39 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management in Management of Social and Economic Development of Municipalities: Highlights

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    The paper discusses the process of social and economic development of municipalities. A conclusion is made that developing an adequate model of social and economic development using conventional approaches presents a considerable challenge. It is proposed to use semantic modeling to represent the social and economic development of municipalities, and cognitive mapping to identify the set of connections that occur among indicators and that have a direct impact on social and economic development.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.1369

    Knowledge Management in Socio-Economic Development of Municipal Units: Basic Concepts

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    The article discusses the basic concepts of strategic planning in the Russian Federation, highlights the legal, financial and resource features that act as restrictions in decision making in the field of socio-economic development of municipalities. The analysis concluded that to design an adequate model of socio-economic development of municipalities is a very difficult task, particularly when the traditional approaches are applied. To solve the task, we proposed to use the semantic modeling as well as cognitive maps which are able to point out the set of dependencies that arise between factors having a direct impact on socio-economic development.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Development of Customers Satisfaction Model in Banking Sector Using Fuzzy Cognitive Map

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    Customer satisfaction is one of the key factors in modern marketing and customer’s behavior analysis. Banking industry is one of the numerous services in which the customer satisfaction has had an ever increasing importance in the corresponding research areas. The problem here is the complexity of dealing with customer satisfaction due to super abundant factors engaged in it. In this paper the applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM’s), as a decision making tool, in banking industry, a very vital part of a country’s economy, has been discussed. The paper focuses on the development of customers' satisfaction model in banking sector using fuzzy cognitive map. A questionnaire assessing customer’s opinions to give a clear perception of factors affecting customer satisfaction in banks was designed based on Complaint handling, Service quality, Service feature, Competiveness and Convenience, which are the five major factors considered. The questionnaire was administered to bank managers, other bank staff and the customers within selected banks (First bank, Polaris bank and Wema bank) in Ogbomosho environ, Oyo state South-West Nigeria. The opinions from the administered questionnaires were quantitatively analysed using descriptive statistic in Statistical Package of Social Sciences. The analysis on five factors considered which are: Complaint handling, Service quality, Service feature, Competiveness and Convenience and defining the relationship between the factors were then used to develop the FCM model with the use of mental modeler software. The nodes of the FCM model represent the main factors affecting customer satisfaction in banking sector and running of ‘what if’ scenario to determine how the model might react under possible change. The simulated results show that Service quality and Complain handling has a degree of effect on Customer satisfaction while other factors has no effect on customer satisfaction which could be positive and negative impact on customer satisfaction in banking sector. This implies that Service quality and Complain handling are important factors in predicting the customer satisfaction in banking sector. Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM), Model, Banks and Decision. DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/10-4-06 Publication date:September 30th 202


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    This paper proposes application of fuzzy cognitive map with evolutionary learning algorithms to model a system for prediction of effectiveness of bike sharing systems. Fuzzy cognitive map was constructed based on historical data and next used to forecast the number of cyclists and customers of bike sharing systems on three consecutive days. The learning process was realized with the use of Individually Directional Evolutionary Algorithm IDEA and Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm RCGA. Simulation analysis of the system for prediction of effectiveness of bike sharing systems was carried out with the use of software developed in JAVA.W pracy zaproponowano zastosowanie rozmytej mapy kognitywnej wraz z ewolucyjnymi algorytmami uczenia do modelowania systemu prognozowania efektywności pracy wypożyczalni rowerowych. Na podstawie danych historycznych zbudowano rozmytą mapę kognitywną, którą następnie zastosowano do prognozowania liczby rowerzystów i klientów wypożyczalni w trzech kolejnych dniach. Proces uczenia zrealizowano z zastosowaniem indywidualnego kierunkowego algorytmu ewolucyjnego IDEA oraz algorytmu genetycznego z kodowaniem zmiennoprzecinkowym RCGA. Analizę symulacyjną systemu prognozowania efektywności pracy wypożyczalni rowerowych przeprowadzono przy pomocy oprogramowania opracowanego w technologii JAVA

    Study of Intelligent Control Techniques Applied to a Stirring Tank with Heat Exchanger

