4 research outputs found

    Game-related assessments for personnel selection: A systematic review

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    Industrial development in recent decades has led to using information and communication technologies (ICT) to support personnel selection processes. One of the most notable examples is game-related assessments (GRA), supposedly as accurate as conventional tests but which generate better applicant reactions and reduce the likelihood of adverse impact and faking. However, such claims still lack scientific support. Given practitioners’ increasing use of GRA, this article reviews the scientific literature on gamification applied to personnel selection to determine whether the current state of the art supports their use in professional practice and identify specific aspects on which future research should focus. Following the PRISMA model, a search was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, identifying 34 valid articles, of which 85.3% are empirical studies that analyze five areas: (1) validity; (2) applicant reactions; (3) design of GRA; (4) personal characteristics and GRA; and (5) adverse impact and faking. Together, these studies show that GRA can be used in personnel selection but that the supposed advantages of GRA over conventional tests are fewer than imagined. The results also suggest several aspects on which research should focus (e.g., construct validity, differences depending on the type of game, prediction of different job performance dimensions), which could help define the situations in which the use of GRA may be recommended

    Gamificación en la Selección de Personal

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    La gamificación es una herramienta que, en un mundo con tantos avances tecnológicos, puede suponer una gran ayuda a las empresas. Un área donde podría ayudar mucho es en la selección de personal. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) se define el concepto de gamificación y cómo podría aplicarse a la selección de personal. Además, se analizan varios estudios que ya han intentado probar la validez de un proceso gamificado en la selección de personal y se extraen las conclusiones de los mismos. La conclusión principal que se extrae es la falta de investigación en esta área, pero también se observan todos los aspectos positivos que puede tener, como la reducción de costes y tiempo o la motivación que hace al usuario comprometerse con el proceso, entre otros. Finalmente, se hace una propuesta de investigación futura.<br /

    Fuzzy Logic Models for Non-Programmed Decision-Making in Personnel Selection Processes Based on Gamification

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    Non-programmed decision-making is an activity that requires a number of methods to try to capture the rational behaviour of an aspirant in situations of uncertainty. Thus, there is a varied list of attributes, methods, and mechanisms that are intended to describe the way in which aspirants can be profiled. However, this modelling proves to be complex if it is approached in scenarios based on game mechanics from gamification. For this reason, the following article aims to contribute to the processes of selection of personnel delimited only to the making of non-programmed decisions, through the implementation of game mechanics. In order to model this selection, the purpose of the following study is to carry out the formulation of inference rules based on fuzzy logic in order to capture the tacit transfer of certain types of information in personnel selection processes and to determine aspects that allow the shaping of aspirants. Finally, the results and conclusions obtaine