105 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy LQR PID Control for a Two-Legged Wheel Robot with Uncertainties and Variant Height

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    This paper proposes a fuzzy LQR PID control for a two-legged wheeled balancing robot for keeping stability against uncertainties and variant heights. The proposed control includes the fuzzy supervisor, LQR, PID, and two calibrations. The fuzzy LQR is conducted to control the stability and motion of the robot while its posture changes with respect to time. The fuzzy supervisor is used to adjust the LQR control according to the robotic height. It consists of one input and one output. The input and output have three membership functions, respectively, to three postures of the robot. The PID control is used to control the posture of the robot. The first calibration is used to compensate for the bias value of the tilting angle when the robot changes its posture. The second calibration is applied to compute the robotic height according to the hip angle. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control, a practical robot with the variant height is constructed, and the proposed control is embedded in the control board. Finally, two experiments are also conducted to verify the balancing and moving ability of the robot with the variant posture

    Fuzzy-PID controller for an energy efficient personal vehicle: Two-wheel electric skateboard

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    The two-wheeled electric skateboard (TWS) is designed for a personal vehicle. A Fuzzy-PID control strategy is designed and implemented for controlling its motion. Basically, motions control of the TWS is performed by balancing the pitch position of the TWS. Performance of the designed controller is demonstrated experimentally. The Fuzzy algorithm updates the PID gains and therefore it can handle the changing of the TWS load. Contribution of Fuzzy-PID in reducing the electric energy consumption, which is an important issue in electrical system, is also evaluated. The Fuzzy-PID successes to reduce the electric energy consumption of the TWS compared to the conventional PID

    Synchronizing of Stabilizing Platform Mounted on a Two-Wheeled Robot

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    This paper represents the designing, building, and testing of a self-stabilizing platform mounted on a self-balancing robot. For the self-stabilizing platform, a servo motor is used and for the self-balancing robot, two dc motors are used with an encoder, inertial measurement unit, motor driver, an Arduino UNO microcontroller board. A PID controller is used to control the balancing of the system. The PID controller gains (Kp, Ki, and Kd) were evaluated experimentally. The value of the tilted angle from IMU was fed to the PID controller to control the actuated motors for balancing the system. For the self-stabilizing control part, whenever the robot tilted, it maintained the horizontal position by rotating that much in the opposite direction

    Comprehensive review on controller for leader-follower robotic system

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    985-1007This paper presents a comprehensive review of the leader-follower robotics system. The aim of this paper is to find and elaborate on the current trends in the swarm robotic system, leader-follower, and multi-agent system. Another part of this review will focus on finding the trend of controller utilized by previous researchers in the leader-follower system. The controller that is commonly applied by the researchers is mostly adaptive and non-linear controllers. The paper also explores the subject of study or system used during the research which normally employs multi-robot, multi-agent, space flying, reconfigurable system, multi-legs system or unmanned system. Another aspect of this paper concentrates on the topology employed by the researchers when they conducted simulation or experimental studies

    Fuzzy adaptive control of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum

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    Recently, the two-wheeled inverted pendulum has drawn the attention of robotic community in view of a plethora of applications, such as transport vehicles: Segway, teleconferencing robots, and electronic network-vehicle. As a widely-used personal transportation vehicle, a two-wheeled inverted pendulum robot has the advantages of small size and simple structure. Moreover, with the advent of modern control technology, these kinds of platforms with safety features and sophisticated control functions can be cost down, so that they have high potential to satisfy stringent requirements of various autonomous service robots with high speed. At the same time, it is of great interest from control point of view as the inverted pendulum is a complicated, strongly coupled, unstable and nonlinear system. Therefore, it is an ideal experimental platform for various control theories and experiments. To understand such a complex system, the Lagrangian equation has been introduced to develop a dynamic model. And following the mathematical model, linear quadratic regulator control and fuzzy adaptive method are proposed for upright stabilization, velocity control and position control of the system. However, sometimes these kinds of robots need to move on a slope, so an advanced linear quadratic regulator controller and a modified fuzzy adaptive controller have been proposed to achieve position control on a slope for the robot while stabilizing its body in balance. In addition, trajectory tracking control using proportional integral derivative control and sliding mode control with fuzzy adaptive backstepping method is also designed to make the robot autonomously navigate in two dimensional plane. Simulation results indicate that the proposed controllers are capable of providing appropriate control actions to steer the vehicle in desired manners. Then, a couple of real time experiments have been conducted to verify the the effectiveness of the developed control strategies

