3,928 research outputs found

    Real-Time Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics in Roll-To-Roll Manufacturing Systems

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    A roll-to-roll (R2R) process is a manufacturing technique involving continuous processing of a flexible substrate as it is transferred between rotating rolls. It integrates many additive and subtractive processing techniques to produce rolls of product in an efficient and cost-effective way due to its high production rate and mass quantity. Therefore, the R2R processes have been increasingly implemented in a wide range of manufacturing industries, including traditional paper/fabric production, plastic and metal foil manufacturing, flexible electronics, thin film batteries, photovoltaics, graphene films production, etc. However, the increasing complexity of R2R processes and high demands on product quality have heightened the needs for effective real-time process monitoring and fault diagnosis in R2R manufacturing systems. This dissertation aims at developing tools to increase system visibility without additional sensors, in order to enhance real-time monitoring, and fault diagnosis capability in R2R manufacturing systems. First, a multistage modeling method is proposed for process monitoring and quality estimation in R2R processes. Product-centric and process-centric variation propagation are introduced to characterize variation propagation throughout the system. The multistage model mainly focuses on the formulation of process-centric variation propagation, which uniquely exists in R2R processes, and the corresponding product quality measurements with both physical knowledge and sensor data analysis. Second, a nonlinear analytical redundancy method is proposed for sensor validation to ensure the accuracy of sensor measurements for process and quality control. Parity relations based on nonlinear observation matrix are formulated to characterize system dynamics and sensor measurements. Robust optimization is designed to identify the coefficient of parity relations that can tolerate a certain level of measurement noise and system disturbances. The effect of the change of operating conditions on the value of the optimal objective function – parity residuals and the optimal design variables – parity coefficients are evaluated with sensitivity analysis. Finally, a multiple model approach for anomaly detection and fault diagnosis is introduced to improve the diagnosability under different operating regimes. The growing structure multiple model system (GSMMS) is employed, which utilizes Voronoi sets to automatically partition the entire operating space into smaller operating regimes. The local model identification problem is revised by formulating it into an optimization problem based on the loss minimization framework and solving with the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent method instead of least squares algorithms. This revision to the GSMMS method expands its capability to handle the local model identification problems that cannot be solved with a closed-form solution. The effectiveness of the models and methods are determined with testbed data from an R2R process. The results show that those proposed models and methods are effective tools to understand variation propagation in R2R processes and improve estimation accuracy of product quality by 70%, identify the health status of sensors promptly to guarantee data accuracy for modeling and decision making, and reduce false alarm rate and increase detection power under different operating conditions. Eventually, those tools developed in this thesis contribute to increase the visibility of R2R manufacturing systems, improve productivity and reduce product rejection rate.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146114/1/huanyis_1.pd

    Real-Time Machine Learning Based Open Switch Fault Detection and Isolation for Multilevel Multiphase Drives

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    Due to the rapid proliferation interest of the multiphase machines and their combination with multilevel inverters technology, the demand for high reliability and resilient in the multiphase multilevel drives is increased. High reliability can be achieved by deploying systematic preventive real-time monitoring, robust control, and efficient fault diagnosis strategies. Fault diagnosis, as an indispensable methodology to preserve the seamless post-fault operation, is carried out in consecutive steps; monitoring the observable signals to generate the residuals, evaluating the observations to make a binary decision if any abnormality has occurred, and identifying the characteristics of the abnormalities to locate and isolate the failed components. It is followed by applying an appropriate reconfiguration strategy to ensure that the system can tolerate the failure. The primary focus of presented dissertation was to address employing computational and machine learning techniques to construct a proficient fault diagnosis scheme in multilevel multiphase drives. First, the data-driven nonlinear model identification/prediction methods are used to form a hybrid fault detection framework, which combines module-level and system-level methods in power converters, to enhance the performance and obtain a rapid real-time detection. Applying suggested nonlinear model predictors along with different systems (conventional two-level inverter and three-level neutral point clamped inverter) result in reducing the detection time to 1% of stator current fundamental period without deploying component-level monitoring equipment. Further, two methods using semi-supervised learning and analytical data mining concepts are presented to isolate the failed component. The semi-supervised fuzzy algorithm is engaged in building the clustering model because the deficient labeled datasets (prior knowledge of the system) leads to degraded performance in supervised clustering. Also, an analytical data mining procedure is presented based on data interpretability that yields two criteria to isolate the failure. A key part of this work also dealt with the discrimination between the post-fault characteristics, which are supposed to carry the data reflecting the fault influence, and the output responses, which are compensated by controllers under closed-loop control strategy. The performance of all designed schemes is evaluated through experiments

