10 research outputs found

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    Models as arrows: the role of dialgebras

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    A large number of computational processes can suitably be described as a combination of construction, i.e. algebraic, and observation, i.e. coalgebraic, structures. This paper suggests dialgebras as a generic model in which such structures can be combined and proposes a small calculus of dialgebras including a wrapping combinator and se- quential composition. To take good care of invariants in software design, the paper also discusses how dialgebras can be typed by predicates and proves that invariants are preserved through composition. This lays the foundations for a full calculus of invariant proof-obligation discharge for dialgebraic models.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Weakly Markov Categories and Weakly Affine Monads

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    Introduced in the 1990s in the context of the algebraic approach to graph rewriting, gs-monoidal categories are symmetric monoidal categories where each object is equipped with the structure of a commutative comonoid. They arise for example as Kleisli categories of commutative monads on cartesian categories, and as such they provide a general framework for effectful computation. Recently proposed in the context of categorical probability, Markov categories are gs-monoidal categories where the monoidal unit is also terminal, and they arise for example as Kleisli categories of commutative affine monads, where affine means that the monad preserves the monoidal unit. The aim of this paper is to study a new condition on the gs-monoidal structure, resulting in the concept of weakly Markov categories, which is intermediate between gs-monoidal categories and Markov ones. In a weakly Markov category, the morphisms to the monoidal unit are not necessarily unique, but form a group. As we show, these categories exhibit a rich theory of conditional independence for morphisms, generalising the known theory for Markov categories. We also introduce the corresponding notion for commutative monads, which we call weakly affine, and for which we give two equivalent characterisations. The paper argues that these monads are relevant to the study of categorical probability. A case at hand is the monad of finite non-zero measures, which is weakly affine but not affine. Such structures allow to investigate probability without normalisation within an elegant categorical framework

    Weakly Markov categories and weakly affine monads

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    Introduced in the 1990s in the context of the algebraic approach to graph rewriting, gs-monoidal categories are symmetric monoidal categories where each object is equipped with the structure of a commutative comonoid. They arise for example as Kleisli categories of commutative monads on cartesian categories, and as such they provide a general framework for effectful computation. Recently proposed in the context of categorical probability, Markov categories are gs-monoidal categories where the monoidal unit is also terminal, and they arise for example as Kleisli categories of commutative affine monads, where affine means that the monad preserves the monoidal unit. The aim of this paper is to study a new condition on the gs-monoidal structure, resulting in the concept of weakly Markov categories, which is intermediate between gs-monoidal categories and Markov ones. In a weakly Markov category, the morphisms to the monoidal unit are not necessarily unique, but form a group. As we show, these categories exhibit a rich theory of conditional independence for morphisms, generalising the known theory for Markov categories. We also introduce the corresponding notion for commutative monads, which we call weakly affine, and for which we give two equivalent characterisations. The paper argues that these monads are relevant to the study of categorical probability. A case at hand is the monad of finite non-zero measures, which is weakly affine but not affine. Such structures allow to investigate probability without normalisation within an elegant categorical framework.Comment: CALCO 202

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    String diagram rewrite theory II: rewriting with symmetric monoidal structure

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    Symmetric monoidal theories (SMTs) generalise algebraic theories in a way that make them suitable to express resource-sensitive systems, in which variables cannot be copied or discarded at will. In SMTs, traditional tree-like terms are replaced by string diagrams, topological entities that can be intuitively thought of as diagrams of wires and boxes. Recently, string diagrams have become increasingly popular as a graphical syntax to reason about computational models across diverse fields, including programming language semantics, circuit theory, quantum mechanics, linguistics, and control theory. In applications, it is often convenient to implement the equations appearing in SMTs as rewriting rules. This poses the challenge of extending the traditional theory of term rewriting, which has been developed for algebraic theories, to string diagrams. In this paper, we develop a mathematical theory of string diagram rewriting for SMTs. Our approach exploits the correspondence between string diagram rewriting and double pushout (DPO) rewriting of certain graphs, introduced in the first paper of this series. Such a correspondence is only sound when the SMT includes a Frobenius algebra structure. In the present work, we show how an analogous correspondence may be established for arbitrary SMTs, once an appropriate notion of DPO rewriting (which we call convex) is identified. As proof of concept, we use our approach to show termination of two SMTs of interest: Frobenius semi-algebras and bialgebras

    String diagram rewrite theory II: Rewriting with symmetric monoidal structure

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    Symmetric monoidal theories (SMTs) generalise algebraic theories in a way that make them suitable to express resource-sensitive systems, in which variables cannot be copied or discarded at will. In SMTs, traditional tree-like terms are replaced by string diagrams, topological entities that can be intuitively thought of as diagrams of wires and boxes. Recently, string diagrams have become increasingly popular as a graphical syntax to reason about computational models across diverse fields, including programming language semantics, circuit theory, quantum mechanics, linguistics, and control theory. In applications, it is often convenient to implement the equations appearing in SMTs as rewriting rules. This poses the challenge of extending the traditional theory of term rewriting, which has been developed for algebraic theories, to string diagrams. In this paper, we develop a mathematical theory of string diagram rewriting for SMTs. Our approach exploits the correspondence between string diagram rewriting and double pushout (DPO) rewriting of certain graphs, introduced in the first paper of this series. Such a correspondence is only sound when the SMT includes a Frobenius algebra structure. In the present work, we show how an analogous correspondence may be established for arbitrary SMTs, once an appropriate notion of DPO rewriting (which we call convex) is identified. As proof of concept, we use our approach to show termination of two SMTs of interest: Frobenius semi-algebras and bialgebras

    Functorial Semantics for Multi-algebras

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    . Multi-algebras allow to model nondeterminism in an algebraic framework by interpreting operators as functions from individual arguments to sets of possible results. We propose a functorial presentation of various categories of multi-algebras and partial algebras, analogous to the classical presentation of algebras over a signature \Sigma as cartesian functors from the algebraic theory of \Sigma , Th(\Sigma), to Set. The functors we introduce are based on variations of the notion of theory, having a structure weaker than cartesian, and their target is Rel, the category of sets and relations. We argue that this functorial presentation provides an original abstract syntax for partial and multi-algebras. 1 Introduction Nondeterminism is a fundamental concept in Computer Science. It arises not only from the study of intrinsically nondeterministic computational models, like Turing machines and various kinds of automata, but also in the study of the behaviour of deterministic sys..

    A functorial semantics for multi-algebras and partial algebras, with applications to syntax

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    Multi-algebras allow for the modelling of nondeterminism in an algebraic framework by interpreting operators as functions from individual arguments to sets of possible results. We propose a functorial presentation of various categories of multi-algebras and partial algebras, analogous to the classical presentation of algebras over a signature Σ as cartesian functors from the algebraic theory over Σ to Set. We introduce two different notions of theory over a signature, both having a structure weaker than cartesian, and we consider functors from them to Rel or Pfn, the categories of sets and relations or partial functions, respectively. Next we discuss how the functorial presentation provides guidelines when choosing syntactical notions for a class of algebras, and as an application we argue that the natural generalization of usual terms are "conditioned terms" for partial algebras, and "term graphs" for multi-algebras