    A two-wheeled machine with a handling mechanism in two different directions

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    Despite the fact that there are various configurations of self-balanced two-wheeled machines (TWMs), the workspace of such systems is restricted by their current configurations and designs. In this work, the dynamic analysis of a novel configuration of TWMs is introduced that enables handling a payload attached to the intermediate body (IB) in two mutually perpendicular directions. This configuration will enlarge the workspace of the vehicle and increase its flexibility in material handling, objects assembly and similar industrial and service robot applications. The proposed configuration gains advantages of the design of serial arms while occupying a minimum space which is unique feature of TWMs. The proposed machine has five degrees of freedoms (DOFs) that can be useful for industrial applications such as pick and place, material handling and packaging. This machine will provide an advantage over other TWMs in terms of the wider workspace and the increased flexibility in service and industrial applications. Furthermore, the proposed design will add additional challenge of controlling the system to compensate for the change of the location of the COM due to performing tasks of handling in multiple directions

    Modelling and robust controller design for an underactuated self-balancing robot with uncertain parameter estimation

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    A comprehensive literature review of self-balancing robot (SBR) provides an insight to the strengths and limitations of the available control techniques for different applications. Most of the researchers have not included the payload and its variations in their investigations. To address this problem comprehensively, it was realized that a rigorous mathematical model of the SBR will help to design an effective control for the targeted system. A robust control for a two-wheeled SBR with unknown payload parameters is considered in these investigations. Although, its mechanical design has the advantage of additional maneuverability, however, the robot's stability is affected by changes in the rider's mass and height, which affect the robot's center of gravity (COG). Conventionally, variations in these parameters impact the performance of the controller that are designed with the assumption to operate under nominal values of the rider's mass and height. The proposed solution includes an extended Kalman filter (EKF) based sliding mode controller (SMC) with an extensive mathematical model describing the dynamics of the robot itself and the payload. The rider's mass and height are estimated using EKF and this information is used to improve the control of SBR. Significance of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing simulation results with the conventional SMC under different scenarios as well as with other techniques in literature. The proposed method shows zero steady state error and no overshoot. Performance of the conventional SMC is improved with controller parameter estimation. Moreover, the stability issue in the reaching phase of the controller is also solved with the availability of parameter estimates. The proposed method is suitable for a wide range of indoor applications with no disturbance. This investigation provides a comprehensive comparison of available techniques to contextualize the proposed method within the scope of self-balancing robots for indoor applications

    ROS-based Controller for a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot

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    In this article, a controller based on a Robot Operating System (ROS) for a two-wheeled self-balancing robot is designed. The proposed ROS architecture is open, allowing the integration of different sensors, actuators, and processing units. The low-cost robot was designed for educational purposes. It used an ESP32 microcontroller as the central unit, an MPU6050 Inertial Measurement Unit sensor, DC motors with encoders, and an L298N integrated circuit as a power stage. The mathematical model is analyzed through Newton-Euler and linearized around an equilibrium point. The control objective is to self-balance the robot to the vertical axis in the presence of disturbances. The proposed control is based on a bounded saturation, which is lightweight and easy to implement in embedded systems with low computational resources. Experimental results are performed in real-time under regulation, conditions far from the equilibrium point, and rejection of external disturbances. The results show a good performance, thus validating the mechanical design, the embedded system, and the control scheme. The proposed ROS architecture allows the incorporation of different modules, such as mapping, autonomous navigation, and manipulation, which contribute to studying robotics, control, and embedded systems

    Synthesis of LQR Controller Based on BAT Algorithm for Furuta Pendulum Stabilization

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    In this study, a controller design method based on the LQR method and BAT algorithm is presented for the Furuta pendulum stabilization system. Determine the LQR controller, it is often based on the designer's experience or using trial and error to find the Q, R matrices. The BAT search algorithm is based on the characteristics of the bat population in the wild. However, there are advantages to finding multivariate objective functions. The BAT algorithm has an improvement for the LQR controller to optimize the linear square function with fast response time, low energy consumption, overshoot, and a small number of oscillations. Swarm optimization algorithms have advantages in finding global extrema of multivariate functions. Therefore, with a large number of elements of the Q and R matrices, they can also be quickly found and these matrices still satisfy the Riccati equation. The controller with optimal parameters is verified through simulation results with different scenarios. The performance of the proposed controller is compared with a conventional LQR controller and implemented on a real system