5 research outputs found


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    En el presente trabajo se exploran diferentes m\ue9todos de ordenamiento que se han propuesto para los n\ufameros difusos. Adem\ue1s, se presenta una propuesta basada en la abscisa del centroide de cada n\ufamero difuso. Se compara el ordenamiento propuesto con otro que tambi\ue9n usa el c\ue1lculo del centroide mostrando las mejoras obtenidas. Este ordenamiento satisface, en la mayor\ueda de los casos, la intuici\uf3n por lo que es \ufatil para consultas en bases de datos. Palabras clave: n\ufameros difusos, ordenamiento, centroide, bases de datos, intuici\uf3n. ABSTRACT In this work some ordering methods proposed for fuzzy numbers are explored. Furthermore, a proposal based on the abscissa of the centroid of each fuzzy number is presented. The proposed method is compared with another one that also uses the centroid calculation method, showing its improvements. This ordering method satisfies intuition in most cases, making it useful for database queries. Keywords: fuzzy numbers, ordering, centroid, databases, intuition. <br


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    Este art\uedculo corresponde a la segunda parte de un estudio donde se explora el ordenamiento de n\ufameros difusos con miras a su uso en consultas a bases de datos. En la primera parte: se present\uf3 una nueva propuesta que compara dos n\ufameros difusos usando la abscisa del centroide; y se demostr\uf3 que es una relaci\uf3n orden total. En esta segunda parte: se abordan casos de estudio que comprenden una vasta diversidad de posibles situaciones de comparaci\uf3n de n\ufameros difusos con distintas representaciones; se presenta una implementaci\uf3n en Haskell del m\ue9todo propuesto; y se pone en evidencia su adecuaci\uf3n a la intuici\uf3n humana. Palabras claves: n\ufameros difusos, ordenamiento, centroide, bases de datos, Haskell. ABSTRACT This paper corresponds to the second part of the study exploring the ordering of fuzzy numbers with the purpose of supporting the database queries configuration. In the first part: a new proposal was presented comparing two fuzzy numbers using the centroid abscissa; and it was shown to be a total order relation. In this second part: study cases are addressed that include a vast diversity of possible situations for comparison fuzzy numbers with different representations; a Haskell implementation of the proposed method is presented; and thus, we demonstrate its adaptation to human intuition. Keywords: fuzzy numbers, ordering, centroid, databases, Haskell. <br

    Ordenamiento de números difusos usando centroides: Aspectos prácticos

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    This paper corresponds to the second part of the study exploring the ordering of fuzzy numbers with the purpose of supporting the database queries configuration. In the first part: a new proposal was presented comparing two fuzzy numbers using the centroid abscissa; and it was shown to be a total order relation. &nbsp;In this second part: study cases are addressed that include a vast diversity of possible situations for comparison fuzzy numbers with different representations; a Haskell implementation of the proposed method is presented; and thus, we demonstrate its adaptation to human intuition.Este artículo corresponde a la segunda parte de un estudio donde se explora el ordenamiento de números difusos con miras a su uso en consultas a bases de datos. En la primera parte: se presentó una nueva propuesta que compara dos números difusos usando la abscisa del centroide; y se demostró que es una relación orden total. En esta segunda parte: se abordan casos de estudio que comprenden una vasta diversidad de posibles situaciones de comparación de números difusos con distintas representaciones; se presenta una implementación en Haskell del método propuesto; y se pone en evidencia su adecuación a la intuición humana

    Pricing and Remanufacturing Decisions of a Decentralized Fuzzy Supply Chain

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    The optimal pricing and remanufacturing decisions problem of a fuzzy closed-loop supply chain is considered in this paper. Particularly, there is one manufacturer who has incorporated a remanufacturing process for used products into her original production system, so that she can manufacture a new product directly from raw materials or from collected used products. The manufacturer then sells the new product to two different competitive retailers, respectively, and the two competitive retailers are in charge of deciding the rates of the remanufactured products in their consumers’ demand quantity. The fuzziness is associated with the customer’s demands, the remanufacturing and manufacturing costs, and the collecting scaling parameters of the two retailers. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the manufacturer and the two retailers make their own decisions about wholesale price, retail prices, and the remanufacturing rates in the expected value model. Using game theory and fuzzy theory, we examine each firm’s strategy and explore the role of the manufacturer and the two retailers over three different game scenarios. We get some insights into the economic behavior of firms, which can serve as the basis for empirical study in the future

    Supply chain inventory control for the iron and steel industry

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