865 research outputs found

    A method to solve two-player zero-sum matrix games in chaotic environment

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    This research article proposes a method for solving the two-player zero-sum matrix games in chaotic environment. In a fast growing world, the real life situations are characterized by their chaotic behaviors and chaotic processes. The chaos variables are defined to study such type of problems. Classical mathematics deals with the numbers as static and less value-added, while the chaos mathematics deals with it as dynamic evolutionary, and comparatively more value-added. In this research article, the payoff is characterized by chaos numbers. While the chaos payoff matrix converted into the corresponding static payoff matrix. An approach for determining the chaotic optimal strategy is developed. In the last, one solved example is provided to explain the utility, effectiveness and applicability of the approach for the problem.Abbreviations: DM= Decision Maker; MCDM = Multiple Criteria Decision Making; LPP = Linear Programming Problem; GAMS= General Algebraic Modeling System

    Nondominated equilibrium solutions of multiobjective two-person nonzero-sum games in normal and extensive forms

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    In this paper, we review the development of studies on multiobjective noncooperative games, and particularly we focus on nondominated equilibrium solutions in multiobjective two-person nonzero-sum games in normal and extensive forms. After outlining studies related to multiobjective noncooperative games, we treat multiobjective two-person nonzero-sum games in normal form, and a mathematical programming problem yielding nondominated equilibrium solutions is shown. As for extensive form games, we first provide a game representation of the sequence form, and then formulate a mathematical programming problem for obtaining nondominated equilibrium solutions

    Short Software Descriptions

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    This paper briefly presents the software for interactive decision support that was developed in 1990-1991 within the Contracted Study Agreement between the System and Decision Sciences Program at IIASA and several Polish scientific institutions, namely: Institute of Automatic Control (Warsaw University of Technology); Institute of Computing Science (Technical University of Poznaii); Institute of Informatics (Warsaw University); and Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. This Contracted Study Agreement has been a continuation of the same type of activity conducted since 1985. Therefore many of the software packages are actually improved versions of the programs developed in 1985-1989. The theoretical part of the results developed within this scientific activity is presented in the IIASA Collaborative Paper CP-90-008 by A. Ruszczynski, T. Rogowski and A.P. Wierzbicki entitled "Contributions to Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis (First Stage)." Detailed descriptions of the methodology and the user guide for each particular software package are published in separate Collaborative Papers. Each software package described here is available in executable form for non-profit educational and scientific purposes, however, any profit-oriented or commercial application requires a written agreement with IIASA. Inquires about the software should be directed to the System and Decision Sciences Program at IIASA, Methodology of Decisions Analysis Project

    Improved two-phase solution strategy for multiobjective fuzzy stochastic linear programming problems with uncertain probability distribution

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    Multiobjective Fuzzy Stochastic Linear Programming (MFSLP) problem where the linear inequalities on the probability are fuzzy is called a Multiobjective Fuzzy Stochastic Linear Programming problem with Fuzzy Linear Partial Information on Probability Distribution (MFSLPPFI). The uncertainty presents unique difficulties in constrained optimization problems owing to the presence of conflicting goals and randomness surrounding the data. Most existing solution techniques for MFSLPPFI problems rely heavily on the expectation optimization model, the variance minimization model, the probability maximization model, pessimistic/optimistic values and compromise solution under partial uncertainty of random parameters. Although these approaches recognize the fact that the interval values for probability distribution have important significance, nevertheless they are restricted by the upper and lower limitations of probability distribution and neglected the interior values. This limitation motivated us to search for more efficient strategies for MFSLPPFI which address both the fuzziness of the probability distributions, and the fuzziness and randomness of the parameters. The proposed strategy consists two phases: fuzzy transformation and stochastic transformation. First, ranking function is used to transform the MFSLPPFI to Multiobjective Stochastic Linear Programming Problem with Fuzzy Linear Partial Information on Probability Distribution (MSLPPFI). The problem is then transformed to its corresponding Multiobjective Linear Programming (MLP) problem by using a-cut technique of uncertain probability distribution and linguistic hedges. In addition, Chance Constraint Programming (CCP), and expectation of random coefficients are applied to the constraints and the objectives respectively. Finally, the MLP problem is converted to a single-objective Linear Programming (LP) problem via an Adaptive Arithmetic Average Method (AAAM), and then solved by using simplex method. The algorithm used to obtain the solution requires fewer iterations and faster generation of results compared to existing solutions. Three realistic examples are tested which show that the approach used in this study is efficient in solving the MFSLPPFI

    Interactive Fuzzy Random Two-level Linear Programming through Fractile Criterion Optimization

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    This paper considers two-level linear programming problems involving fuzzy random variables. Having introduced level sets of fuzzy random variables and fuzzy goals of decision makers, following fractile criterion optimization, fuzzy random two-level programming problems are transformed into deterministic ones. Interactive fuzzy programming is presented for deriving a satisfactory solution efficiently with considerations of overall satisfactory balance

    Matrix Game with Payoffs Represented by Triangular Dual Hesitant Fuzzy Numbers

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    Matrix Game with Payoffs RepresentedDue to the complexity of information or the inaccuracy of decision-makers’ cognition, it is difficult for experts to quantify the information accurately in the decision-making process. However, the integration of the fuzzy set and game theory provides a way to help decision makers solve the problem. This research aims to develop a methodology for solving matrix game with payoffs represented by triangular dual hesitant fuzzy numbers (TDHFNs). First, the definition of TDHFNs with their cut sets are presented. The inequality relations between two TDHFNs are also introduced. Second, the matrix game with payoffs represented by TDHFNs is investigated. Moreover, two TDHFNs programming models are transformed into two linear programming models to obtain the numerical solution of the proposed fuzzy matrix game. Furthermore, a case study is given to to illustrate the efficiency and applicability of the proposed methodology. Our results also demonstrate the advantage of the proposed concept of TDHFNs

    On generating the set of nondominated solutions of a linear programming problem with parameterized fuzzy numbers

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    The paper presents a new method for solving fully fuzzy linear programming problems with inequality constraints and parameterized fuzzy numbers, by means of solving multiobjective linear programming problems. The equivalence is proven between the set of nondominated solutions of the fully fuzzy linear programming problem and the set of weakly efficient solutions of the considered and related multiobjective linear problem. The whole set of nondominated solutions for a fully fuzzy linear programming problem is explicitly obtained by means of a finite generator set.The first author was partially supported by the research project MTM2017-89577-P (MINECO, Spain), and the second author was partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grants AYA2016-75931-C2-1-P, AYA2015-68012-C2-1, AYA2014-57490-P, AYA2013-40611-P, and from the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia (Junta de Andalucía) through TIC-101, TIC-4075 and TIC-114