15 research outputs found

    Applying a method for measuring the performance of university-industry R&D collaborations: case study analysis

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    Collaborations between university and industry are possibly the most important strategic instrument used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of industrial investments in Research and Development (R&D), and have been increasing, which assigns even more importance to the need for measuring their performance. Therefore, a method to measure university-industry R&D collaborations, named MPUIC, developed based on Design Science Research methodology (DSRM), was applied and validated through a case study. This paper firstly describes some improvements made to the previously developed MPUIC method before its application to a large program between the University of Minho and Bosch Car Multimedia (Portugal). The MPUIC method adopted a weighted scoring approach, and is composed by 31 performance indicators, distributed through the program management life cycle. Secondly, the performance measurement of the case study program is conducted, resulting in a score of 4.4 in a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 indicates "very high" performance. Finally, a questionnaire was administered to evaluate the developed method and, from the 31 performance indicators that compose the method, 29 were evaluated as having a level of relevance above 3 in a scale of 1 to 5 and, from these, 19 were evaluated as having a level of relevance equal to or above 4.This research is sponsored by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT (SFRH/BPD/111033/2015), and by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion nº 039479/2018 (FoF 2018-2021

    Fuzzy Logic Based Simulation for Modeling of Sustainable Marketing Policy for Modern Rice Mills in Odisha

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    Rice is consumed by 50 per-cent of the world population. It has a strong market demand as the starch and fibers of rice has been reported to be superior to that of wheat. Orissa produces small, medium and long grain rice traditionally which has commercial importance. The strategy for modernization of the traditional technology based rice mills has to be planned. Up-gradation of rice mills must be done by high tech modern technology so that the rice thus produced can be marketed globally at a premium price. Artificial intelligence based fuzzy logic has been used in this model to determine the numbers of rice mill required to be programmed under proposed symbiotic development program over time. The parameters like rice production, variation in production, paddy grain type, production technology and capacity of the rice mill and geographic boundary have been considered to simulate this strategy. Implementation of this strategy can bring a sea change in the economic status of farmers of Odisha, India engaged in production of paddy which has international acceptance. The suitable climatic factor can be used for growing different paddy varieties and commercially manage it for more profit through value addition and positioning the product in global market

    Fuzzy Rule-based Framework for Effective Control of Profitability in a Paper Recycling Plant

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    The rapid and constant growth of urban population has led to a dramatic increase in urban solid waste production, with a crucial socio-economic and environmental impact. As the demand for materials continues to grow and the supply of natural resources continues to dwindle, recycling of materials has become more important in order to ensure sustainability. Recycling is one of the best ways for citizens to make a direct impact on the environment. Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions that may lead to global warming. Recycling also conserves the natural resources on Earth like plants, animals, minerals, fresh air and fresh water. Recycling saves space in the landfills for future generations of people. A sustainable future requires a high degree of recycling. Recycling industries face serious economic problems that increase the cost of recycling. This highlights the need of applying fuzzy logic models as one of the best techniques for effective control of profitability in paper recycling production to ensure profit maximization despite varying cost of production upon which ultimately profit, in an industry depend. Fuzzy logic has emerged as a tool to deal with uncertain, imprecise, partial truth or qualitative decision-making problems to achieve robustness, tractability, and low cost. In order to achieve our objective, a study of a knowledge based system for effective control of profitability in paper recycling is carried out. The root sum square of drawing inference is found to be the most suitable technique to infer data from the rules developed. This resulted in the establishment of some degrees of influence on the output. To reinforce the proposed approach, we apply it to a case study performed on Paper recycling industry in Nigeria. A computer simulation using the Matlab/Simulink and its Fuzzy Logic Tool Box is designed to assist the experimental decision for the best control action. The obtained simulation and implementation results are investigated and disc

    EPC Global-Based Document Tracing System Using CBR and Fuzzy Decision Tree for TTQS

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    In the document management, theinformation found by users can be consideredseparately to the work productivity and decreasetime of searching to the related database. Documentmanagement model not only recommends whatdocument user needed but tell user the location ofdocuments. This paper will propose a documentstracing system approach to combine EPCGlobalstandard architecture and case-based reasoning(CBR) method that get documents informationimmediately. This approach produce customizedrecommendation with fuzzy rules on using recordsor documents characteristics and the documentrelations regulated in TTQS (Taiwan TrainQualiSystem) standard so that it helps collaborativeoperation among organizations and can tracedocument management status

