12 research outputs found

    Author's personal copy Roles in information security e A survey and classification of the research area

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    Motivation The growing diffusion of information technologies within all areas of human society has increased their importance as a critical success factor in the modern world. However, information processing systems are vulnerable to many different kinds of threats that can lead to various types of damage resulting in significant economic losses. Consequently, the importance of Information Security has grown and evolved in a similar manner. In its most basic definition, Information Security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. The aim of Information Security is to minimize risks related to the three main security goals confidentiality, integrity, and availability e usually referred to as "CIA" c o m p u t e r s & s e c u r i t y 3 0 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 7 4 8 e7 6 9 0167-4048/$ e see front matter

    From Conventional to State-of-the-Art IoT Access Control Models

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    open access articleThe advent in Online Social Networks (OSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) has created a new world of collaboration and communication between people and devices. The domain of internet of things uses billions of devices (ranging from tiny sensors to macro scale devices) that continuously produce and exchange huge amounts of data with people and applications. Similarly, more than a billion people are connected through social networking sites to collaborate and share their knowledge. The applications of IoT such as smart health, smart city, social networking, video surveillance and vehicular communication are quickly evolving people’s daily lives. These applications provide accurate, information-rich and personalized services to the users. However, providing personalized information comes at the cost of accessing private information of users such as their location, social relationship details, health information and daily activities. When the information is accessible online, there is always a chance that it can be used maliciously by unauthorized entities. Therefore, an effective access control mechanism must be employed to ensure the security and privacy of entities using OSN and IoT services. Access control refers to a process which can restrict user’s access to data and resources. It enforces access rules to grant authorized users an access to resources and prevent others. This survey examines the increasing literature on access control for traditional models in general, and for OSN and IoT in specific. Challenges and problems related to access control mechanisms are explored to facilitate the adoption of access control solutions in OSN and IoT scenarios. The survey provides a review of the requirements for access control enforcement, discusses several security issues in access control, and elaborates underlying principles and limitations of famous access control models. We evaluate the feasibility of current access control models for OSN and IoT and provide the future development direction of access control for the sam

    A Statistically Rigorous Evaluation of the Cascade Bloom Filter for Distributed Access Enforcement in Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Systems

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    We consider the distributed access enforcement problem for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) systems. Such enforcement has become important with RBAC’s increasing adoption, and the proliferation of data that needs to be protected. Our particular interest is in the evaluation of a new data structure that has recently been proposed for enforcement: the Cascade Bloom Filter. The Cascade Bloom Filter is an extension of the Bloom filter, and provides for time- and space-efficient encodings of sets. We compare the Cascade Bloom Filter to the Bloom Filter, and another approach called Authorization Recycling that has been proposed for distributed access enforcement in RBAC. One of the challenges we address is the lack of a benchmark: we propose and justify a benchmark for the assessment. Also, we adopt a statistically rigorous approach for empirical assessment from recent work. We present our results for time- and space-efficiency based on our benchmark. We demonstrate that, of the three data structures that we consider, the Cascade Bloom Filter scales the best with the number of RBAC sessions from the standpoints of time- and space-efficiency

    Context-Based Access for Infrequent Requests in Tanzania\u27s Health Care System

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    Access control is an important aspect of any information system. It is a way of ensuring that users can only access what they are authorised to and no more. This can be achieved by granting users access to resources based on pre-defined organisational and legislative rules. Although access control has been extensively studied, and as a result, a wide range of access control models, mechanisms and systems have been proposed, specific access control requirements for healthcare systems that needs to support the continuity of care in an accountable manner have not been addressed. This results in a gap between what is required by the application domain and what is actually practised, and thus access control solutions implemented for the domain become too restrictive. The continuity of care is defined as the delivery of seamless health care services to patients through integration, coordination and sharing of information between providers. This thesis, therefore, designs a context-based access control model that allows healthcare professionals to bypass access rules in an accountable manner in case of an infrequent access request involving an emergency situation. This research uses the Tanzania\u27s healthcare system as a case study domain

    Functionality-based application confinement: A parameterised and hierarchical approach to policy abstraction for rule-based application-oriented access controls

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    Access controls are traditionally designed to protect resources from users, and consequently make access decisions based on the identity of the user, treating all processes as if they are acting on behalf of the user that runs them. However, this user-oriented approach is insufficient at protecting against contemporary threats, where security compromises are often due to applications running malicious code, either due to software vulnerabilities or malware. Application-oriented access controls can mitigate this threat by managing the authority of individual applications. Rule-based application-oriented access controls can restrict applications to only allow access to the specific finely-grained resources required for them to carry out their tasks, and thus can significantly limit the damage that can be caused by malicious code. Unfortunately existing application-oriented access controls have policy complexity and usability problems that have limited their use. This thesis proposes a new access control model, known as functionality-based application confinement (FBAC). The FBAC model has a number of unique features designed to overcome problems with previous approaches. Policy abstractions, known as functionalities, are used to assign authority to applications based on the features they provide. Functionalities authorise elaborate sets of finely grained privileges based on high-level security goals, and adapt to the needs of specific applications through parameterisation. FBAC is hierarchical, which enables it to provide layers of abstraction and encapsulation in policy. It also simultaneously enforces the security goals of both users and administrators by providing discretionary and mandatory controls. An LSM-based (Linux security module) prototype implementation, known as FBAC-LSM, was developed as a proof-of-concept and was used to evaluate the new model and associated techniques. The policy requirements of over one hundred applications were analysed, and policy abstractions and application policies were developed. Analysis showed that the FBAC model is capable of representing the privilege needs of applications. The model is also well suited to automaiii tion techniques that can in many cases create complete application policies a priori, that is, without first running the applications. This is an improvement over previous approaches that typically rely on learning modes to generate policies. A usability study was conducted, which showed that compared to two widely-deployed alternatives (SELinux and AppArmor), FBAC-LSM had significantly higher perceived usability and resulted in significantly more protective policies. Qualitative analysis was performed and gave further insight into the issues surrounding the usability of application-oriented access controls, and confirmed the success of the FBAC model

