26 research outputs found

    A lightweight intrusion alert fusion system

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    In this paper, we present some practical experience on implementing an alert fusion mechanism from our project. After investigation on most of the existing alert fusion systems, we found the current body of work alternatively weighed down in the mire of insecure design or rarely deployed because of their complexity. As confirmed by our experimental analysis, unsuitable mechanisms could easily be submerged by an abundance of useless alerts. Even with the use of methods that achieve a high fusion rate and low false positives, attack is also possible. To find the solution, we carried out analysis on a series of alerts generated by well-known datasets as well as realistic alerts from the Australian Honey-Pot. One important finding is that one alert has more than an 85% chance of being fused in the following 5 alerts. Of particular importance is our design of a novel lightweight Cache-based Alert Fusion Scheme, called CAFS. CAFS has the capacity to not only reduce the quantity of useless alerts generated by IDS (Intrusion Detection System), but also enhance the accuracy of alerts, therefore greatly reducing the cost of fusion processing. We also present reasonable and practical specifications for the target-oriented fusion policy that provides a quality guarantee on alert fusion, and as a result seamlessly satisfies the process of successive correlation. Our experimental results showed that the CAFS easily attained the desired level of survivable, inescapable alert fusion design. Furthermore, as a lightweight scheme, CAFS can easily be deployed and excel in a large amount of alert fusions, which go towards improving the usability of system resources. To the best of our knowledge, our work is a novel exploration in addressing these problems from a survivable, inescapable and deployable point of view

    TANDI: Threat Assessment of Network Data and Information

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    Current practice for combating cyber attacks typically use Intrusion Detection Sensors (IDSs) to passively detect and block multi-stage attacks. This work leverages Level-2 fusion that correlates IDS alerts belonging to the same attacker, and proposes a threat assessment algorithm to predict potential future attacker actions. The algorithm, TANDI, reduces the problem complexity by separating the models of the attacker\u27s capability and opportunity, and fuse the two to determine the attacker\u27s intent. Unlike traditional Bayesian-based approaches, which require assigning a large number of edge probabilities, the proposed Level-3 fusion procedure uses only 4 parameters. TANDI has been implemented and tested with randomly created attack sequences. The results demonstrate that TANDI predicts future attack actions accurately as long as the attack is not part of a coordinated attack and contains no insider threats. In the presence of abnormal attack events, TANDI will alarm the network analyst for further analysis. The attempt to evaluate a threat assessment algorithm via simulation is the first in the literature, and shall open up a new avenue in the area of high level fusion

    Intrusion Alert Quality Framework For Security False Alert Reduction

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    Tesis ini mengkaji rekabentuk dan perlaksanaan rangka-kerja yang mempersiapkan amaran-amaran keselamatan dengan metrik-metrik yang disahkan This thesis investigates the design and implementation of a framework to prepare security alerts with verified data quality metric

    Intrusion Alert Quality Framework For Security False Alert Reduction [TH9737. N162 2007 f rb].

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    Tesis ini mengkaji rekabentuk dan perlaksanaan rangka-kerja yang mempersiapkan amaran-amaran keselamatan dengan metrik-metrik yang disahkan, memperkayakan amaran-amaran keselamatan dengan metrik-metrik tersebut dan akhirnya, menyeragamkan amaran-amaran tersebut dengan satu format yang dipersetujui agar sesuai digunakan oleh prosedur-prosedur penganalisaan amaran di peringkat tinggi. This thesis investigates the design and implementation of a framework to prepare security alerts with verified data quality metrics, enrich alerts with these metrics and finally, format the alerts in a standard format, suitable for consumption by highlevel alert analysis procedures

    A Novel Efficient Dynamic Throttling Strategy for Blockchain-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in 6G-Enabled VSNs

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    Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) have emerged as a new social interaction paradigm, where vehicles can form social networks on the roads to improve the convenience/safety of passengers. VSNs are part of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) services, which is one of the industrial verticals in the coming sixth generation (6G) networks. The lower latency, higher connection density, and near-100% coverage envisaged in 6G will enable more efficient implementation of VSNs applications. The purpose of this study is to address the problem of lateral movements of attackers who could compromise one device in a VSN, given the large number of connected devices and services in VSNs and attack other devices and vehicles. This challenge is addressed via our proposed Blockchain-based Collaborative Distributed Intrusion Detection (BCDID) system with a novel Dynamic Throttling Strategy (DTS) to detect and prevent attackers’ lateral movements in VSNs. Our experiments showed how the proposed DTS improve the effectiveness of the BCDID system in terms of detection capabilities and handling queries three times faster than the default strategy with 350k queries tested. We concluded that our DTS strategy can increase transaction processing capacity in the BCDID system and improve its performance while maintaining the integrity of data on-chain