    Selección de software, una revisión sistemática del estado del arte

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    La selección de software es un proceso en el que intervienen varios decisores, los cuales tienen diferentes preferencias que pueden llegar a ser mutuamente excluyentes, esto sumado a los diferentes criterios que se deben considerar al evaluar las alternativas, hace que este tipo de situación sea un problema de decisión, el cual puede abordarse desde el análisis multicriterio de decisiones. En este documento, se presenta una revisión sistemática del estado del arte de los procesos de selección de software, con el objetivo principal de establecer una base académica que permita dar soporte a dicho tipo de procesos. Para la elaboración del estado del arte, se definieron las preguntas de investigación, los criterios de inclusión de los documentos, el proceso de búsqueda y los datos a analizar para dar respuesta a las preguntas definidas. El aporte principal de este documento, es la determinación de las metodologías más usadas, así como el conjunto de criterios que se puede tomar como base para la evaluación de las alternativas, con el fin de elegir la más adecuada de acuerdo al contexto del proceso de decisión

    A fuzzy expert system for diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in wrist

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    Medicinski ekspertni sustav je aplikacija koja može značajno pomoći pri odlučivanju o dijagnozi i liječenju bolesti. Veći dio znanja koje se odnosi na dijagnozu simptoma i liječenje bolesti je eksperimentalan. Problem je kako to znanje ekstrahirati i učiniti dostupnim drugima. Svrha ovoga rada je napraviti ekspertni sustav za dijagnozu i liječenje mišićno skeletnih poremećaja u ručnom zglobu u fuzzy okruženju. Iskustvo se steklo od 15 elitnih stručnjaka iz područja mišićnoskeletnih poremećaja. Za prikupljanje podataka o simptomima poremećaja primijenjena je fuzzy Delphi metoda. Ta se metoda primijenila i za dobivanje podataka o liječenju. Konačno, razvijen je fuzzy ekspertni sustav za dijagnosticiranje i liječenje mišićno skeletnih poremećaja u ručnom zglobu primjenom softvera MATLAB. Moguće je dijagnosticirati sedam poremećaja zgloba primjenom toga sustava. Ulaz u sustav je magnituda simptoma, a izlaz su rezultati koje je sustav pronašao za te poremećaje; konačno se prikazuje poremećaj s najviše prikupljenih bodova kao sustavna dijagnoza za koju se predlaže liječenje. Ta se dijagnoza uspoređuje s elitnom dijagnozom uz primjenu statističke analize dobivene SPSS softverom. Rezultati pokazuju značajnu korelaciju između dviju varijabli. Usporedbom varijabli ustanovilo se da je 86,7 % sustavnih dijagnoza slično elitnim dijagnozama. U nedostatku elita, dijagnoza i liječenje se mogu postaviti relativno pouzdano. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali da se studenti medicine mogu koristiti medicinskim ekspertnim sustavima u znanstvene svrhe. Oni mogu također pomoći korisnicima kao pomoćni dijagnostički sustav u dijagnozi i liječenju bolesti.Medical expert system is an application which can effectively contribute to decisions on diagnosis and treatment of diseases. A major part of the knowledge related to diagnosis of symptoms and treatment of illnesses is experimental. The problem is that how this knowledge can be extracted and made available to others.The purpose of this study is to design an expert system for diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in wrist in fuzzy environment.The knowledge is achieved from 15 elites in the field of musculoskeletal disorders. For data gathering related to symptoms of the disorders, a fuzzy Delphi method is used. A Delphi method is also used for gathering data related to treatments. Finally, a fuzzy expert system is developed for diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in wrist using MATLAB software. The designed system is able to diagnose seven disorders of the wrist. The input to the system is the magnitude of symptoms and the output is the scores given by the system to disorders; finally, the disorder with the highest score is displayed as the systemic diagnosis for which treatments are suggested.The systemic diagnosis is compared to elite diagnosis using statistical analysis conducted by SPSS software. Results show a significant correlation between two variables. By comparing the variables, it is found that 86,7 % of the systemic diagnoses were similar to elite diagnoses. In the absence of elites, diagnosis and treatment can be performed to a relatively reliable level. As results of current research, medical expert systems can be used as a scientific source by medical students. It can also help users as an auxiliary diagnostic system to diagnose and treat diseases

