16 research outputs found

    Pengambilan Keputusan Pemilihan Guru Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierachy Process (AHP)

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    Penting bagi sekolah untuk menyediakan guru terbaik untuk menungkatkan kinerja sekolah. Selama ini proses pemilihan guru terbaik diseleksi berdasarkan rasa suka tidak suka saja, kurangnya laporan penilaian guru juga mengurangi motivasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membangun sebuah DSS (Decision Support System) untuk pemilihan guru terbaik, yang akan menghasilkan penilaian yang lebih objektif dan meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran di sekolah. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan beberapa kriteria tambahan dalam menentukan bobot, seperti orientasi pelayanan, integritas, komitmen, kedisiplinan, dan kerjasama, untuk menentukan bobot penilaian. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan sebuah sistem DSS untuk pemilihan guru terbaik, untuk meminimalisir kesalahan penilain dalam metode yang digunakan. Hasil dari metode pemilihan ini dapat juga menjadi motivasi dan bahan pembelajaran untuk para guru agar dapat bisa meningkatkan kualitas kinerja sehingga bisa memenuhi kategori guru terbai

    Prototipe Sistem Cerdas Dalam Menentukan Topik Skripsi Menggunakan Fuzzy AHP di Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak

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    Proses akhir menuju sarjana adalah setiap mahasiswa diharuskan membuat artikel ilmiah dalam bentuk buku yang diberi nama skripsi. Untuk dapat membuat skripsi, setiap mahasiswa harus mengambil berbagai macam mata kuliah penunjang dan pendukung dalam pembuatan skripsi. Berbagai mata kuliah yang telah diambil oleh mahasiswa harusnya dapat memberikan inspirasi atau ide untuk dijadikan topik skripsi sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan yang dimiliki. Pemilihan topik skripsi menjadi salah satu tahapan yang sulit dalam penyusunan skripsi. Hal ini dikarenakan masih banyak mahasiswa yang belum memahami dan mengetahui minat dan kemampuannya terhadap salah satu mata kuliah yang nantinya dijadikan sebagai topik dalam penyusunan skripsi. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah prototipe sistem cerdas yang dibuat untuk membantu memberikan keputusan kepada mahasiswa dalam menentukan topik skripsi menurut minat dan kemampuan yang dimilikinya. Metode perancangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah waterfall dimulai dari perencanaan sistem, perancangan prototipe, implementasi prototipe, pengujian prototipe dan pemeliharaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kemampuan prototipe memberikan rekomendasi topik skripsi sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan mahasiswa. Bobot paling besar ada pada mahasiswa A2 untuk minat Jaringan Komputer sebesar 0.916 sedangkan bobot paling kecil ada pada mahasiswa A1 pada minat Multimedia sebesar 0.052

    A Systematic Review of Marine Risk Assessment: The Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)

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    This systematic review examines the marine risk assessment (MRA) by identifying the most viable method in assessing marine risks using the latest technology. This paper centers on the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) where the techniques and advantages of FAHP in facilitating important decisions were analyzed. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to highlight the significance and potentials of FAHP in providing a comprehensive risk assessment analysis which serves as a standard applicable guideline in the marine industry. Firstly, a systematic search in three electronic databases (Mendeley, Scopus and ScienceDirect) was performed to collect relevant literature. They are database. Upon finalizing the data, a systematic review was conducted accordingly. Drawing from various disciplines of risk assessment, this paper presents the analysis and findings of several studies employing different analytical methods using FAHP. The results of this review offer further insights and alternatives concerning hierarchical decision-making especially in the field of risk assessment

    A Systematic Review of Marine Risk Assessment: The Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)

