219 research outputs found

    Regulating distance to the screen while engaging in difficult tasks

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    Regulation of distance to the screen (i.e., head-to-screen distance, fluctuation of head-to-screen distance) has been proved to reflect the cognitive engagement of the reader. However, it is still not clear (a) whether regulation of distance to the screen can be a potential parameter to infer high cognitive load and (b) whether it can predict the upcoming answer accuracy. Configuring tablets or other learning devices in a way that distance to the screen can be analyzed by the learning software is in close reach. The software might use the measure as a person-specific indicator of need for extra scaffolding. In order to better gauge this potential, we analyzed eye-tracking data of children (N = 144, Mage = 13 years, SD = 3.2 years) engaging in multimedia learning, as distance to the screen is estimated as a by-product of eye tracking. Children were told to maintain a still seated posture while reading and answering questions at three difficulty levels (i.e., easy vs. medium vs. difficult). Results yielded that task difficulty influences how well the distance to the screen can be regulated, supporting that regulation of distance to the screen is a promising measure. Closer head-to-screen distance and larger fluctuation of head-to-screen distance can reflect that participants are engaging in a challenging task. Only large fluctuation of head-to-screen distance can predict the future incorrect answers. The link between distance to the screen and processing of cognitive task can obtrusively embody reader’s cognitive states during system usage, which can support adaptive learning and testing

    Identifying Plant and Feedback in Human Posture Control

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    Human upright bipedal stance is a classic example of a control system consisting of a plant (i.e., the physical body and its actuators) and feedback (i.e., neural control) operating continuously in a closed loop. Determining the mechanistic basis of behavior in a closed loop control system is problematic because experimental manipulations or deficits due to trauma/injury influence all parts of the loop. Moreover, experimental techniques to open the loop (e.g., isolate the plant) are not viable because bipedal upright stance is not possible without feedback. The goal of the proposed study is to use a technique called closed loop system identification (CLSI) to investigate properties of the plant and feedback separately. Human upright stance has typically been approximated as a single-joint inverted pendulum, simplifying not only the control of a multi-linked body but also how sensory information is processed relative to body dynamics. However, a recent study showed that a single-joint approximation is inadequate. Trunk and leg segments are in-phase at frequencies below 1 Hz of body sway and simultaneously anti-phase at frequencies above 1 Hz during quiet stance. My dissertation studies have investigated the coordination between the leg and trunk segments and how sensory information is processed relative to that coordination. For example, additional sensory information provided through visual or light touch information led to a change of the in-phase pattern but not the anti-phase pattern, indicating that the anti-phase pattern may not be neurally controlled, but more a function of biomechanical properties of a two-segment body. In a subsequent study, I probed whether an internal model of the body processes visual information relative to a single or double-linked body. The results suggested a simple control strategy that processes sensory information relative to a single-joint internal model providing further evidence that the anti-phase pattern is biomechanically driven. These studies suggest potential mechanisms but cannot rule out alternative hypotheses because the source of behavioral changes can be attributed to properties of the plant and/or feedback. Here I adopt the CLSI approach using perturbations to probe separate processes within the postural control loop. Mechanical perturbations introduce sway as an input to the feedback, which in turn generates muscle activity as an output. Visual perturbations elicit muscle activity (a motor command) as an input to the plant, which then triggers body sway as an output. Mappings of muscle activity to body sway and body sway to muscle activity are used to identify properties of the plant and feedback, respectively. The results suggest that feedback compensates for the low-pass properties of the plant, except at higher frequencies. An optimal control model minimizing the amount of muscle activation suggests that the mechanism underlying this lack of compensation may be due to an uncompensated time delay. These techniques have the potential for more precise identification of the source of deficits in the postural control loop, leading to improved rehabilitation techniques and treatment of balance deficits, which currently contributes to 40% of nursing home admissions and costs the US health care system over $20B per year


