14 research outputs found

    Effiziente Verarbeitung von multimedialen Datenströmen in Window-Systemen

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    Fensterorientierte Oberflaechen haben sich auf Workstations aller Leistungsklassen durchgesetzt. Deshalb liegt es nahe, Multimedia-Anwendungen in solche Oberflaechen zu integrieren. Dieser Artikel gibt zunaechst eine Uebersicht ueber die verschiedenen technischen Moeglichkeiten zur Integration von Multimedia-Datenstroemen in ein Fenstersystem; die Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Ansaetze werden gegenuebergestellt. Waehrend Loesungen mit Hardware-Unterstuetzung im allgemeinen schneller sind, sind reine Software-Implementierungen flexibler und portabler. Als ein Beispiel fuer eine Software-Loesung werden Architektur, Implementierung und Leistungsanalyse eines netzwerkfaehigen Filmsystems fuer das X-Window-System ausfuehrlich diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass die Uebertragung und Darstellung von digitalen Filmen auf modernen Workstations in Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzen ohne spezielle Hardware in Realzeit moeglich ist. Außerdem werden neue Ansaetze zur Gestaltung der Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle mit multimedialen Komponenten vorgestellt


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    Today’s learners are taking advantage of a whole new world of multimedia and hypermedia experiences to gain understanding and construct knowledge. While at the same time, teachers and instructional designers are producing these experiences at rapid paces. Many angles of interactivity with digital content continue to be researched, as is the case with this study. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a significant difference in the performance of distance education students who exercise learner control interactivity effectively through a traditional input device versus students who exercise learner control interactivity through haptic input methods. This study asks three main questions about the relationship and potential impact touch input had on the interactivity sequence a learner chooses while participating in an online distance education course. Effects were measured by using criterion from logged assessments within one module of a distance education course. This study concludes that learner control sequence choices did have significant effects on learner outcomes. However, input method did not. The sequence that learners chose had positive effects on scores, the number of attempts it took to pass assessments, and the overall range of scores per assessment attempts. Touch input learners performed as well as traditional input learners, and summative first sequence learners outperformed all other learners. These findings support the beliefs that new input methods are not detrimental and that learner-controlled options while participating in digital online courses are valuable for learners, under certain conditions

    Sistemas hápticos no apoio à educação: estudo da aerodinâmica

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    É considerado um dos problemas na educação o facto de a aprendizagem poder ser muito baseada no uso da teoria. Sendo as experiências do ser humano uma grande parte da forma como vemos e vivemos o mundo, torna-se imprescindível o hábito da prática na formação do nosso conhecimento. Embora a teoria seja sempre necessária na construção de conceitos, deve ser complementada com a experiência de forma a consolidar a aprendizagem para melhor noção da realidade. Esta dissertação descreve uma didáctica para a integração de dispositivos hápticos aplicados à educação, concebendo assim um novo e inovador método de ensino aliado à prática. Dependendo da aceitação por parte dos alunos, este método de uso de tecnologia na educação para fins práticos pode revelar-se revolucionário. Experiências que seriam difíceis de realizar tornam-se possíveis de simular de uma forma real com a ajuda dos sistemas hápticos, em que a variedade de matérias que as aplicações podem simular é vasta. Especificamente, este trabalho fundamenta-se no estudo da aerodinâmica no voo com recurso a uma aplicação desenvolvida para o efeito e à potencialidade do aparelho háptico Novint Falcon, um interface sensorial táctil entre uma pessoa e um computador, de custo relativamente baixo em relação à generalidade dos preços deste tipo de dispositivos. Os testes que estudantes realizaram à aplicação revelaram grande interesse e curiosidade pela novidade da tecnologia háptica e apreciação no conceito do seu uso prático na educação. De forma geral, todos os alunos que participaram no ensaio do programa transmitiram feedback positivo, expressando maior ganho de motivação e desejo em ver este sistema aplicado a outras disciplinas.It’s considered one of the problems in education the fact that learning can be a lot based in the use of theory. As the experiences of the human being play a large part in the way that we perspective the world, it becomes essential the habit of practice in the formation of our knowledge. Although the theory is always necessary in the concept construction, it must be supplemented by experience to consolidate learning into a better notion of reality. This dissertation describes one methodology to integration of haptic devices applied in education, designing in this way a new and innovated method of teaching allied to practice. Depending on the acceptance by students, this method of using technology in education for practical purposes may be revolutionary. Experiences that would be difficult to perform become possible to simulate in a real way with the help of haptic systems, where the range of subjects that applications can simulate is vast. Specifically, this project is based in the study of flight aerodynamics with resource to the potentiality of the Novint Falcon Haptic device, which is a tactile sensory interface between a person and a computer, relatively inexpensive compared to the general costs of these types of devices. The tests that students performed to the application revealed great interest and curiosity for the novelty of haptic technology and appreciation in the concept of his practical use in education. In general, all students that participated in the test of the program transmitted positive feedback, expressing higher gain in motivation and desire to see this system applied to others disciplines

    IS Reviews 1997

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    Alternative realities : from augmented reality to mobile mixed reality

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    This thesis provides an overview of (mobile) augmented and mixed reality by clarifying the different concepts of reality, briefly covering the technology behind mobile augmented and mixed reality systems, conducting a concise survey of existing and emerging mobile augmented and mixed reality applications and devices. Based on the previous analysis and the survey, this work will next attempt to assess what mobile augmented and mixed reality could make possible, and what related applications and environments could offer to users, if tapped into their full potential. Additionally, this work briefly discusses what might be the cause for mobile augmented reality not yet being widely adopted to everyday use, even though many such applications already exist for the smartphone platform, and smartglass systems slowly becoming increasingly common. Other related topics and issues that are briefly covered include information security and privacy issues related to mobile augmented and mixed reality systems, the link between mobile mixed reality and ubiquitous computing, previously conducted user studies, as well as user needs and user experience issues. The overall purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate what is already possible to implement on the mobile platform (including both hand-held devices and head-mounted configurations) by using augmented and mixed reality interfaces, and to consider how mobile mixed reality systems could be improved, based on existing products, studies and lessons learned from the survey conducted in this thesis

    Klausurtagung des Instituts für Telematik. Mainz 29.-31. März 1998

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    Der Bericht gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten des Instituts für Telematik der Universität Karlsruhe in den Bereichen Hochleistungskommunikation, verteilte Systeme, Cooperation&Management und Telekooperation. Er ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste beschreibt die persönlichen Interessensgebiete der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter. Danach folgt eine Darstellung der Kooperationsprojekte des Instituts. Im Anhang finden sich aktuelle Eigenveröffentlichungen der Mitarbeiter des Instituts. Der Tagungsband entstand im Rahmen der siebten Klausurtagung des Instituts für Telematik, die vom 29. bis zum 31. März 1998 in Mainz abgehalten wurde

    Interface diffuse : conception, développement et évaluation d'un nouveau paradigme d'interaction humain-ordinateur porté

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    Introduction -- Revue de littérature sur les interfaces humain-ordinateur porté -- Problématique liée aux interactions humain-ordinateur porté -- Méthodologie de l'étude expérimentale -- Conception et développement d'un prototype d'ordinateur porté et des interfaces diffuses associées -- Résultats de l'étude expérimentale et discussion -- Conclusion