6,520 research outputs found

    Expert System with an Embedded Imaging Module for Diagnosing Lung Diseases

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    Lung diseases are one of the major causes of suffering and death in the world. Improved survival rate could be obtained if the diseases can be detected at its early stage. Specialist doctors with the expertise and experience to interpret medical images and diagnose complex lung diseases are scarce. In this work, a rule-based expert system with an embedded imaging module is developed to assist the general physicians in hospitals and clinics to diagnose lung diseases whenever the services of specialist doctors are not available. The rule-based expert system contains a large knowledge base of data from various categories such as patient's personal and medical history, clinical symptoms, clinical test results and radiological information. An imaging module is integrated into the expert system for the enhancement of chest X-Ray images. The goal of this module is to enhance the chest X-Ray images so that it can provide details similar to more expensive methods such as MRl and CT scan. A new algorithm which is a modified morphological grayscale top hat transform is introduced to increase the visibility of lung nodules in chest X-Rays. Fuzzy inference technique is used to predict the probability of malignancy of the nodules. The output generated by the expert system was compared with the diagnosis made by the specialist doctors. The system is able to produce results\ud which are similar to the diagnosis made by the doctors and is acceptable by clinical standards


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    Covid-19 still continues to be cataclysmic danger to humankind even after the discovery of vaccines because of passing of similar mutants which leads to creation of new variants. Image processing techniques are fused with a deep learning model to bring out the detection of covid19. A Raw Low Dose CT database Images (RLD-CTDI) are used along with the CAD approach to bring out a novel automatic framework. Raw Ct images in general have some clamors such as Gaussian, pepper & salt; speckle noises etc or might even be affected by shaky voltage disturbance. To remove these clamors and disturbances 2D Improved Anisotropic Diffusion Bilateral Filter (2D IADBF) is used which restores the image. The image is further pre-processed by using 2D Edge Preservation Efficient Histogram Processing to preserve the edges. After the pre-processing steps a clear noise-free image is obtained for further processing like clustering and thresholding. Clustering is done using 2D Hybrid-Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm (2D HFCM) to obtain disease clusters and thresholding is done using 2D Adaptive OTSU Thresholding to extract the Region of Interest (ROI). Using the ROI, Feature extraction is applied using Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Histogram Of Gradient (GLCM HOG) calculation to obtain features. These features are fed as input to the deep learning model.2D Iterative Convolutional Neural Network is used for classification of the image which categorizes the CT image into covid affected / Non-covid affected image

    Applications of artificial intelligence in dentistry: A comprehensive review

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    This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities under Projects RTI2018-101674-B-I00 and PGC2018-101904-A-100, University of Granada project A.TEP. 280.UGR18, I+D+I Junta de Andalucia 2020 project P20-00200, and Fapergs/Capes do Brasil grant 19/25510000928-3. Funding for open-access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAObjective: To perform a comprehensive review of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in dentistry, providing the community with a broad insight on the different advances that these technologies and tools have produced, paying special attention to the area of esthetic dentistry and color research. Materials and methods: The comprehensive review was conducted in MEDLINE/ PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases, for papers published in English language in the last 20 years. Results: Out of 3871 eligible papers, 120 were included for final appraisal. Study methodologies included deep learning (DL; n = 76), fuzzy logic (FL; n = 12), and other ML techniques (n = 32), which were mainly applied to disease identification, image segmentation, image correction, and biomimetic color analysis and modeling. Conclusions: The insight provided by the present work has reported outstanding results in the design of high-performance decision support systems for the aforementioned areas. The future of digital dentistry goes through the design of integrated approaches providing personalized treatments to patients. In addition, esthetic dentistry can benefit from those advances by developing models allowing a complete characterization of tooth color, enhancing the accuracy of dental restorations. Clinical significance: The use of AI and ML has an increasing impact on the dental profession and is complementing the development of digital technologies and tools, with a wide application in treatment planning and esthetic dentistry procedures.Spanish Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities RTI2018-101674-B-I00 PGC2018-101904-A-100University of Granada project A.TEP. 280.UGR18Junta de Andalucia P20-00200Fapergs/Capes do Brasil grant 19/25510000928-3Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Automatic detection of microaneurysms in colour fundus images for diabetic retinopathy screening.

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    Regular eye screening is essential for the early detection and treatment of the diabetic retinopathy. This paper presents a novel automatic screening system for diabetic retinopathy that focuses on the detection of the earliest visible signs of retinopathy, which are microaneurysms. Microaneurysms are small dots on the retina, formed by ballooning out of a weak part of the capillary wall. The detection of the microaneurysms at an early stage is vital, and it is the first step in preventing the diabetic retinopathy. The paper first explores the existing systems and applications related to diabetic retinopathy screening, with a focus on the microaneurysm detection methods. The proposed decision support system consists of an automatic acquisition, screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy colour fundus images, which could assist in the detection and management of the diabetic retinopathy. Several feature extraction methods and the circular Hough transform have been employed in the proposed microaneurysm detection system, alongside the fuzzy histogram equalisation method. The latter method has been applied in the preprocessing stage of the diabetic retinopathy eye fundus images and provided improved results for detecting the microaneurysms

    Automation Process for Morphometric Analysis of Volumetric CT Data from Pulmonary Vasculature in Rats

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    With advances in medical imaging scanners, it has become commonplace to generate large multidimensional datasets. These datasets require tools for a rapid, thorough analysis. To address this need, we have developed an automated algorithm for morphometric analysis incorporating A Visualization Workshop computational and image processing libraries for three-dimensional segmentation, vascular tree generation and structural hierarchical ordering with a two-stage numeric optimization procedure for estimating vessel diameters. We combine this new technique with our mathematical models of pulmonary vascular morphology to quantify structural and functional attributes of lung arterial trees. Our physiological studies require repeated measurements of vascular structure to determine differences in vessel biomechanical properties between animal models of pulmonary disease. Automation provides many advantages including significantly improved speed and minimized operator interaction and biasing. The results are validated by comparison with previously published rat pulmonary arterial micro-CT data analysis techniques, in which vessels were manually mapped and measured using intense operator intervention

    A Survey on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Biomedical Image Analysis in Skeleton-Based Forensic Human Identification

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    This paper represents the first survey on the application of AI techniques for the analysis of biomedical images with forensic human identification purposes. Human identification is of great relevance in today’s society and, in particular, in medico-legal contexts. As consequence, all technological advances that are introduced in this field can contribute to the increasing necessity for accurate and robust tools that allow for establishing and verifying human identity. We first describe the importance and applicability of forensic anthropology in many identification scenarios. Later, we present the main trends related to the application of computer vision, machine learning and soft computing techniques to the estimation of the biological profile, the identification through comparative radiography and craniofacial superimposition, traumatism and pathology analysis, as well as facial reconstruction. The potentialities and limitations of the employed approaches are described, and we conclude with a discussion about methodological issues and future research.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesEuropean Union (EU) PGC2018-101216-B-I00Regional Government of Andalusia under grant EXAISFI P18-FR-4262Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIEuropean Union (EU) DTS18/00136European Commission H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 through the Skeleton-ID Marie Curie Individual Fellowship 746592Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities-CDTI, Neotec program 2019 EXP-00122609/SNEO-20191236European Union (EU)Xunta de Galicia ED431G 2019/01European Union (EU) RTI2018-095894-B-I0
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