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    Episodes of instability and falls in the elderly represent a major public health concern. The lack of scientific information about the effects of age-related changes on neurophysiological mechanisms of postural control has limited the advance in the field of fall prevention and rehabilitation of balance disorders. The overall goal of this dissertation was to investigate the effects of aging on postural control. Considering the progressive non-homogeneous deterioration of aging physiological systems, a series of five experimental studies, with healthy young and healthy nonfaller older adults performing upright stance tasks, explored three main hypotheses: (1) intermuscular coherence analysis is able to detect signs of intermuscular synchronization at lower frequency bands as one of the strategies used by the Central Nervous System to control upright stance; (2) aging is associated with a reorganization of correlated neural inputs controlling postural muscles; and (3) aging is associated with changes in body sway behavior. The first three studies corroborated the use of intermuscular coherence analysis to investigate the formation of correlated neural inputs forming postural muscle synergies during upright stance. The fourth study revealed an age-related reorganization of the distribution and strength of correlated neural inputs to multiple postural muscles. Healthy nonfaller older adults presented stronger levels of synchronization, within 0–10 Hz, for three distinct muscle groups: anterior, posterior, and antagonist muscle groups. The fifth study investigated age-related changes on postural sway using traditional and novel postural indices extracted from the center of pressure coordinates. Although the functional base support is preserved in healthy nonfaller older adults, these seniors revealed a larger, faster, shakier, and more irregular pattern of body sway compared to healthy young adults. In addition, age-related changes on supraspinal mechanisms, spinal reflexes, and intrinsic mechanical properties of muscles and joints involved in postural control were observed by changes in both rambling and trembling components of the postural sway. Findings reported here provide valuable information regarding compensatory mechanisms adopted by healthy nonfaller older adults to control upright stance. Together, these findings suggest an age-related reorganization of correlated neural inputs controlling multiple postural muscles, accompanied by changes in body sway behavior

    A novel behavioural paradigm for characterising anticipatory postural adjustments in mice

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    Daily we use purposeful, voluntary movements to interact with our environment. These movements demand and cause our body to experience a weight redistribution, i.e., anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs), and it’s the appropriate employment of these APAs that allows us to complete said voluntary movements without falling over or losing our equilibrium. The literature suggests that for humans, monkeys, and several quadrupeds, APAs are crucial at initiation and during movement. However, research has been somewhat limited due to the lack of behavioural paradigms that would allow for a better understanding into the neural circuitry involved with APAs. Given the widespread availability of genetic tools and advanced viral techniques in mice I focused my efforts in developing a novel behavioral paradigm for this species. The first chapters detail the reasoning behind the development of this novel behavioural paradigm while also providing a complete description of the different components and their functions. Later chapters use the custom-designed setup to characterise mouse APAs, incorporating various recording approaches designed to quantify APAs and compare them to those described in prior work, highlighting possible interspecifies similarities and differences. Additionally, I briefly discuss the potential neural circuitry of APAs informed by my own data and research that has been done in different animals, providing a comprehensive overview of APAs in mice

    An Investigation of the Effect of Chewing on Rhythmic Motor Tasks

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    Chewing gum and walking has traditionally been cited as the quintessentially difficult dual task, but little is known regarding chewing effects on motor control. The aims of this dissertation include describing chewing patterns across adulthood, describing chewing’s influence on secondary motor tasks, and investigate entrainment patterns of chewing and gait per established patterns of coupled oscillators. Three experiments were conducted to describe chewing patterns and to examine the effect chewing has on other motor tasks, particularly walking, in young and old adults. The first experiment used a metronome to manipulate chewing rates and measured associated gait parameters. This experiment established that chewing affects gait. As chewing speed increases or decreases, step rate also changes accordingly. Tasks such as walking, finger tapping, and simple reaction time all slow with advancing age. This experiment established chewing as a task resistant to neuromotor slowing with age. The second experiment examined the effect of chewing on a variety of secondary motor tasks. This experiment confirmed that chewing interferes with performance of a discrete secondary task, such as reaction time, whereas chewing entrains with cyclic movements, like finger tapping and gait. The final experiment varied the timing of when chewing was initiated to highlight the inherent organization of task influence. This experiment confirmed that chewing consistently impacts gait, but not vice versa. A top-down hierarchy where chewing drives changes in gait was substantiated. The physiological basis for the observed behavior is discussed in terms of coupled neural oscillators, such as the central pattern generators in the hindbrain and spinal cord. The findings from the series of experiments highlights oral sensory information as a potentially novel method of influencing movement patterns throughout adulthood. The functional implications of chewing are paramount to survival, but the connection between the mouth and the legs has not been well documented. Understanding the mechanisms associated with this inimitable relationship whereby the mouth is driving leg motion during gait could lead to innovative rehabilitative techniques for gait training