    An extension of the improving and embedding project management practice framework: Case study analysis

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and test an extension of a previously conceived framework for improving and embedding project management (PM) practice in organisations. The framework identifies the most useful project management improvement initiatives (PMIIs) and the key factors for embedding PM practice. However, professionals need guidance on how to operationalise such framework in their organisations, therefore a method for applying the framework is developed. Design/methodology/approach: The method being proposed for applying the framework is demonstrated and tested with a large University–Industry consortium case study. During the case study analysis three research methods were applied: participant observation, document analysis and focus groups. Findings: In what concerns both the PMIIs and key embedding factors in the framework, the proposed method comprises their acknowledgement, scoring, relevance analysis, selection and planning. The detailed report on how the framework was applied in the particular case study also sheds light on how University–Industry consortiums can make use of PM to become more successful. Research limitations/implications: The research was performed using only one case study which limits the generalisability of its findings. Practical implications: Detailed guidance is provided for applying the framework’s both constructs, “improving” and “embedding”, through a set of clear steps. Originality/value: The paper shows the explanatory power of the framework for improving and embedding PM practice in a case study, demonstrating that the method for its application is practical and suitable.FCT - Fundació Catalana de Trasplantament(SFRH/BPD/111033/2015

    İmalat sanayinde veri madenciliği destekli tedarikçi seçimi uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bilginin temel yapısını oluşturan veri, son dönemde gelişen veri madenciliği kavramı ile dahabir önem kazanmıştır. Dünyada ve Türkiye'de veri madenciliğine olan ilgi ve yatırım büyükmiktarlara ulaşmıştır. Dünyada perakendecilik-marketçilik, e-ticaret, bankacılık, sigortacılık,telekomünikasyon, sağlık ve eğitim alanlarında yaygın olarak kullanılan veri madenciliği, sondönemde Türkiye'de de özellikle marketçilik, banka ve sigortacılık ile e-devlet alanlarındakullanılmaya başlanmıştır.Veri madenciliğinin üretim sektöründe kullanımı ise henüz yaygınlaşmamıştır. Buna gerekçeolarak bu alanda farklı tekniklerin kullanılması gösterilebilir. Ancak son zamanlarda verimadenciliği tekniklerinin, MRP ve ERP sistemleri ile birlikte kullanımı, olumlu sonuçlarvermeye başlamıştır. Hatta veri madenciliğini ERP sistemi içerisinde gösteren yaklaşımlarmevcuttur.Bu çalışmada, veri madenciliğinin tanımı, kullanım alanları, model ve algoritmaları ayrıntılıolarak ele alınmıştır. Uygulama kısmında ise, üterim sektöründe faaliyet gösteren birişletmenin gerçek verileri kullanılmıştır.Birinci aşamada veriler düzenlenerek bir veri seti oluşturulmuş, daha sonra bu veri seti uygunmodel kurularak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz için SPSS Clementine 9.0 yazılımı kullanılmıştır.Elde edilen sonuçlar istatistik yöntemler kullanılarak test edilip, işletmenin tedarikçileri ileolan ilişkilerini etkileyecek anlamlı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir.Son aşamada ise kurulan model; gerek verileri kullanılan işletmenin, gerekse benzerişletmelerin kullanabilecekleri dinamik bir yapıya dönüştürülmüştür.Yaygın kullanım alanlarından farklı olarak, veri madenciliğinin üretim sektöründe debaşarıyla kullanılabilir olduğunu göstermek, hem bu çalışmayı farklı kılmış, hem de bu alandaçalışmak isteyen araştırmacılara bir bakış açısı kazandırmıştır.Being the basic structure of knowledge, data has gained considerable importance with theemergence of the consept of data mining. Investment and interest in data mining has beengrowing and already reached big sums in the world as well as in Turkey. Data mining is usedworldwide in various social and industrial areas such as retail marketing, e-commerce,banking, insurance, telecommunications, health and education. In Turkey, in recent years it isbeing utilesed especially in the areas of retail marketing, banking, insurance and e-state.Using the data mining in manufacturing is not wide-spread for now. The reason for this is thatso many different techniques for different areas are used in data mining. However nowadays,the usage of data mining techniques, with MRP and ERP systems is getting to give goodresults. In fact, there are some approacher which includes ERP systems in data mining.In this resarch, the definition of data mining, the areas of its application, the models and thealgoritms have been examined intensively. In the implemantation stage, real data taken from amanufacturing company have been used.In the first stage, all data have been restored for creating a data-set then this set has beenanalyzed by using an appropriate model. For this purpose, SPSS Clementine 9.0 software hasbeen used. The results obtained, have been tested using statistical methods and results makinggood sense and affecting the relations between the company and suppliers have beenobtained.Finally the model that is developed in this study has been given a dynamic structure that notonly the company whose data were used benefits from it, but also similar companies caneasily adapt for their applications.Proving that data mining can be used in manufacturing area succesfuly has made this resarch,different from the others so, it has contributed a new point of view for the other researchers

