6,495 research outputs found

    Comparing student model accuracy with bayesian network and fuzzy logic in predicting student knowledge level

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    The use of computer has widely used as a tool to help student in learning, one of the computer application to help student in learning is in the form of Intelligent Tutoring System. Intelligent Tutoring System used to diagnose student knowledge state and provide adaptive assistance to student. However, diagnosing student knowledge level is a difficult task due to rife with uncertainty. Student Model is the key component in Intelligent Tutoring System to deal with uncertainty. Bayesian Network and Fuzzy Logic is the most widely used to develop student model. In this paper we will compare the accuracy of student model developed with Bayesian Network and Fuzzy Logic in predicting student knowledge level

    Bounded Rationality and Heuristics in Humans and in Artificial Cognitive Systems

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    In this paper I will present an analysis of the impact that the notion of “bounded rationality”, introduced by Herbert Simon in his book “Administrative Behavior”, produced in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In particular, by focusing on the field of Automated Decision Making (ADM), I will show how the introduction of the cognitive dimension into the study of choice of a rational (natural) agent, indirectly determined - in the AI field - the development of a line of research aiming at the realisation of artificial systems whose decisions are based on the adoption of powerful shortcut strategies (known as heuristics) based on “satisficing” - i.e. non optimal - solutions to problem solving. I will show how the “heuristic approach” to problem solving allowed, in AI, to face problems of combinatorial complexity in real-life situations and still represents an important strategy for the design and implementation of intelligent systems

    Big data analytics:Computational intelligence techniques and application areas

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    Big Data has significant impact in developing functional smart cities and supporting modern societies. In this paper, we investigate the importance of Big Data in modern life and economy, and discuss challenges arising from Big Data utilization. Different computational intelligence techniques have been considered as tools for Big Data analytics. We also explore the powerful combination of Big Data and Computational Intelligence (CI) and identify a number of areas, where novel applications in real world smart city problems can be developed by utilizing these powerful tools and techniques. We present a case study for intelligent transportation in the context of a smart city, and a novel data modelling methodology based on a biologically inspired universal generative modelling approach called Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine (HSTSM). We further discuss various implications of policy, protection, valuation and commercialization related to Big Data, its applications and deployment

    A Description Logic Framework for Commonsense Conceptual Combination Integrating Typicality, Probabilities and Cognitive Heuristics

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    We propose a nonmonotonic Description Logic of typicality able to account for the phenomenon of concept combination of prototypical concepts. The proposed logic relies on the logic of typicality ALC TR, whose semantics is based on the notion of rational closure, as well as on the distributed semantics of probabilistic Description Logics, and is equipped with a cognitive heuristic used by humans for concept composition. We first extend the logic of typicality ALC TR by typicality inclusions whose intuitive meaning is that "there is probability p about the fact that typical Cs are Ds". As in the distributed semantics, we define different scenarios containing only some typicality inclusions, each one having a suitable probability. We then focus on those scenarios whose probabilities belong to a given and fixed range, and we exploit such scenarios in order to ascribe typical properties to a concept C obtained as the combination of two prototypical concepts. We also show that reasoning in the proposed Description Logic is EXPTIME-complete as for the underlying ALC.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figure

    Unconformity-type uranium systems: a comparative review and predictive modelling of critical genetic factors

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    A review of descriptive and genetic models is presented for unconformity-type uranium deposits with particular attention given to spatial representations of key process components of the mineralising system and their mappable expressions. This information formed the basis for the construction of mineral potential models for the world's premier unconformity-style uranium provinces, the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, Canada (>650,000 t U3 O8), and the NW McArthur Basin in the Northern Territory, Australia (>450,000 t U3 O8). A novel set of ‘edge’ detection routines was used to identify high-contrast zones in gridded geophysical data in support of the mineral potential modelling. This approach to geophysical data processing and interpretation offers a virtually unbiased means of detecting potential basement structures under cover and at a range of scales. Fuzzy logic mineral potential mapping was demonstrated to be a useful tool for delineating areas that have high potential for hosting economic uranium concentrations, utilising all knowledge and incorporating all relevant spatial data available for the project area. The resulting models not only effectively ‘rediscover’ the known uranium mineralisation but also highlight several other areas containing all of the mappable components deemed critical for the accumulation of economic uranium deposits. The intelligence amplification approach to mineral potential modelling presented herein is an example of augmenting expert-driven conceptual targeting with the powerful logic and rationality of modern computing. The result is a targeting tool that captures the current status quo of geospatial and exploration information and conceptual knowledge pertaining to unconformity-type uranium systems. Importantly, the tool can be readily updated once new information or knowledge comes to hand. As with every targeting tool, these models should not be utilised in isolation, but as one of several inputs informing exploration decision-making. Nor should they be regarded as ‘treasure maps’, but rather as pointers towards areas of high potential that are worthy of further investigation

    [Subject benchmark statement]: computing

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