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    This work presents a study and evaluation of intelligent control techniques applied to the problem of temperature control of a stirring tank with heat exchanger. This problem is represented by the example provided and documented by MathWorks in MATLAB/Simulink software, called Heatex. The intelligent techniques used are Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and the combination of these. The proportional-integral (PI) controller provided in the Heatex example is considered as a reference basis during the evaluation of the intelligent control techniques in different test scenarios. The metrics Integral of Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral Time-weighted Absolute Error (ITAE), as well as the parameters overshoot percentage and settling time are the criteria used to evaluate the control techniques performance


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    This paper is devoted to the construction and analysis of the intelligent recommendation system for website resources based on fuzzy cognitive map. The developed system allows to identify resources, which may be interested in a potential user. These resources are determined on the basis of website users activity. Fuzzy cognitive map was develop using the dataset with anonymous collected historical data. The concepts of fuzzy cognitive map are identifiers of resources of website. Weights of the connection between them have been established based on the number of users visiting the resources.Artykuł poświęcony jest budowie i analizie inteligentnego systemu rekomendacyjnego zasobów bazującego na rozmytej mapie kognitywnej. Opracowany system pozwala wskazać zasoby strony internetowej, którymi może być zainteresowany potencjalny użytkownik. Zasoby te są określane na podstawie aktywności innych użytkowników serwisu. Bazując na zbiorze anonimowo zebranych danych historycznych opracowano rozmytą mapę kognitywną, której czynniki odpowiadają poszczególnym zasobom strony internetowej. Wagi powiązań między nimi określono na podstawie liczby użytkowników odwiedzających poszczególne zasoby

    Applying FCM to Predict the Behaviour of Loyal Customers in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry

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    Using empirical data from the Kuwaiti mobile telecommunications sector, this study models a fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) to investigate the reciprocal effects of customer loyalty and its antecedents in an emerging market context. This study investigates the effect of perceived service quality, perceived service value and brand equity on customer loyalty and the simultaneous analysis of the reverse causality of these variables. Data pertaining to 350 subscribers were analysed. According to the results, the model reaches the equilibrium when brand equity and customer loyalty are increased and reach an optimal level. Based on these findings, the authors provide implications for managers in the mobile telecom industry

    Development of a collaborative model of low back pain: report from the 2017 NASS consensus meeting

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    Low back pain (LBP) is a multifactorial problem with complex interactions among many biological, psychological and social factors. It is difficult to fully appreciate this complexity because the knowledge necessary to do so is distributed over many areas of expertise that span the biopsychosocial domains.This study describes the collaborative modeling process, undertaken among a group of participants with diverse expertise in LBP, to build a model to enhance understanding and communicate the complexity of the LBP problem.The study involved generating individual models that represented participants' understanding of the LBP problem using fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM), and 4 subsequent phases of consultation and consensus with the participants to characterize and refine the interpretation of the FCMs.The phases consisted of: proposal of Categories for clustering of model Components; preliminary evaluation of structure, composition and focal areas of participant's FCMs; refinement of Categories and Components with consensus meeting; generation of final structure and composition of individual participant's FCMs. Descriptive statistics were applied to the structural and composition metrics of individual FCMs to aid interpretation.From 38 invited contributors, 29 (76%) agreed to participate. They represented 9 disciplines and 8 countries. Participants' models included 729 Components, with an average of 25 (SD = 7) per model. After the final FCM refinement process (Components from separate FCMs that used similar terms were combined, and Components from an FCM that included multiple terms were separated), there were 147 Components allocated to ten Categories. Although individual models varied in their structure and composition, a common opinion emerged that psychological factors are particularly important in the presentation of LBP. Collectively, Components allocated to the "Psychology" Category were the most central in almost half (14/29) of the individual models.The collaborative modeling process outlined in this paper provides a foundation upon which to build a greater understanding and to communicate the complexity of the LBP problem. The next step is to aggregate individual FCMs into a metamodel and begin disentangling the interactions among its Components. This will lead to an improved understanding of the complexity of LBP, and hopefully to improved outcomes for those suffering from this condition