    Fuzzy-logic-based control, filtering, and fault detection for networked systems: A Survey

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    This paper is concerned with the overview of the recent progress in fuzzy-logic-based filtering, control, and fault detection problems. First, the network technologies are introduced, the networked control systems are categorized from the aspects of fieldbuses and industrial Ethernets, the necessity of utilizing the fuzzy logic is justified, and the network-induced phenomena are discussed. Then, the fuzzy logic control strategies are reviewed in great detail. Special attention is given to the thorough examination on the latest results for fuzzy PID control, fuzzy adaptive control, and fuzzy tracking control problems. Furthermore, recent advances on the fuzzy-logic-based filtering and fault detection problems are reviewed. Finally, conclusions are given and some possible future research directions are pointed out, for example, topics on two-dimensional networked systems, wireless networked control systems, Quality-of-Service (QoS) of networked systems, and fuzzy access control in open networked systems.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61374039, 61473163, and 61374127, the Hujiang Foundation of China under Grants C14002 andD15009, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Performance-based health monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics for condition-based maintenance of gas turbines: A review

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    With the privatization and intense competition that characterize the volatile energy sector, the gas turbine industry currently faces new challenges of increasing operational flexibility, reducing operating costs, improving reliability and availability while mitigating the environmental impact. In this complex, changing sector, the gas turbine community could address a set of these challenges by further development of high fidelity, more accurate and computationally efficient engine health assessment, diagnostic and prognostic systems. Recent studies have shown that engine gas-path performance monitoring still remains the cornerstone for making informed decisions in operation and maintenance of gas turbines. This paper offers a systematic review of recently developed engine performance monitoring, diagnostic and prognostic techniques. The inception of performance monitoring and its evolution over time, techniques used to establish a high-quality dataset using engine model performance adaptation, and effects of computationally intelligent techniques on promoting the implementation of engine fault diagnosis are reviewed. Moreover, recent developments in prognostics techniques designed to enhance the maintenance decision-making scheme and main causes of gas turbine performance deterioration are discussed to facilitate the fault identification module. The article aims to organize, evaluate and identify patterns and trends in the literature as well as recognize research gaps and recommend new research areas in the field of gas turbine performance-based monitoring. The presented insightful concepts provide experts, students or novice researchers and decision-makers working in the area of gas turbine engines with the state of the art for performance-based condition monitoring

    AI-based Diagnostics for Fault Detection and Isolation in Process Equipment Service

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    Recent industry requires efficient fault discovering and isolation solutions in process equipment service. This problem is a real-world problem of typically ill-defined systems, hard to model, with large-scale solution spaces. Design of precise models is impractical, too expensive, or often non-existent. Support service of equipment requires generating models that can analyze the equipment data, interpreting the past behavior and predicting the future one. These problems pose a challenge to traditional modeling techniques and represent a great opportunity for the application of AI-based methodologies, which enable us to deal with imprecise, uncertain data and incomplete domain knowledge typically encountered in real-world applications. In this paper the state of the art, theoretical background of conventional and AI-based techniques in support of service tasks and illustration of some applications to process equipment service on bio-ethanol production process are shortly described

