90,992 research outputs found

    C++ Programming Language

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    C++ Programming Language: The C++ seminar covers the fundamentals of C++ programming language. The C++ fundamentals are grouped into three parts where each part includes both concept and programming examples aimed at for hands-on practice. The first part covers the functional aspect of C++ programming language with emphasis on function parameters and efficient memory utilization. The second part covers the essential framework of C++ programming language, the object-oriented aspects. Information necessary to evaluate various features of object-oriented programming; including encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance will be discussed. The last part of the seminar covers template and generic programming. Examples include both user defined and standard templates

    Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Course Offered by UD Continuing Education

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    News release announces that faculty members from the University of Dayton\u27s School of Engineering will teach a Fundamentals of Engineering review seminar

    Java Programming Language

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    The Java seminar covers the fundamentals of Java programming language. No prior programming experience is required for participation in the seminar. The first part of the seminar covers introductory concepts in Java programming including data types (integer, character, ..), operators, functions and constants, casts, input, output, control flow, scope, conditional statements, and arrays. Furthermore, introduction to Object-Oriented programming in Java, relationships between classes, using packages, constructors, private data and methods, final instance fields, static fields and methods, and overloading are explained. The second part of the seminar covers extending classes, inheritance hierarchies, polymorphism, dynamic binding, abstract classes, protected access. The seminar conclude by introducing interfaces, properties of interfaces, interfaces and abstract classes, interfaces and cailbacks, basics of event handling, user interface components with swing, applet basics, converting applications to applets, the applet HTML tags and attributes, exceptions and debugging

    The beginnings of the US housing boom

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    Posted by Dr Christian Hilber, SERC and LSE Joe Gyourko, (from the Wharton School) gave a great SERC seminar on Friday. The NBER paper - An Anatomy of the Beginning of the Housing Boom: US Neighbourhoods and Metropolitan Areas - attempts to figure out when the boom began in different US cities and neighbourhoods and whether any fundamentals were moving in the ‘right direction’ to help explain timing and magnitudes

    Pelatihan Mikrokontroler Dalam Pengenalan Robotika Sebagai Respon Revolusi Industri 4.0 Di SMK Media Informatika Dasana Indah Tengerang

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    Industry 4.0 fundamentals involve at least 4 thing : interconnection (machines, devices and people are connected), information transparency (data analysis needs), decentralized decisions (effects of interconnection and information transparency) and technical assistance (the purpose of industry 4.0). Collaboration between machines / devices and humans is very important to implement Industry 4.0. In this collaboration, the role of the microcontroller as a connector between machines and humans. Microcontroller Training for Introduction of Robotics as a Response to the Revolution of Industry 4.0 at SMK Media Informatika Dasana Indah Tengerang is aimed for students and teacher so they know about Industry 4.0 and its application in microcontroller programming. Therefore the method of PKM program consists of seminar and workshop. The seminar explained about Industry 4.0 Revolution and the workshop is programming Line Follower which is embedded with Arduino Uno. Result of this PKM program in the form of industry 4.0 revolution seminar combine with microcontroller programming workshop, this combination give bigger impact compared with just given a seminar or just a workshop. The students and teacher who attend this event get additional knowledge about Industry 4.0 and how to program a microcontroller

    Kehonosien keskinäiset suhteet : Bartenieff Fundamentals lähestymistapana fysioterapeuttiseen harjoitteluun