    A Bio-inspired architecture for adaptive quadruped locomotion over irregular terrain

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    Tese de doutoramento Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e de ComputadoresThis thesis presents a tentative advancement on walking control of small quadruped and humanoid position controlled robots, addressing the problem of walk generation by combining dynamical systems approach to motor control, insights from neuroethology research on vertebrate motor control and computational neuroscience. Legged locomotion is a complex dynamical process, despite the seemingly easy and natural behavior of the constantly present proficiency of legged animals. Research on locomotion and motor control in vertebrate animals from the last decades has brought to the attention of roboticists, the potential of the nature’s solutions to robot applications. Recent knowledge on the organization of complex motor generation and on mechanics and dynamics of locomotion has been successfully exploited to pursue agile robot locomotion. The work presented on this manuscript is part of an effort on the pursuit in devising a general, model free solution, for the generation of robust and adaptable walking behaviors. It strives to devise a practical solution applicable to real robots, such as the Sony’s quadruped AIBO and Robotis’ DARwIn- OP humanoid. The discussed solutions are inspired on the functional description of the vertebrate neural systems, especially on the concept of Central Pattern Generators (CPGs), their structure and organization, components and sensorimotor interactions. They use a dynamical systems approach for the implementation of the controller, especially on the use of nonlinear oscillators and exploitation of their properties. The main topics of this thesis are divided into three parts. The first part concerns quadruped locomotion, extending a previous CPG solution using nonlinear oscillators, and discussing an organization on three hierarchical levels of abstraction, sharing the purpose and knowledge of other works. It proposes a CPG solution which generates the walking motion for the whole-leg, which is then organized in a network for the production of quadrupedal gaits. The devised solution is able to produce goal-oriented locomotion and navigation as directed through highlevel commands from local planning methods. In this part, active balance on a standing quadruped is also addressed, proposing a method based on dynamical systems approach, exploring the integration of parallel postural mechanisms from several sensory modalities. The solutions are all successfully tested on the quadruped AIBO robot. In the second part, is addressed bipedal walking for humanoid robots. A CPG solution for biped walking based on the concept of motion primitives is proposed, loosely based on the idea of synergistic organization of vertebrate motor control. A set of motion primitives is shown to produce the basis of simple biped walking, and generalizable to goal-oriented walking. Using the proposed CPG, the inclusion of feedback mechanisms is investigated, for modulation and adaptation of walking, through phase transition control according to foot load information. The proposed solution is validated on the humanoid DARwIn-OP, and its application is evaluated within a whole-body control framework. The third part sidesteps a little from the other two topics. It discusses the CPG as having an alternative role to direct motor generation in locomotion, serving instead as a processor of sensory information for a feedback based motor generation. In this work a reflex based walking controller is devised for the compliant quadruped Oncilla robot, to serve as purely feedback based walking generation. The capabilities of the reflex network are shown in simulations, followed by a brief discussion on its limitations, and how they could be improved by the inclusion of a CPG.Esta tese apresenta uma tentativa de avanço no controlo de locomoção para pequenos robôs quadrúpedes e bipedes controlados por posição, endereçando o problema de geração motora através da combinação da abordagem de sistemas dinâmicos para o controlo motor, e perspectivas de investigação neuroetologia no controlo motor vertebrado e neurociência computacional. Andar é um processo dinâmico e complexo, apesar de parecer um comportamento fácil e natural devido à presença constante de animais proficientes em locomoção terrestre. Investigação na área da locomoção e controlo motor em animais vertebrados nas últimas decadas, trouxe à atenção dos roboticistas o potencial das soluções encontradas pela natureza aplicadas a