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    This systematic review examines the marine risk assessment (MRA) by identifying the most viable method in assessing marine risks using the latest technology. This paper centers on the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) where the techniques and advantages of FAHP in facilitating important decisions were analyzed. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to highlight the significance and potentials of FAHP in providing a comprehensive risk assessment analysis which serves as a standard applicable guideline in the marine industry. Firstly, a systematic search in three electronic databases (Mendeley, Scopus and ScienceDirect) was performed to collect relevant literature. They are database. Upon finalizing the data, a systematic review was conducted accordingly. Drawing from various disciplines of risk assessment, this paper presents the analysis and findings of several studies employing different analytical methods using FAHP. The results of this review offer further insights and alternatives concerning hierarchical decision-making especially in the field of risk assessment

    Exploring Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Academic Blockchain Platform Adoption

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    A decentralised distributed ledger system called Blockchain Technology (BCT) enables safe, open, and impenetrable transactions without the need for a central authority. The technology was initially created for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, but it has subsequently been applied to other areas such as voting procedures, supply chain management, and digital identity management. The technology is increasingly becoming accepted in the academic setting for a variety of purposes, including the creation and storage of academic records. There are numerous platforms accessible for this usage, though. When numerous decision-makers are engaged in the selection process, picking an appropriate platform can be a contentious affair. For decision makers, selecting among a wide range of acceptable options might be difficult. It is possible to overcome these difficulties by using Multi-criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) techniques. When there are numerous elements to take into account, one technique for making judgments is MCDM. The process entails assessing multiple options according to pre-established standards in order to identify the optimal selection. In essence, when there are several variables to consider, MCDM assists in selecting the option. The Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is one of the various MCDMs which this paper uses to choose the best BCT platform for academic records based on three choices (IBM, Ethereum, and Hyperledger Fabric) and five factors (cost, degree of acceptance, simplicity of use, data security, and level of customization). The analysis's findings indicate that data security is the most crucial factor, with a weight of 0.645, and that IBM is the best BCT platform, with a value of 0.448. By comparing the FAHP results to those of AHP, IBM's suitability as a platform was confirmed.

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Rekomendasi Topik Skripsi Dengan Metode Fuzzy AHP

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    The ability to produce a scientific work both journals, scientific articles and thesis is needed to support the competence of undergraduate students in a university. The existence of a thesis course in a number of universities is one of the efforts to train students in producing a scientific work. To arrive at the stage of making a thesis, a student must first study various kinds of courses in each study program. Choosing a thesis topic is one of the most difficult stages in the preparation of a thesis. This is because there are still many students who do not understand and know their interest and ability in one of the courses which will later be used as a topic in thesis preparation. The focus of this research is a decision support system that is able to answer student problems in determining thesis topics according to their abilities. The method used is a waterfall within the SDLC (system development life cycle) framework starting from system requirement, data collection, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The result of this research is the ability of the decision support system to provide recommendations for thesis topics according to the abilities of students. The greatest weight is for A5 students for Computer Networking interest of 1,410 while the smallest weight is for A4 students for Multimedia interest of 0.080

    A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchical Method to Reduce Imprecision and Uncertainty in Drilling Operation’s Factor Selection Process for Unidirectional Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composite Plates

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    Parametric selection in machining processes is recently understood as a route to reducing waste generation in drilling activities and achieving a robust resource distribution in drilling activities. However, the selection methods dominant in the literature lack competence in reducing uncertainties and imprecision associated with the drilling process. The purpose of this research is to reduce the uncertainty and imprecision in previously analyzed data that used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. This paper adjusts the uncertainty and imprecision by introducing a geometric mean-based fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. The selection method influences the drilling expert's preferences by imposing the fuzzy theory in a triangular member function that converts the crisp numerical values into fuzzy members and adequately suppresses the imprecision and uncertainty in the elements. The thrust force was positioned first in ranking with a FAHP method's weight of 0.415, which matched the literature value of 0.413 for the AHP method. It was found that the use of the FAHP method has corrected the imprecision and uncertainty introduced by the AHP method. It was found that the thrust force and torque were overestimated by or 0.48% and 3.95%, respectively and was accordingly corrected. Besides, no errors were found with the measurement of eccentricity response. Furthermore, the entry delamination, exit delamination and surface roughness were underestimated by -8.11%, -3.33% and -6.96%, respectively, and therefore corrected by the FAHP method. The usefulness of this effort is to enhance cost-effective decisions and the effectiveness in the distribution of scarce drilling resources

