204 research outputs found

    Voronoi-Based Region Approximation for Geographical Information Retrieval with Gazetteers

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    Gazetteers and geographical thesauri can be regarded as parsimonious spatial models that associate geographical location with place names and encode some semantic relations between the names. They are of particular value in processing information retrieval requests in which the user employs place names to specify geographical context. Typically the geometric locational data in a gazetteer are confined to a simple footprint in the form of a centroid or a minimum bounding rectangle, both of which can be used to link to a map but are of limited value in determining spatial relationships. Here we describe a Voronoi diagram method for generating approximate regional extents from sets of centroids that are respectively inside and external to a region. The resulting approximations provide measures of areal extent and can be used to assist in answering geographical queries by evaluating spatial relationships such as distance, direction and common boundary length. Preliminary experimental evaluations of the method have been performed in the context of a semantic modelling system that combines the centroid data with hierarchical and adjacency relations between the associated place names

    Optimization of Spatial Joins Using Filters

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    When viewing present-day technical applications that rely on the use of database systems, one notices that new techniques must be integrated in database management systems to be able to support these applications efficiently. This paper discusses one of these techniques in the context of supporting a Geographic Information System. It is known that the use of filters on geometric objects has a significant impact on the processing of 2-way spatial join queries. For this purpose, filters require approximations of objects. Queries can be optimized by filtering data not with just one but with several filters. Existing join methods are based on a combination of filters and a spatial index. The index is used to reduce the cost of the filter step and to minimize the cost of retrieving geometric objects from disk. In this paper we examine n-way spatial joins. Complex n-way spatial join queries require solving several 2-way joins of intermediate results. In this case, not only the profit gained from using both filters and spatial indices but also the additional cost due to using these techniques are examined. For 2-way joins of base relations these costs are considered part of physical database design. We focus on the criteria for mutually comparing filters and not on those for spatial indices. Important aspects of a multi-step filter-based n-way spatial join method are described together with performance experiments. The winning join method uses several filters with approximations that are constructed by rotating two parallel lines around the object

    The use of GIS in Brownfield redevelopment

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    In recent years, the issue of Brownfield site development - the re-use of previously used urban land - has gained a significant place in the planning agenda. However, not all Brownfield sites are derelict or contaminated land, some are significant as environmental amenities - be it part of wider ecosystem or a green area for the local population. The growing concern to include environmental aspects into the public debate have lead the Environment Agency, the Jackson Environment Institute and the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis to commission a short term pilot study to evaluate the contribution of a GIS for decision support and for "discussion support".In this paper, we describe how the state-of-the-art in geographic information (GI) and GI Science (GISc) can be used in a short term and limited project to achieve a practical and usable system. We are drawing on developments in information availability, as made accessible through the World Wide Web and research themes in GISc ranging from Multimedia GIS to Public Participation GIS

    Exploring Cultural Heritage Resources in a 3D Collaborative Environment

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    Cultural heritage is a complex and diverse concept, which brings together a wide domain of information. Resources linked to a cultural heritage site may consist of physical artefacts, books, works of art, pictures, historical maps, aerial photographs, archaeological surveys and 3D models. Moreover, all these resources are listed and described by a set of a variety of metadata specifications that allow their online search and consultation on the most basic characteristics of them. Some examples include Norma ISO 19115, Dublin Core, AAT, CDWA, CCO, DACS, MARC, MoReq, MODS, MuseumDat, TGN, SPECTRUM, VRA Core and Z39.50. Gateways are in place to fit in these metadata standards into those used in a SDI (ISO 19115 or INSPIRE), but substantial work still remains to be done for the complete incorporation of cultural heritage information. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the complexity of cultural heritage resources can be dealt with by a visual exploration of their metadata within a 3D collaborative environment. The 3D collaborative environments are promising tools that represent the new frontier of our capacity of learning, understanding, communicating and transmitting culture

    Técnicas SIG aplicadas al estudio del relieve de los Montes de León (NO de la Península Ibérica)