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    Bartenieff Fundamentals on lähestymistapa liikkeiden harjoittamiseen, joka käsittelee kehonosien keskinäisiä yhteyksiä ja näiden yhteyksien pohjalta syntyviä liikemalleja. Bartenieff Fundamentals edistää liikkeen toiminnallista tehokkuutta ja ilmaisullisuutta tukien yksilön kokonaisvaltaista psykofyysistä osallistumista. Fysioterapeuttisena terapiamenetelmänä Bartenieff Fundamentals on Suomessa harvinaisuus siitä huolimatta, että se on laajasti käytetty menetelmä mm. Yhdysvalloissa ja Isossa-Britanniassa, etenkin tanssijoiden kuntoutuksessa. Fysioterapeutin monipuolinen menetelmien osaaminen luo hänelle mahdollisuuksia soveltavan fysioterapian suunnitteluun yksilön tarpeiden mukaan. Opinnäytetyöni tavoite on herättää fysioterapiaopiskelijoiden kiinnostus vaihtoehtoisten lähestymistapojen tutkimiseen ja hyödyntämiseen työssään tarjoamalla heille yhtä vaihtoehtoista menetelmää. Kuntoutus-näkökulma Bartenieff Fundamentalista pohjautuu tässä opinnäytteessä pääosin Peggy Hackneyn teokseen Making Connections: Total Body Integration Through Bartenieff Fundamentals. Hackney soveltaa kirjassaan Bartenieffin luomaa teoriaa kuntoutukseen ja tekee teoriasta helposti lähestyttävän fysioterapeuttisesta näkökulmasta. Opinnäytteen tuotteena pidin fysioterapiaopiskelijoille suunnittelemani koulutustilaisuuden, joka rakentui luento- ja harjoitusosiosta. Koulutus käsitteli Bartenieff Fundamentalsin kehonosien keskinäiset yhteydet -käsitettä fysioterapeuttisten harjoitusten kehittelyn lähtökohtana. Koulutustilaisuutta varten laadin opiskeilijoille kirjallisen tuotoksen, joka toimi luentomateriaalina sisältäen teoreettisen tietoperustan, esimerkkiharjoituksia sekä kirjallisuusvinkkejä syventävälle opiskelulle. Koulutustilaisuus sai opiskelijoilta hyvän vastaanoton, ja he kertoivat innostuneensa vaihtoehtoisten menetelmien tutkimisesta ja soveltamisesta. Laajennettuna vastaamaan ammattilaisen ja käytännöntason harjoittajan vaatimuksia, projektin tuotosta (koulutustilaisuus) voisi tulevaisuudessa tarjota myös fysioterapian ammattilaisille, tanssi- ja liiketerapeuteille, tanssijoille sekä tanssinopettajille. Koulutustilaisuuden luentomoniste on liitetty opinnäytetyöraportin liiteosioon ja esitysmateriaali on ladattavissa tästä linkistä: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByAMia6xkjQiUlVkYUw5MFVyb3c/edit?usp=sharingBartenieff Fundamentals is an approach to motor learning and basic body training that deals with patterning connections in the body according to principles of efficient movement functioning within a context which encourages personal expression and full psychophysical involvement. Despite its wide usage worldwide, especially in dancer’s rehabilitation, Bartenieff Fundamentals as a practical physiotherapy method is a rarity in Finland. By introducing this alternative approach to physiotherapy students, this thesis aimed to awaken students’ interest in researching and applying alternative approaches and methods to their work in the future. A variety of options provides tools for adaptive planning of therapeutic exercises according to patients’ individual needs. Peggy Hackneys book, Making Connections: Total Body Integration Through Bartenieff Fundamentals, was the main source of the rehabilitative approach to the Bartenieff Fundamental’s theory in this thesis. Hackney applies the Bartenieff Fundamental’s to rehabilitation making it easily approachable from a physiotherapist’s point of view. Theory gathered from a variety of likewise literature served as a basis to create a seminar as product of this thesis. The resulting seminar, comprising of a lecture and physical exercises, was developed for physiotherapy students. The subject of the seminar was Bartenieff Fundamentals’ total body connectivity theory as an approach to the development of physiotherapeutic exercises. A manuscript containing a theoretical background, literary recommendations and exemplary exercises was developed to serve as a lecture hand-out as well as a source of reference for partakers of the seminar. The seminar was received with keen interest and served purpose as a motivator to feed into students’ interest in alternative approaches. With slight amendment and few additions in order to make product more practical for occupational application, this product (seminar) could be arranged to serve a larger audience comprising of professional physiotherapists, dance therapists, movement therapists, dance instructors and dancers. The lecture hand-out is attached to this report and the presentation is downloadable from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByAMia6xkjQiUlVkYUw5MFVyb3c/edit?usp=sharingKoulutustilaisuuden esitysmateriaali on ladattavissa tästä linkistä: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByAMia6xkjQiUlVkYUw5MFVyb3c/edit?usp=sharin

    Screening of energy efficient technologies for industrial buildings' retrofit

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    This chapter discusses screening of energy efficient technologies for industrial buildings' retrofit