    Events Recognition System for Water Treatment Works

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    The supply of drinking water in sufficient quantity and required quality is a challenging task for water companies. Tackling this task successfully depends largely on ensuring a continuous high quality level of water treatment at Water Treatment Works (WTW). Therefore, processes at WTWs are highly automated and controlled. A reliable and rapid detection of faulty sensor data and failure events at WTWs processes is of prime importance for its efficient and effective operation. Therefore, the vast majority of WTWs operated in the UK make use of event detection systems that automatically generate alarms after the detection of abnormal behaviour on observed signals to ensure an early detection of WTW’s process failures. Event detection systems usually deployed at WTWs apply thresholds to the monitored signals for the recognition of WTW’s faulty processes. The research work described in this thesis investigates new methods for near real-time event detection at WTWs by the implementation of statistical process control and machine learning techniques applied for an automated near real-time recognition of failure events at WTWs processes. The resulting novel Hybrid CUSUM Event Recognition System (HC-ERS) makes use of new online sensor data validation and pre-processing techniques and utilises two distinct detection methodologies: first for fault detection on individual signals and second for the recognition of faulty processes and events at WTWs. The fault detection methodology automatically detects abnormal behaviour of observed water quality parameters in near real-time using the data of the corresponding sensors that is online validated and pre-processed. The methodology utilises CUSUM control charts to predict the presence of faults by tracking the variation of each signal individually to identify abnormal shifts in its mean. The basic CUSUM methodology was refined by investigating optimised interdependent parameters for each signal individually. The combined predictions of CUSUM fault detection on individual signals serves the basis for application of the second event detection methodology. The second event detection methodology automatically identifies faults at WTW’s processes respectively failure events at WTWs in near real-time, utilising the faults detected by CUSUM fault detection on individual signals beforehand. The method applies Random Forest classifiers to predict the presence of an event at WTW’s processes. All methods have been developed to be generic and generalising well across different drinking water treatment processes at WTWs. HC-ERS has proved to be effective in the detection of failure events at WTWs demonstrated by the application on real data of water quality signals with historical events from a UK’s WTWs. The methodology achieved a peak F1 value of 0.84 and generates 0.3 false alarms per week. These results demonstrate the ability of method to automatically and reliably detect failure events at WTW’s processes in near real-time and also show promise for practical application of the HC-ERS in industry. The combination of both methodologies presents a unique contribution to the field of near real-time event detection at WTW

    State of the art of control schemes for smart systems featuring magneto-rheological materials

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    This review presents various control strategies for application systems utilizing smart magneto-rheological fluid (MRF) and magneto-rheological elastomers (MRE). It is well known that both MRF and MRE are actively studied and applied to many practical systems such as vehicle dampers. The mandatory requirements for successful applications of MRF and MRE include several factors: advanced material properties, optimal mechanisms, suitable modeling, and appropriate control schemes. Among these requirements, the use of an appropriate control scheme is a crucial factor since it is the final action stage of the application systems to achieve the desired output responses. There are numerous different control strategies which have been applied to many different application systems of MRF and MRE, summarized in this review. In the literature review, advantages and disadvantages of each control scheme are discussed so that potential researchers can develop more effective strategies to achieve higher control performance of many application systems utilizing magneto-rheological materials

    Soft Computing Techniques and Their Applications in Intel-ligent Industrial Control Systems: A Survey

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    Soft computing involves a series of methods that are compatible with imprecise information and complex human cognition. In the face of industrial control problems, soft computing techniques show strong intelligence, robustness and cost-effectiveness. This study dedicates to providing a survey on soft computing techniques and their applications in industrial control systems. The methodologies of soft computing are mainly classified in terms of fuzzy logic, neural computing, and genetic algorithms. The challenges surrounding modern industrial control systems are summarized based on the difficulties in information acquisition, the difficulties in modeling control rules, the difficulties in control system optimization, and the requirements for robustness. Then, this study reviews soft-computing-related achievements that have been developed to tackle these challenges. Afterwards, we present a retrospect of practical industrial control applications in the fields including transportation, intelligent machines, process industry as well as energy engineering. Finally, future research directions are discussed from different perspectives. This study demonstrates that soft computing methods can endow industry control processes with many merits, thus having great application potential. It is hoped that this survey can serve as a reference and provide convenience for scholars and practitioners in the fields of industrial control and computer science