283 research outputs found

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Path Following and Avoiding Obstacle for Mobile Robot Under Dynamic Environments Using Reinforcement Learning

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    Obstacle avoidance for mobile robot to reach the desired target from a start location is one of the most interesting research topics. However, until now, few works discuss about working of mobile robot in the dynamic and continuously changing environment. So, this issue is still the research challenge for mobile robots. Traditional algorithm for obstacle avoidance in the dynamic, complex environment had many drawbacks. As known that Q-learning, the type of reinforcement learning, has been successfully applied in computer games. However, it is still rarely used in real world applications. This research presents an effectively method for real time dynamic obstacle avoidance based on Q-learning in the real world by using three-wheeled mobile robot. The position of obstacles including many static and dynamic obstacles and the mobile robot are recognized by fixed camera installed above the working space. The input for the robot is the 2D data from the camera. The output is an action for the robot (velocities, linear and angular parameters). Firstly, the simulation is performed for Q-learning algorithm then based on trained data, The Q-table value is implemented to the real mobile robot to perform the task in the real scene. The results are compared with intelligent control method for both static and dynamic obstacles cases. Through implement experiments, the results show that, after training in dynamic environments and testing in a new environment, the mobile robot is able to reach the target position successfully and have better performance comparing with fuzzy controller

    A Novel Edge Detection Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning

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    A novel detection algorithm for vision systems has been proposed based on combined fuzzy image processing and bacterial algorithm. This combination aims to increase the detection efficiency and reduce the computational time. In addition, the proposed algorithm has been tested through real-time robot navigation system, where it has been applied to detect the robot and obstacles in unstructured environment and generate 2D maps. These maps contain the starting and destination points in addition to current positions of the robot and obstacles. Moreover, the genetic algorithm (GA) has been modified and applied to produce time-based trajectory for the optimal path. It is based on proposing and enhancing the searching ability of the robot to move towards the optimal path solution. Many scenarios have been adopted in indoor environment to verify the capability of the new algorithm in terms of detection efficiency and computational time

    NAO robot fuzzy obstacle avoidance in virtual environment

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    The fuzzy inference system for obstacle avoidance developed in this paper is designed for NAO humanoid robot. The fuzzy obstacle avoidance (Fuzzy OA) has been tested in Webots virtual environment and the results showed that this method is almost two times faster than the Naoqi framework obstacle avoidance (Naoqi OA) while the robot is much more stable. Because the fuzzy inference system is a method that relies on trial an error and experience, the obstacle avoidance algorithm is subject to improvements. Future developments will take into account these results and will add other fuzzy inference systems for navigation, in order to get more autonomy for Nao robot

    Smooth 3D Path Planning by Means of Multiobjective Optimization for Fixed-Wing UAVs