    Real-time fusion and projection of network intrusion activity

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    Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) warn of suspicious or malicious network activity and are a fundamental, yet passive, defense-in-depth layer for modern networks. Prior research has applied information fusion techniques to correlate the alerts of multiple IDSs and group those belonging to the same multi-stage attack into attack tracks. Projecting the next likely step in these tracks potentially enhances an analyst’s situational awareness; however, the reliance on attack plans, complicated algorithms, or expert knowledge of the respective network is prohibitive and prone to obsolescence with the continual deployment of new technology and evolution of hacker tradecraft. This thesis presents a real-time continually learning system capable of projecting attack tracks that does not require a priori knowledge about network architecture or rely on static attack templates. Prediction correctness over time and other metrics are used to assess the system’s performance. The system demonstrates the successful real-time adaptation of the model, including enhancements such as the prediction that a never before observed event is about to occur. The intrusion projection system is framed as part of a larger information fusion and impact assessment architecture for cyber security

    CHAracterization of Relevant Attributes using Cyber Trajectory Similarities

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    On secure networks, even sophisticated cyber hackers must perform multiple steps to implement attacks on sensitive data and critical servers hidden behind layers of firewalls. Therefore, there is a need to study these attacks at a higher multi-stage level. Traditional taxonomy of cyber attacks focuses on analyzing the final stage and overall effects of an attack but, not the characteristics of an attack movement or `trajectory\u27 on a network. This work proposes to investigate trajectory similarities between multi-stage attacks, allowing for the characterization of both a hacker\u27s behavior and vulnerable attack paths within a network. Currently, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) report alerts to a network analyst when a malicious activity is suspected to have occurred on a network. Previous work in this field has used IDS alerts as evidence of multi-stage attacks, and has thus been able to group correlated alerts into cyber attack tracks. The main contribution of this work is to use a revised Longest Common Subsequence(LCS) algorithm to analyze attack tracks as trajectories. This allows a systematic analysis to determine which alert attributes within a track are of great value to the characterization of multi-stage attacks. The basic LCS algorithm, which looks for the longest common sequence in two strings of data, is extended to support the non-uniformity of alert data using a time windowing system. In addition, a normalization method will be applied to ensure that the attack track similarity measure is not adversely affected by differences in attack track length. By applying the revised LCS algorithm, attack trajectories defined in terms of various IDS alert attributes are analyzed. The results provide strong indicators of how multidimensional cyber attack trajectories can be used to differentiate attack tracks

    Featureless discovery of correlated and false intrusion alerts

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    Error analysis of sequence modeling for projecting cyber attacks

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    Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has become an integral component in the field of network security. Prior research has focused on developing efficient IDSs and correlating attacks as Attack Tracks. To enhance the network analyst\u27s situational awareness, sequence modeling techniques like Variable Length Markov Models (VLMM) have been used to project likely future attacks. However, such projections are made assuming that the IDSs detect each and every attack action, which is not viable in reality. An IDS could miss an attack due to loss of packets or improper traffic analysis, or when an attacker evades detection by employing obfuscation techniques. Such missed detections, could negatively affect the prediction model, resulting in erroneous estimations. This thesis investigates the prediction performance as an error analysis of VLMM when used for projecting cyber attacks. This analysis is based on the impact of missed alerts, representing undetected attack actions. The analysis begins with an analytical study of a state-based Markov model, called Causal-State Splitting Reconstruction (CSSR), to contrast the context-based VLMM. Simulation results show that VLMM and CSSR perform comparably, with VLMM being a simpler model without the need to maintain and train the state space. A thorough design of experiments studies the effects of missing IDS alerts, by having missed alerts at different locations of the attack sequence with different rates. The experimental results suggested that the change in prediction accuracy is low when there are missed alerts in one part of the sequence and higher if they are throughout the entire sequence. Also, the prediction accuracy increases when there are rare alerts missing, and it decreases when there are common alerts missing. In addition, change in the prediction accuracy is relatively less for sequences with smaller symbol space compared to sequences with larger symbol space. Overall, the results demonstrate the robustness and limitations of VLMM when used for cyber attack prediction. The insights derived in this analysis will be beneficial to the security analyst in assessing the model in terms of its predictive performance when there are missed alerts