33 research outputs found

    Decision Support for Holistic IT Risk Feature Selection

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    The failure or misuse of IT has the potential to negatively impact business objectives. The risk resulting from the failure of IT/IS artifacts can be categorized as IT risk, with holistic IT risk representing the overarching composite of all types of IT/IS failures that can prevent an enterprise from realizing one or more business objectives. The likelihood of holistic IT risk having a significant impact on the global business community is growing, with the Internet of Things capable of spreading IT risk far more widely than the Internet has to date. Feature selection for holistic IT risk can be more difficult than feature selection for non-IT business risk, and can vary from one organization to the next. This research explores the use of decision support and fuzzy logic to design a better method for performing holistic IT risk feature selection


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    Risk checklists are often used to assist project managers to identify the potential risks in software projects. Previous study found that the checklists can help managers identify more risks, but the number of risks identified doesn’t significantly correlate with managers’ decision. This might because some risk items could play more important role than other risk items in manager’s decision-making process. This paper uses a survey-based research method to investigate the weight of different risk items on project manager’s risk perception and decision-making. This research will be carried out in two phases: 1) Pilot study. A questionnaire will be developed and administrated to college students. The result will be analyzed and research instrument will be modified based on the feedback. 2). Formal study. A group of IT project managers will be recruited and the revised instrument will be sent to them for participation. A detailed research design is presented

    E-commerce development risk evaluation using MCDM techniques

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. Electronic commerce (EC) development takes place in a complex and dynamic environment that includes high levels of risk and uncertainty. This paper proposes a new method for assessing the risks associated with EC development using multi-criteria decision-making techniques A model based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is proposed to assist EC project managers and decision makers in formalizing the types of thinking that are required in assessing the current risk environment of their EC development in a more systematic manner than previously. The solution includes the use of AHP for analyzing the problem structure and determining the weights of risk factors. The TOPSIS technique helps to obtain a final ranking among projects, and the results of an evaluation show the usefulness performance of the method

    Neuro-Fuzzy Based Software Risk Estimation Tool

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    To develop the secure software is one of the major concerns in the software industry. To make the easier task of finding and fixing the security flaws, software developers should integrate the security at all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).In this paper, based on Neuro- Fuzzy approach software Risk Prediction tool is created. Firstly Fuzzy Inference system is created and then Neural Network based three different training algorithms: BR (Bayesian Regulation), BP (Back propagation) and LM (Levenberg-Marquardt) are used to train the neural network. From the results it is conclude that for the Software Risk Estimation, BR (Bayesian Regulation) performs better and also achieves the greater accuracy than other algorithms

    Evaluating Government Portal Websites in China

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    Government portal websites are the core components of e-Government because it is a platform integrating different government resources. This article was devoted to study the government portal websites in China in order to disclose the development status of e-Government in China. In order to do this, two questions are answered: from which aspects should government portal websites be evaluated; how to develop the indexes for different aspects of government portal website evaluation. In our solution, we aligned the evaluation of government portal website with new public administration principles so that government can provide better services to the users because new focuses of public administration bring new strategies for e-Government. The proposed framework emphasizes content, function, and construction of government portals. The validation analysis showed that the proposed evaluation framework is well fitted. 30 major cities’ government portal websites in China are evaluated. The results suggested China has implemented advanced e-Government services such as e-democracy but the performance of those services is not appreciated by the user very well

    A short note on methods of ranking fuzzy numbers in risk analysis problems

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    The numerous studies on comparing and ranking fuzzy numbers clear that this task is still young. However, the observation that many papers do not hesitate to use some incorrect ranking methods in risk analysis problems, encouraged the author to point out the shortcoming of some of these methods. In this note, we review briefly the methods for ranking fuzzy number in risk analysis

    Towards a Synthesized Decision Support Methodology that Integrates Human Cognition and Data Mining

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    Developments in information and computing technologies have given rise to Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS). The design of IDSS is largely based on data mining techniques and fuzzy logic. While decision-making is an advanced cognitive process, very little has been done in developing decision support methodologies that help integrate high level cognitive human reasoning and thinking elements within IDSS. This paper proposes a new IDSS methodology that incorporates both data mining techniques and human cognition in the process of decision-making. This proposed methodology involves a phased decision-support process. The initial phase focuses on phrasing a decision based on important criteria or conditions. The second phase involves the machine to analyse the required information from one or more large datasets. The third phase involves human cognition in making intelligent decisions based on key cognitive elements. Furthermore, the proposed methodology is tested on a large data set in the context of elderly care units in Melbourne


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    Sağladığı zaman tasarrufu ve maliyet avantajı nedeni ile hem kullanıcılar hem de hizmet sunucuları tarafından sıklıkla kullanılır hale gelen internetin, önümüzdeki yıllarda daha farklı açılımlara sahne olacağı aşikârdır. İnternetin kullanım alanındaki hızlı artışı, beraberinde çeşitli problemleri ortaya çıkarmış ve bunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri sunmayı zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, internet kullanıcılarının istedikleri bilgiye zaman kaybetmeden ulaşmalarını sağlamak için, çeşitli analizler yapılmıştır. Bugüne kadar meta sezgisel yöntemler, farklı konulardaki bu tip problemlerin çözümünde sıklıkla kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmada, elektronik ticaret uygulamaları kısaca izah edilmiş ve son yıllarda elektronik ortamlarda yaşanan problemlere çözüm bulunması konusunda, meta sezgisel yöntemlerin kullanımı ile ilgili literatür de yapılan çalışmalar araştırılarak kısaca izah edilmiştir