    Measuring the performance of university- industry R&D collaborations: an empirical research

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engineering Project ManagementCooperation in Research & Development is, nowadays, a topic on the agenda of policy makers and a means to stimulate innovation, with diverse funding being used to promote cooperation between companies and between companies and public institutions. A clear example of one of these public institutions is university, which is stated to have joined a system that is also composed by industry and government. The collaborations between university and industry are, possibly, the most important strategic instrument used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of industrial investments in Research & Development. Given this, the collaborations in Research & Development between university and industry have been increasing, which assigns even more importance to the need for measuring the performance of these collaborations. Considering this need, the present dissertation focused on developing the initial version of an existing method, which uses a weighted scoring approach, to measure the performance of the collaborations in Research & Development between university and industry. For this purpose, it was used the Design Science Research methodology, through which it occurred the development and creation of the method as an artifact. The developed method is composed by thirty-one performance indicators and was applied in the Innovative Car HMI program, which results from a partnership between the University of Minho and Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal. The performance measurement of this program, at the time of the method’s application, resulted in a score of 4,4 (scale 1–5). Additionally, a questionnaire to evaluate the developed method was administered to different university members with experience in collaborations in Research & Development between university and industry. From the thirty-one performance indicators that compose the method, twenty-nine were evaluated as having a level of relevance above 3 (scale 1–5) and, from these, nineteen were evaluated as having a high level of relevance (equal to or above 4).A cooperação em Investigação e Desenvolvimento é, hoje em dia, um tópico na agenda dos decisores políticos e um meio de estimular a inovação, sendo que diversos financiamentos são empregues a promover a cooperação entre empresas e entre empresas e instituições públicas. Um claro exemplo de uma destas instituições públicas é a universidade, sobre a qual se diz que se tem juntado a um sistema que é também formado pela indústria e pelo governo. As colaborações entre universidade e indústria são, possivelmente, o instrumento estratégico mais importante para aumentar a eficácia e eficiência dos investimentos industriais em Investigação e Desenvolvimento. Dado isto, as colaborações em Investigação e Desenvolvimento entre universidade e indústria têm vindo a aumentar, o que atribui ainda maior importância à necessidade de medir o desempenho destas colaborações. Considerando esta necessidade, a presente dissertação focou-se em desenvolver a versão inicial de um método já existente, que usa uma abordagem de pontuação ponderada, para medir o desempenho das colaborações em Investigação e Desenvolvimento entre universidade e indústria. Para tal, foi usada a metodologia Design Science Research, por meio da qual ocorreu a criação e avaliação do método enquanto um artefacto. O método desenvolvido é composto por trinta e um indicadores de desempenho e foi aplicado no programa Innovative Car HMI, que resulta de uma parceria entre a Universidade do Minho e a Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal. A medição do desempenho deste programa, à data da aplicação do método, teve um resultado de 4,4 (escala 1–5). Adicionalmente, um questionário para avaliar o método desenvolvido foi realizado a diferentes membros da universidade com experiência em colaborações em Investigação e Desenvolvimento entre universidade e indústria. Dos trinta e um indicadores de desempenho, vinte e nove foram avaliados como tendo um nível de relevância acima de 3 (escala 1–5) e, destes, dezanove foram avaliados com um nível de relevância alto (igual ou superior a 4)