    Evaluation of the Best E-commerce Websites in Malaysia Using Fuzzy AHP

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    E-commerce, often known as electronic commerce, is a method of doing business that involves purchasing and selling products and services via a digital network like the internet. Since there are various types of e-commerce websites in Malaysia like Lazada, Shopee and PGMall, the consumers have difficulties choosing which e-commerce websites to access for online shopping. The organisation also finds it hard to make a judgement about which sites to use for their online transaction and human judgement for decision making is not reliable in our daily life.  The Fuzzy AHP method was used in this study to select the best e-commerce websites in Malaysia. The research aim is to determine the criteria when choosing e-commerce websites, identify sub-criteria that impact e-commerce website rankings and investigate the best rank of e-commerce in Malaysia. In this study, two decision-makers examine three criteria and eight sub-criteria to determine the best e-commerce websites in Malaysia. There are three websites to choose from Shopee, Lazada, and PGMall. The criteria are system quality, information quality, and service quality. Besides, the sub-criteria are access speed, visual appearance, response time, reliable information, update information, accurate information, tracking order status, and payment alternatives. The primary data was used by distributing a set of questionnaires to the experts in the field. Shopee is the best e-commerce website in Malaysia, according to the results, with a normalised score of 0.4488. Lazada comes in second with a normalised 0.4360, and PGMall with a normalised 0.1153. As a result, Shopee outperforms the other two online transaction platforms, Lazada and PGMall

    Drinking Water Preference among Students in UiTM Perlis using Fuzzy AHP

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    Due to the decrease in groundwater quality, as a result for Malaysia's to make the bottled water as their basic source of drinking water. It is a fact that each bottled water contains various types of minerals and each mineral will have its own benefits fo r general human health. Calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium, and more are common kinds of minerals found in bottled water. The type of minerals that are in the bottled drinking water depends on the water source. Many customers around the world, particul arly Malaysians, have turned to bottled water as their primary source of potable water. The research was performed to determine the best and most preferred brands of mineral bottled water available in UiTM Arau, Perlis in terms of its advantages and everyd ay mineral content. Fuzzy AHP is a hybrid method that combines Fuzzy Set Theory and AHP. It has been developed to take into account uncertainty and imprecision in the evaluations. The decision - making method used by multi - criteria is the FAHP method as an a pproach to the problem of selection bottled with mineral water. In this paper, the mineral water brands bottled namely "Spritzer," "Bleu" and "Ice Mountain" are analyzed and presented as sold in UiTM Perlis. The criterion given is price, availability, tast e, water source, and packaging. Comparison is made between these three brands to decide which of these brands is more favoured and desirable among UiTM Perlis students based on the weight of alternatives regarding the criteria. The results obtained were th at Spritzer has the greatest total score with a weight of 0.439. The analysis shows that the "Spritzer" brand is better compared to the other two daily life consumption brands, which weight is 0.439 with 5 criteria. Bleu, however, offers a better weighty f lavour, 0.386 of those two brands of mineral water bottles. This study can be a factor in influencing consumer behaviour and providing information to local bottled water companies' marketers. It will ultimately increase their profitability and revenue by n ew and better marketing techniques. In addition, bottled water producers can also produce bottled water that meets the needs of Malaysian consumers. In addition, this study will provide consumers with a greater understanding of the standard of bottled wate r that may affect the environment, such as pollution, etc. This study will also benefit both marketers and consumers by helping them make educated decisions on choosing the most appropriate mineral water bottled for consumption in keeping with their health concerns these days


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    Kelantan Darul Naim, one of Malaysia's northeast corner states, experiences recurrent flood hazards. Floods are natural calamities that strike Malaysia and the rest of the world every year. It results in infrastructural damage as well as fatalities. Flood susceptibility mapping is one of the early warning systems that can monitor the flood level and alert people to the catastrophe