27 research outputs found

    Choice of Metrics used in Collaborative Filtering and their Impact on Recommender Systems

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    The capacity of recommender systems to make correct predictions is essentially determined by the quality and suitability of the collaborative filtering that implements them. The common memory-based metrics are Pearson correlation and cosine, however, their use is not always the most appropriate or sufficiently justified. In this paper, we analyze these two metrics together with the less common mean squared difference (MSD) to discover their advantages and drawbacks in very important aspects such as the impact when introducing different values of k-neighborhoods, minimization of the MAE error, capacity to carry out a sufficient number of predictions, percentage of correct and incorrect predictions and behavior when attempting to recommend the n-best items. The paper lists the results and practical conclusions that have been obtained after carrying out a comparative study of the metrics based on 135 experiments on the MovieLens database of 100,000 ratios

    Evaluation of Famous Recommender Systems: A Comparative Analysis

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    In this era of the internet and with the easy availability of data at a very low cost, searching for information is growing at an exponential rate. So, it is now impossible to find the desired information without proper guidance. Here is the need of the recommendation system. The system will recommend which information relevant to the user according to their searching pattern. It will also explore hidden results with a minimal effect. The goal of this paper is to describe the famous recommendation systems which are used mostly and to explore what is the need of these kinds of systems and also what kind of technology has been used to provide better services to its users. Finally we would like to show how one recommendation system is different from another as per user need

    A fuzzy tree similarity based recommendation approach for telecom products

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    Due to the huge product assortments and complex descriptions of telecom products, it is a great challenge for customers to select appropriate products. A fuzzy tree similarity based hybrid recommendation approach is proposed to solve this issue. In this study, fuzzy techniques are used to deal with the various uncertainties existing within the product and customer data. A fuzzy tree similarity measure is developed to evaluate the semantic similarity between tree structured products or user profiles. The similarity measures for items and users both integrate the collaborative filtering (CF) and semantic similarities. The final recommendation hybridizes item-based and user-based CF recommendation techniques. A telecom product recommendation case study is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2013 IEEE

    Adaptive information retrieval system based on fuzzy profiling

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    An effective recommender system by unifying user and item trust information for B2B applications

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Although Collaborative Filtering (CF)-based recommender systems have received great success in a variety of applications, they still under-perform and are unable to provide accurate recommendations when users and items have few ratings, resulting in reduced coverage. To overcome these limitations, we propose an effective hybrid user-item trust-based (HUIT) recommendation approach in this paper that fuses the users' and items' implicit trust information. We have also considered and computed user and item global reputations into this approach. This approach allows the recommender system to make an increased number of accurate predictions, especially in circumstances where users and items have few ratings. Experiments on four real-world datasets, particularly a business-to-business (B2B) case study, show that the proposed HUIT recommendation approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms in terms of recommendation accuracy and coverage, as well as significantly alleviating data sparsity, cold-start user and cold-start item problems

    Towards Integration of Artificial Intelligence into Medical Devices as a Real-Time Recommender System for Personalised Healthcare:State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects

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    In the era of big data, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. AI algorithms have frequently been used in health care for predictive modelling, image analysis and drug discovery. Moreover, as a recommender system, these algorithms have shown promising impacts on personalized healthcare provision. A recommender system learns the behaviour of the user and predicts their current preferences (recommends) based on their previous preferences. Implementing AI as a recommender system improves this prediction accuracy and solves cold start and data sparsity problems. However, most of the methods and algorithms are tested in a simulated setting which cannot recapitulate the influencing factors of the real world. This review article systematically reviews prevailing methodologies in recommender systems and discusses the AI algorithms as recommender systems specifically in the field of healthcare. It also provides discussion around the most cutting-edge academic and practical contributions present in the literature, identifies performance evaluation matrices, challenges in the implementation of AI as a recommender system, and acceptance of AI-based recommender systems by clinicians. The findings of this article direct researchers and professionals to comprehend currently developed recommender systems and the future of medical devices integrated with real-time recommender systems for personalized healthcare

    A Fuzzy Tree Matching-Based Personalized E-Learning Recommender System

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    © 1993-2012 IEEE. The rapid development of e-learning systems provides learners with great opportunities to access learning activities online, and this greatly supports and enhances the learning practices. However, an issue reduces the success of application of e-learning systems; too many learning activities (such as various leaning materials, subjects, and learning resources) are emerging in an e-learning system, making it difficult for individual learners to select proper activities for their particular situations/requirements because there is no personalized service function. Recommender systems, which aim to provide personalized recommendations for products or services, can be used to solve this issue. However, e-learning systems need to be able to handle certain special requirements: 1) leaning activities and learners' profiles often present tree structures; 2) learning activities contain vague and uncertain data, such as the uncertain categories that the learning activities belong to; 3) there are pedagogical issues, such as the precedence relations between learning activities. To deal with the three requirements, this study first proposes a fuzzy tree-structured learning activity model, and a learner profile model to comprehensively describe the complex learning activities and learner profiles. In the two models, fuzzy category trees and related similarity measures are presented to infer the semantic relations between learning activities or learner requirements. Since it is impossible to have two completely same trees, in practice, a fuzzy tree matching method is carefully discussed. A fuzzy tree matching-based hybrid learning activity recommendation approach is then developed. This approach takes advantage of both the knowledge-based and collaborative filtering-based recommendation approaches, and considers both the semantic and collaborative filtering similarities between learners. Finally, an e-learning recommender system prototype is well designed and developed based on the proposed models and recommendation approach. Experiments are done to evaluate the proposed recommendation approach, and the experimental results demonstrate the good accuracy performance of the proposed approach. A comprehensive case study about learning activity recommendation further demonstrates the effectiveness of the fuzzy tree matching-based personalized e-learning recommender system in practice