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    [EN] Demand for 3D planning and guidance algorithms is increasing due, in part, to the increase in unmanned vehicle-based applications. Traditionally, two-dimensional (2D) trajectory planning algorithms address the problem by using the approach of maintaining a constant altitude. Addressing the problem of path planning in a three-dimensional (3D) space implies more complex scenarios where maintaining altitude is not a valid approach. The work presented here implements an architecture for the generation of 3D flight paths for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The aim is to determine the feasible flight path by minimizing the turning effort, starting from a set of control points in 3D space, including the initial and final point. The trajectory generated takes into account the rotation and elevation constraints of the UAV. From the defined control points and the movement constraints of the UAV, a path is generated that combines the union of the control points by means of a set of rectilinear segments and spherical curves. However, this design methodology means that the problem does not have a single solution; in other words, there are infinite solutions for the generation of the final path. For this reason, a multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) is proposed with the aim of independently maximizing each of the turning radii of the path. Finally, to produce a complete results visualization of the MOP and the final 3D trajectory, the architecture was implemented in a simulation with Matlab/Simulink/flightGear.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades for providing funding through the project RTI2018-096904-B-I00 and the local administration Generalitat Valenciana through projects GV/2017/029 and AICO/2019/055. Franklin Samaniego thanks IFTH (Instituto de Fomento al Talento Humano) Ecuador (2015-AR2Q9209), for its sponsorship of this work.Samaniego, F.; Sanchís Saez, J.; Garcia-Nieto, S.; Simarro Fernández, R. (2020). Smooth 3D Path Planning by Means of Multiobjective Optimization for Fixed-Wing UAVs. Electronics. 9(1):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9010051S12391Kyriakidis, M., Happee, R., & de Winter, J. C. F. (2015). Public opinion on automated driving: Results of an international questionnaire among 5000 respondents. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 32, 127-140. doi:10.1016/j.trf.2015.04.014Münzer, S., Zimmer, H. D., Schwalm, M., Baus, J., & Aslan, I. (2006). Computer-assisted navigation and the acquisition of route and survey knowledge. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26(4), 300-308. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2006.08.001Morales, Y., Kallakuri, N., Shinozawa, K., Miyashita, T., & Hagita, N. (2013). Human-comfortable navigation for an autonomous robotic wheelchair. 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. doi:10.1109/iros.2013.6696743Krotkov, E., & Hebert, M. (s. f.). Mapping and positioning for a prototype lunar rover. Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. doi:10.1109/robot.1995.525697Rodriguez-Seda, E. J. (2014). Decentralized trajectory tracking with collision avoidance control for teams of unmanned vehicles with constant speed. 2014 American Control Conference. doi:10.1109/acc.2014.6859184Xiaoping Ren, & Zixing Cai. (2010). Kinematics model of unmanned driving vehicle. 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. doi:10.1109/wcica.2010.5554512Jun, J.-Y., Saut, J.-P., & Benamar, F. (2016). Pose estimation-based path planning for a tracked mobile robot traversing uneven terrains. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 325-339. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2015.09.014Li, Y., Ding, L., & Liu, G. (2016). Attitude-based dynamic and kinematic models for wheels of mobile robot on deformable slope. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 161-175. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2015.10.006Mekonnen, G., Kumar, S., & Pathak, P. M. (2016). Wireless hybrid visual servoing of omnidirectional wheeled mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 450-462. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2015.08.008Xu, J., Wang, M., & Qiao, L. (2015). Dynamical sliding mode control for the trajectory tracking of underactuated unmanned underwater vehicles. Ocean Engineering, 105, 54-63. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2015.06.022Gafurov, S. A., & Klochkov, E. V. (2015). Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Development Tendencies. Procedia Engineering, 106, 141-148. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.06.017Qi, X., & Cai, Z. (2018). Three-dimensional formation control based on nonlinear small gain method for multiple underactuated underwater vehicles. Ocean Engineering, 151, 105-114. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.01.032Ramasamy, S., Sabatini, R., Gardi, A., & Liu, J. (2016). LIDAR obstacle warning and avoidance system for unmanned aerial vehicle sense-and-avoid. Aerospace Science and Technology, 55, 344-358. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2016.05.020Zhu, L., Cheng, X., & Yuan, F.-G. (2016). A 3D collision avoidance strategy for UAV with physical constraints. Measurement, 77, 40-49. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2015.09.006Chee, K. Y., & Zhong, Z. W. (2013). Control, navigation and collision avoidance for an unmanned aerial vehicle. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 190, 66-76. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2012.11.017Courbon, J., Mezouar, Y., Guénard, N., & Martinet, P. (2010). Vision-based navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Control Engineering Practice, 18(7), 789-799. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.03.004Aguilar, W., & Morales, S. (2016). 3D Environment Mapping Using the Kinect V2 and Path Planning Based on RRT Algorithms. Electronics, 5(4), 70. doi:10.3390/electronics5040070Yan, F., Liu, Y.-S., & Xiao, J.-Z. (2013). Path Planning in Complex 3D Environments Using a Probabilistic Roadmap Method. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 10(6), 525-533. doi:10.1007/s11633-013-0750-9Yeh, H.-Y., Thomas, S., Eppstein, D., & Amato, N. M. (2012). UOBPRM: A uniformly distributed obstacle-based PRM. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. doi:10.1109/iros.2012.6385875Liang, Y., & Xu, L. (2009). Global path planning for mobile robot based genetic algorithm and modified simulated annealing algorithm. Proceedings of the first ACM/SIGEVO Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GEC ’09. doi:10.1145/1543834.1543875Liu, J., Yang, J., Liu, H., Tian, X., & Gao, M. (2016). An improved ant colony algorithm for robot path planning. Soft Computing, 21(19), 5829-5839. doi:10.1007/s00500-016-2161-7Cao, H., Sun, S., Zhang, K., & Tang, Z. (2016). Visualized trajectory planning of flexible redundant robotic arm using a novel hybrid algorithm. Optik, 127(20), 9974-9983. doi:10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.07.078Duan, H., & Qiao, P. (2014). Pigeon-inspired optimization: a new swarm intelligence optimizer for air robot path planning. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 7(1), 24-37. doi:10.1108/ijicc-02-2014-0005Pandey, A., & Parhi, D. R. (2017). Optimum path planning of mobile robot in unknown static and dynamic environments using Fuzzy-Wind Driven Optimization algorithm. Defence Technology, 13(1), 47-58. doi:10.1016/j.dt.2017.01.001Samaniego, F., Sanchis, J., García-Nieto, S., & Simarro, R. (2019). Recursive Rewarding Modified Adaptive Cell Decomposition (RR-MACD): A Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm for UAVs. Electronics, 8(3), 306. doi:10.3390/electronics8030306Dubins, L. E. (1957). On Curves of Minimal Length with a Constraint on Average Curvature, and with Prescribed Initial and Terminal Positions and Tangents. 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Angular rate-constrained path planning algorithm for unmanned surface vehicles. Ocean Engineering, 84, 37-44. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2014.03.034Isaacs, J., & Hespanha, J. (2013). Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods: A Graph-Based Approach. Algorithms, 6(1), 84-99. doi:10.3390/a6010084Masehian, E., & Kakahaji, H. (2014). NRR: a nonholonomic random replanner for navigation of car-like robots in unknown environments. Robotica, 32(7), 1101-1123. doi:10.1017/s0263574713001276Fraichard, T., & Scheuer, A. (2004). From Reeds and Shepp’s to Continuous-Curvature Paths. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 20(6), 1025-1035. doi:10.1109/tro.2004.833789Pepy, R., Lambert, A., & Mounier, H. (s. f.). Path Planning using a Dynamic Vehicle Model. 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies. doi:10.1109/ictta.2006.1684472Girbés, V., Vanegas, G., & Armesto, L. (2019). Clothoid-Based Three-Dimensional Curve for Attitude Planning. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 42(8), 1886-1898. doi:10.2514/1.g003551De Lorenzis, L., Wriggers, P., & Hughes, T. J. R. (2014). Isogeometric contact: a review. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 37(1), 85-123. doi:10.1002/gamm.201410005Pigounakis, K. G., Sapidis, N. S., & Kaklis, P. D. (1996). Fairing Spatial B-Spline Curves. Journal of Ship Research, 40(04), 351-367. doi:10.5957/jsr.1996.40.4.351Pérez, L. H., Aguilar, M. C. M., Sánchez, N. M., & Montesinos, A. F. (2018). Path Planning Based on Parametric Curves. Advanced Path Planning for Mobile Entities. doi:10.5772/intechopen.72574Huh, U.-Y., & Chang, S.-R. (2014). A G2 Continuous Path-smoothing Algorithm Using Modified Quadratic Polynomial Interpolation. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11(2), 25. doi:10.5772/57340Chang, S.-R., & Huh, U.-Y. (2014). A Collision-Free G2 Continuous Path-Smoothing Algorithm Using Quadratic Polynomial Interpolation. 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    Hybrid approaches for mobile robot navigation

