of-life (EOL) products. Each year hundreds of aircraft globally reach end of their airworthiness and should be withdrawn from active service. Due to this fact, increased attention is now being paid to EOL of aircrafts. Disassembly plays an important role in EOL decision making. The economic feasibility of the disassembly process with lots of uncertainties is a main concern limiting its implementation in industry practice. Many researches in the field of disassembly process planning and operations has been done that aim increasing economic feasibility of disassembly with reducing disassembly times with proposing optimized disassembly sequences. Consequently, in recent years, many scholars have published articles on disassembly sequence planning of EOL products that is a NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem. Nevertheless, there has been a scant attention towards disassembly sequence planning of EOL aircrafts. This thesis addresses disassembly sequence planning of reusable components of EOL aircrafts before dismantling it for recycling. Since retrieved components are going to be used again, a nondestructive approach with respecting all instructions provided in aircraft maintenance manual (AMM) for removal of parts is taken into consideration. Disassembly scheduling in this work does not deal with scheduling disassembly of components as in other works but it schedules sequence of removal Tasks in AMM. A removal task consists combination of operations for preparation of disassembly or process of disassembly for a part or multiple parts. At first, a disassembly sequencing model with considering structure of disassembly tasks in AMM is proposed. Afterwards a Matlab code is developed which reads from enumerated database of tasks and subtasks that are acquired from AMM and generates disassembly sequence of tasks and subtasks automatically using the proposed model. The code is capable of generating disassembly sequences of tasks for any given removal task of solicited part. Finally, a greedy and an adaptive greedy algorithm are proposed to optimize disassembly sequence of tasks with minimizing changes in visited zones of disassembly operations. Results generated in Matlab code, suggests effectiveness of proposed adaptive greedy algorithm