    Rollenontwerp bij RBAC: Onderzoek naar factoren, die de complexiteit bepalen bij procesmatig rollenontwerp in Role Based Access Control

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    in deze scriptie wordt verslag gedaan van een onderzoek naar het aspect vertrouwelijkheid in het kader van informatiebeveiliging. Daarbij wordt mn gekeken naar de rollen die bepaalde personen spelen in het totale proces

    Aplicação do modelo UCON abc em sistemas de comércio eletrÎnico B2B

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnolĂłgico. Programa de PĂłs-GraduaçÔa em CiĂȘncia da Computação.Recentemente foi proposto um modelo de controle de acesso, denominado UCONABC, que alĂ©m de unir alguns dos principais conceitos de controle de acesso ainda propĂ”e novos conceitos como: obrigaçÔes, condiçÔes, continuidade e mutabilidade. Apesar de abrangente, o UCONABC possui limitaçÔes e existem ainda muitas melhorias a serem pesquisadas, como por exemplo, a definição de uma forma adequada da aplicação deste modelo em Sistemas de ComĂ©rcio EletrĂŽnico (CE) Business-to-Business (B2B). PublicaçÔes cientĂ­ficas nesta ĂĄrea afirmam que sĂŁo necessĂĄrias pesquisas na especificação, validação e execução de polĂ­ticas de controle de acesso para sistemas B2B. Esta dissertação possui como principal contribuição cientĂ­fica a proposta de uma forma de aplicação do UCONABC em sistemas de CE B2B que interajam entre si. AlĂ©m disso, Ă© proposto o Agrupamento ImplĂ­cito Parcial, uma tĂ©cnica que facilita o gerenciamento de permissĂ”es neste tipo de sistema. A aplicabilidade da proposta desta dissertação Ă© apresentada atravĂ©s de uma descrição detalhada da implementação de um sistema de CE B2B onde o controle de acesso segue as especificaçÔes desta proposta. Por fim, Ă© apresentado um estudo de caso em que Ă© possĂ­vel visualizar, atravĂ©s de um exemplo do mundo real, a aplicação da proposta desta dissertação neste tipo de sistema

    Context-aware access control in ubiquitous computing (CRAAC)

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    Ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) envisions a new computing environment, where computing devices and related technology are widespread (i.e. everywhere) and services are provided at anytime. The technology is embedded discreetly in the environment to raise users' awareness. UbiComp environments support the proliferation of heterogeneous devices such as embedded computing devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), wearable computers, mobile phones, laptops, office desktops (PCs), and hardware sensors. These devices may be interconnected by common networks (e.g. wired, wireless), and may have different levels of capabilities (i.e. computational power, storage, power consumption, etc). They are seamlessly integrated and interoperated to provide smart services (i.e. adaptive services). A UbiComp environment provides smart services to users based on the users' and/or system's current contexts. It provides the services to users unobtrusively and in turn the user's interactions with the environment should be as non-intrusive and as transparent as possible. Access to such smart services and devices must be controlled by an effective access control system that adapts its decisions based on the changes in the surrounding contextual information. This thesis aims at designing an adaptive fine-grained access control solution that seamlessly fits into UbiComp environments. The solution should be flexible in supporting the use of different contextual information and efficient, in terms of access delays, in controlling access to resources with divergent levels of sensitivity. The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of the Context-Risk-Aware Access Control (CRAAC) model. CRAAC achieves fine-grained access control based upon the risk level in the underlying access environment and/or the sensitivity level of the requested resource object. CRAAC makes new contributions to the access control field, those include 1) introducing the concept of level of assurance based access control, 2) providing a method to convert the contextual attributes values into the corresponding level of assurance, 3) Proposing two methods to aggregate the set of level of assurance into one requester level of assurance, 4) supporting four modes of working each suits a different application context and/or access control requirements, 5) a comprehensive access control architecture that supports the CRAAC four modes of working, and 6) an evaluation of the CRAAC performance at runtime.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online Serviceral Centre and Educational BureauCairo UniversityGBUnited Kingdo

    Enforcing role-based access control in a social network

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    Social networks supply a means by which people can communicate with each other while allowing for ease in initiating interaction and expressions. These systems of human collaboration may also be used to store and distribute information of a sensitive nature that must be secured against intrusions at all times. Given the massive operation embodied by social networks, multiple methods have been developed that control the flow of information so that those with authorization can gain access. Before allowing a social network to begin distributing its contents, a prudent prerequisite should be that the security protocols prevent unauthorized access.   Formal modeling and analysis of security properties, particularly those of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), in social networks is the main focus of this thesis. A social network system and its security assurance mechanisms are modeled using the input language of Symbolic Model Verifier (SMV), and the properties of the system are specified using computation tree temporal logic (CTL*). Those properties are then verified using the SMV model checker. A real case was studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of model checking security properties in a social network system. The case consists of an account in which a group of users share various resources and access privileges which are controlled by RBAC. The case study results show that model checking is capable of formally analyzing security policies particularly RBAC in a social network system. In addition, the counter examples generated from model checking could help to create test cases for testing system implementation, and they can help us to find defects in the model as well. Formally modeling and model checking security policies in a complex system, like a social network, can greatly improve the security of these systems.  M.S