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    The work described in this thesis contributes to the efficient solution of mobile robot navigation problems. A series of new evolutionary approaches is presented. Two novel evolutionary planners have been developed that reduce the computational overhead in generating plans of mobile robot movements. In comparison with the best-performing evolutionary scheme reported in the literature, the first of the planners significantly reduces the plan calculation time in static environments. The second planner was able to generate avoidance strategies in response to unexpected events arising from the presence of moving obstacles. To overcome limitations in responsiveness and the unrealistic assumptions regarding a priori knowledge that are inherent in planner-based and a vigation systems, subsequent work concentrated on hybrid approaches. These included a reactive component to identify rapidly and autonomously environmental features that were represented by a small number of critical waypoints. Not only is memory usage dramatically reduced by such a simplified representation, but also the calculation time to determine new plans is significantly reduced. Further significant enhancements of this work were firstly, dynamic avoidance to limit the likelihood of potential collisions with moving obstacles and secondly, exploration to identify statistically the dynamic characteristics of the environment. Finally, by retaining more extensive environmental knowledge gained during previous navigation activities, the capability of the hybrid navigation system was enhanced to allow planning to be performed for any start point and goal point

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    NASA Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration

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    NASA's program for the civilian exploration of space is a challenge to scientists and engineers to help maintain and further develop the United States' position of leadership in a focused sphere of space activity. Such an ambitious plan requires the contribution and further development of many scientific and technological fields. One research area essential for the success of these space exploration programs is Intelligent Robotic Systems. These systems represent a class of autonomous and semi-autonomous machines that can perform human-like functions with or without human interaction. They are fundamental for activities too hazardous for humans or too distant or complex for remote telemanipulation. To meet this challenge, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has established an Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration (CIRSSE). The Center was created with a five year $5.5 million grant from NASA submitted by a team of the Robotics and Automation Laboratories. The Robotics and Automation Laboratories of RPI are the result of the merger of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory of the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (ECSE) and the Research Laboratory for Kinematics and Robotic Mechanisms of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, and Mechanics (ME,AE,&M), in 1987. This report is an examination of the activities that are centered at CIRSSE

    A Consolidated Review of Path Planning and Optimization Techniques: Technical Perspectives and Future Directions

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    In this paper, a review on the three most important communication techniques (ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles) has been presented that throws light on trajectory planning, its optimization, and various issues in a summarized way. This kind of extensive research is not often seen in the literature, so an effort has been made for readers interested in path planning to fill the gap. Moreover, optimization techniques suitable for implementing ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles are also a part of this review. This paper covers the numerical, bio-inspired techniques and their hybridization with each other for each of the dimensions mentioned. The paper provides a consolidated platform, where plenty of available research on-ground autonomous vehicle and their trajectory optimization with the extension for aerial and underwater vehicles are documented

    Risk-aware Path and Motion Planning for a Tethered Aerial Visual Assistant in Unstructured or Confined Environments

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    This research aims at developing path and motion planning algorithms for a tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to visually assist a teleoperated primary robot in unstructured or confined environments. The emerging state of the practice for nuclear operations, bomb squad, disaster robots, and other domains with novel tasks or highly occluded environments is to use two robots, a primary and a secondary that acts as a visual assistant to overcome the perceptual limitations of the sensors by providing an external viewpoint. However, the benefits of using an assistant have been limited for at least three reasons: (1) users tend to choose suboptimal viewpoints, (2) only ground robot assistants are considered, ignoring the rapid evolution of small unmanned aerial systems for indoor flying, (3) introducing a whole crew for the second teleoperated robot is not cost effective, may introduce further teamwork demands, and therefore could lead to miscommunication. This dissertation proposes to use an autonomous tethered aerial visual assistant to replace the secondary robot and its operating crew. Along with a pre-established theory of viewpoint quality based on affordances, this dissertation aims at defining and representing robot motion risk in unstructured or confined environments. Based on those theories, a novel high level path planning algorithm is developed to enable risk-aware planning, which balances the tradeoff between viewpoint quality and motion risk in order to provide safe and trustworthy visual assistance flight. The planned flight trajectory is then realized on a tethered UAV platform. The perception and actuation are tailored to fit the tethered agent in the form of a low level motion suite, including a novel tether-based localization model with negligible computational overhead, motion primitives for the tethered airframe based on position and velocity control, and two different approaches to negotiate tether with complex obstacle-occupied environments. The proposed research provides a formal reasoning of motion risk in unstructured or confined spaces, contributes to the field of risk-aware planning with a versatile planner, and opens up a new regime of indoor UAV navigation: tethered indoor flight to ensure battery duration and failsafe in case of vehicle malfunction. It is expected to increase teleoperation productivity and reduce costly errors in scenarios such as safe decommissioning and nuclear operations in the Fukushima Daiichi facility
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