6 research outputs found

    Экспертно-тестовый механизм комплексной оценки кандидатов при подборе персонала

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    Introduction. In the context of an intensive transition to highly productive technologies, the leaders of modern companies pay special attention to the formation of a team of competent, competent employees. In this regard, the task of creating automated mechanisms for the integrated assessment of candidates for the vacant position of a company, which allows providing real support in making informed personnel decisions, becomes urgent. Aim. To develop a mechanism for a comprehensive assessment of candidates for a vacant position, based on a synthesis of expert information and test results for a test suite specially selected for a particular position. Materials and methods. The proposed mechanism is based on the use of mathematical methods of optimization and processing of fuzzy expert information. At the first stage of the mechanism, a test package is formed that provides coverage of the required qualities of a vacant position. For its implementation, a two-criteria task is proposed with the following criteria: minimizing the number of tests included in the package and maximizing the sum of the degrees of compliance of the test package with the qualities of the position. The problem is solved by the method of weighted sums and the modified method of branches and boundaries. Based on the solution of the problem, a test package is formed, testing on which allows you to formulate private assessments of the qualities of candidates in various linguistic scales. In order to obtain the quantitative value of a comprehensive assessment, experts form a single linguistic scale that allows you to translate test results into fuzzy numbers. To form a comprehensive assessment, a fuzzy modification of the TOPSIS method was chosen. Results. Based on a formalized description of the problem, an expert-test mechanism for a comprehensive assessment of candidates is given, for each stage of which features are described and mathematical methods of implementation are presented. To implement the mechanism in the practical activities of companies, a software package in Python was developed. Conclusion. The mechanism proposed in the work was introduced into the activities of one of the IT companies of Voronezh and was well appreciated by specialists. The paper considers an example of the program for the post of data analyst.Введение. В условиях интенсивного перехода к высоко производительным технологиям руководители современных компаний особое внимание уделяют вопросам формирования команды компетентных, грамотных сотрудников. В этой связи актуальной становится задача формирования автоматизированных механизмов комплексной оценки кандидатов на вакантную должность компании, позволяющих оказать реальную поддержку в принятии обоснованных кадровых решений. Цель исследования. Разработать механизм комплексной оценки кандидатов на вакантную должность, основанный на синтезе экспертной информации и результатов тестирования по специально подобранному для конкретной должности пакету тестов. Материалы и методы. Предлагаемый механизм основывается на использовании математических методов оптимизации и обработки нечеткой экспертной информации. На первом этапе механизма формируется пакет тестов, обеспечивающий покрытие требуемых качеств вакантной должности. Для его реализации предлагается двухкритериальная задача со следующими критериями: минимизация количества включенных в пакет тестов и максимизация суммы степеней соответствия пакета тестов качествам должности. Решение задачи осуществляется методом взвешенных сумм и модифицированным методом ветвей и границ. На основе решения задачи формируется пакет тестов, проведение тестирования по которым позволяет сформировать частные оценки качеств кандидатов в различных лингвистических шкалах. В целях получения количественного значения комплексной оценки экспертами формируется единая лингвистическая шкала, позволяющая перевести результаты тестирования в нечеткие числа. Для формирования комплексной оценки выбрана нечеткая модификация метода TOPSIS. Результаты. На основе формализованного описания задачи приводится экспертнотестовый механизм комплексной оценки кандидатов, для каждого этапа которого описаны особенности и представлены математические методы реализации. Для внедрения механизма в практическую деятельность компаний разработан программный комплекс на языке Python. Заключение. Предлагаемый в работе механизм внедрен в деятельность одной из ИТ-компаний города Воронежа и получил хорошую оценку со стороны специалистов. Рассмотрен пример работы программы для должности аналитика данных

    Fuzzy topsis based on α level set for academic staff selection / Nazirah Ramli and Nor Azizah M. Yacob

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    This paper applies the fuzzy TOPSIS based on α -level in solving a multi-criteria decision-making problem. The basic principle of fuzzy TOPSIS is that the chosen alternatives should have the shortest distance from the fuzzy positive ideal solution and the farthest distance from the fuzzy negative ideal solution in which can be determined by calculating the closeness coefficient. In this paper, the α-level set of the fuzzy closeness coefficient is calculated at eleven α levels. The closeness coefficient can be presented as a fuzzy number which generates a more accurate fuzzy estimation of the relative closeness. An empirical study of academic staff selection is conducted to illustrate its application

    Zoning Mashhad Watershed for Artificial Recharge of Underground Aquifers using TOPSIS Model and GIS Technique

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    In recent years coincide with population growth and industrial expansion in many countries in the world Extract water of underground sources expanded and annual withdrawal of ground water is higher than the annual feeding This means extracting and using the water in layers that has been saved over thousands of years in the underground Consequently groundwater levels in the area will be extracted every day and eventually drop where the water will not exist While proper management and control of these resources will eliminate the problems of drop in water level One way to managing groundwater resources is artificial recharge of groundwater and determine suitable locations for these purpose growth and development trend of Mashhad city and excessive Extracting of ground water in recent years has been essential groundwater resources management strategy in the region more than ever implied The purpose of this study is Zoning Mashhad watershed for artificial recharge of underground aquifers using TOPSIS Model and GIS technique TOPSIS algorithm is a Multi Criteria Decision Making a type of compensatory model and an adaptable subgroup with strong ability to solve multi alternative problems because of having ability to overlap indicators in weak and power points In this model if quantitative criteria can change in to qualitative criteria qualitative criteria can be used besides quantitative criteria In aforementioned model it is supposed that each indicator and criterion has steady increasing and decreasing utility in decision making matrix it means if criteria gain more positive amount they will be more appropriate on the contrary the more negative amount the less appropriate The result and findings of different studies show that in TOPSIS method zone 3 with 0 669 point promotes in first rank among 5 studied zones and thus it is the most appropriate zone to establish the proper area for artificial recharge of underground aquifers in contrast zone

    Behavioral optimization models for multicriteria portfolio selection

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    In this paper, behavioral construct of suitability is used to develop a multicriteria decision making framework for portfolio selection. To achieve this purpose, we rely on multiple methodologies. Analytical hierarchy process technique is used to model the suitability considerations with a view to obtaining the suitability performance score in respect of each asset. A fuzzy multiple criteria decision making method is used to obtain the financial quality score of each asset based upon investor's rating on the financial criteria. Two optimization models are developed for optimal asset allocation considering simultaneously financial and suitability criteria. An empirical study is conducted on randomly selected assets from National Stock Exchange, Mumbai, India to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology

    Modeling systems thinking in action among higher education leaders with fuzzy multi-criteria decision making

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    The college and university systems are more complex and required persistent approach towards adoption and transformation. Highly vulnerable environment portrays the need to visualize the regular and strategic issues with the larger perspectives as a whole and develop a model which is more focused towards sustainability and reformation. The current study has attempted to conceptualize systems thinking in action model which consists of four stages of action cycle; diagnosis and analysis, modeling, intervention and review and lessons learned. This is attempting to evaluate the systems thinking among the educational leaders in higher education in Thailand through the fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making method. The study has found that leaders are adopting systems thinking in the moderate level, however, the first three stages are found less in practice and more in perceived importance. The study found that there is higher need of calling for collaborative, cooperative and participation of stakeholders’ involvement. The study has further given managerial implications