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    En este trabajo se presenta un método basado en el análisis de modelos digitales de elevación (MDE) a través de SIG, encaminado a realizar una cartografía preliminar de antiguas superficies de aplanamiento en los relieves que bordean la cuenca del Bierzo (oeste de la provincia de León, noroeste de la Península Ibérica). El área de estudio es un complejo sistema escalonado de niveles de aplanamiento elaborados sobre el basamento del Macizo Ibérico, constituyente de los relieves montañosos de la zona, deformado por la Orogenia Alpina durante el Cenozoico, en donde las superficies se encuentran elevadas, basculadas, fragmentadas y muy degradadas. Partiendo del MDE con paso de malla de 25 m del PNOA se realizó una caracterización general de la zona de estudio mediante la obtención de mapas derivados: pendientes, orientaciones de pendiente y sombreado, así como de la red de drenaje. Empleando la extensión EZ Profile para ArcGIS 9.3 se generaron 213 perfiles topográficos, sobre los principales cordales e interfluvios, con los que se localizaron y correlacionaron los elementos culminantes (indicios y restos de superficies de aplanamiento) presentes en toda la zona de estudio, lo que permitió reconstruir el relieve previo al desmantelamiento por parte de la red de drenaje. Una vez delimitadas las superficies de aplanamiento se procedió a su caracterización, agrupación y jerarquización, mediante el estudio de superficies de tendencia, el análisis de la red de drenaje y la relación con la actividad tectónica. Se realizó una reconstrucción teórica de cada uno de los aplanamientos a través de la interpolación de los puntos pertenecientes al antiguo relieve, generando así una superficie de tendencia de primer orden, de donde se obtuvo la orientación y pendiente de cada una de ellas. A su vez, se buscaron anomalías en los cauces de los ríos que atraviesan los aplanamientos, que pudieran indicar actividad tectónica reciente. Asimismo, se llevó a cabo un estudio de las cuencas de drenaje, sobre las que se realizaron cálculos de hipsometría y de asimetría (Factor de Asimetría). Por último, se calculó la incisión del drenaje sobre las superficies de aplanamiento cartografiadas. Como resultado se obtuvieron veinte superficies clasificadas en ocho niveles, desde los 1000m a los 2100m, en donde se observa cómo los distintos elementos de un mismo nivel se encuentran en extremos opuestos de la zona de estudio, ubicados en forma de orla perdiendo altura hacia la cuenca del Bierzo.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto de la Junta de Castilla y León LE311A12-2 y por el proyecto Consolider Ingenio 2006 CSD-2006, TopoIberia Geociencias en Iberia

    A GIS Performance Analysis of a 3G wireless Cellular Network

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    In this paper, GIS performance Analysis of a 3G wireless cellular network is presented. The research is motivated by the need for network operators and mobile users to have on the spot assessment of the network performance. This was achieved by studying the effect of population, road structure and visibility on the Erlang traffic of an existing 3G Network. The result expectedly revealed that densely populated areas are likely to experience high traffic and poor signal reception. Road structure analysis shows poor service quality along major roads due to high traffic within the study area while the visibility analysis revealed that the terrain structure of the study area does not support good visibility. Keywords: GIS, 3G wireless cellular Networks, Erlang Traffic, Base Transceiver station

    A GIS for the management of fisheries in West Africa: Preliminary application to the octopus stock in Senegal

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    A preliminary application of a Geographical Information System (GIS), based on a georeferenced database including data from commercial fishing and oceanographic surveys, and on geographical objects describingthe physical and juridical environment, trawl operations and artisanal fishing sites, is presented. An ArcView environment is used to show spatial and temporal phenomena. Seasonal distribution charts for Octopusvulgaris and for the main associated finfish species on the Senegalese continental shelf reveal that octopuses are particularly abundant on the deep part of the continental shelf off Casamance and the Grande Côteduring the cool season. Warm-season distribution seems to be more coastal. The results allow the interactions between artisanal and industrial fisheries and areas of potential conflicts to be identified. The intensity of these interactions for resource access and space allocation is highly correlated to season. The results also provide alternative explanations for fisheries management, e.g. on the degree of respect for or the relevance of the limitsof regulated fishing areas and spatial fishing unit strategies according to the main seasons