aplicações robóticas. Conhecimento recente relativo à geração de comportamentos motores complexos e da mecânica da locomoção tem sido explorada com sucesso na procura de locomoção ágil na robótica. O trabalho apresentado neste documento é parte de um esforço no desenho de uma solução geral, e independente de modelos, para a geração robusta e adaptável de comportamentos locomotores. O foco é desenhar uma solução prática, aplicável a robôs reais, tal como o quadrúpede Sony AIBO e o humanóide DARwIn-OP. As soluções discutidas são inspiradas na descrição funcional do sistema nervoso vertebrado, especialmente no conceito de Central Pattern Generators (CPGs), a sua estrutura e organização, componentes e interacção sensorimotora. Estas soluções são implementadas usando uma abordagem em sistemas dinâmicos, focandos o uso de osciladores não lineares e a explorando as suas propriedades. Os tópicos principais desta tese estão divididos em três partes. A primeira parte explora o tema de locomoção quadrúpede, expandindo soluções prévias de CPGs usando osciladores não lineares, e discutindo uma organização em três níveis de abstracção, partilhando as ideias de outros trabalhos. Propõe uma solução de CPG que gera os movimentos locomotores para uma perna, que é depois organizado numa rede, para a produção de marcha quadrúpede. A solução concebida é capaz de produzir locomoção e navegação, comandada através de comandos de alto nível, produzidos por métodos de planeamento local. Nesta parte também endereçado o problema da manutenção do equilíbrio num robô quadrúpede parado, propondo um método baseado na abordagem em sistemas dinâmicos, explorando a integração de mecanismos posturais em paralelo, provenientes de várias modalidades sensoriais. As soluções são todas testadas com sucesso no robô quadrupede AIBO. Na segunda parte é endereçado o problema de locomoção bípede. É proposto um CPG baseado no conceito de motion primitives, baseadas na ideia de uma organização sinergética do controlo motor vertebrado. Um conjunto de motion primitives é usado para produzir a base de uma locomoção bípede simples e generalizável para navegação. Esta proposta de CPG é usada para de seguida se investigar a inclusão de mecanismos de feedback para modulação e adaptação da marcha, através do controlo de transições entre fases, de acordo com a informação de carga dos pés. A solução proposta é validada no robô humanóide DARwIn-OP, e a sua aplicação no contexto do framework de whole-body control é também avaliada. A terceira parte desvia um pouco dos outros dois tópicos. Discute o CPG como tendo um papel alternativo ao controlo motor directo, servindo em vez como um processador de informação sensorial para um mecanismo de locomoção puramente em feedback. Neste trabalho é desenhado um controlador baseado em reflexos para a geração da marcha de um quadrúpede compliant. As suas capacidades são demonstradas em simulação, seguidas por uma breve discussão nas suas limitações, e como estas podem ser ultrapassadas pela inclusão de um CPG.The presented work was possible thanks to the support by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation through the PhD grant SFRH/BD/62047/2009

    Eye-Hand Coordination Varies According to Changes in Cognitive-Motor Load and Eye Movements Used

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    In this dissertation three studies were used to help improve the understanding of eye- hand coordination control of visuomotor reaching tasks with varying cognitive loads. Specifically, we considered potential performance differences based on eye-movements, postural influences, as well as fitness level of the young adult participants. A brief introduction in chapter 1 is followed by a detailed literature review in chapter 2. Results from the three studies presented in chapter’s 3-5 further advance our knowledge of the integrated control used for goal-directed visually-guided reaches. In the first study (chapter 3), the additional cost associated with the use of smooth pursuit slowed hand movement speed when the eyes and hand moved in distinct directions, yet improved accuracy over the use of saccadic eye movements and eye fixation. We concluded that eye-movement choice can influence various types of visually-guided reaching with different cognitive demands and that researchers should provide clear eye-movement instructions for participants and/or monitor the eyes when assessing similar upper limb control to account for possible differences. In the second study (chapter 4), results revealed slower speed and poor accuracy of hand movements along with less body sway for visually-guided reaching when the eyes and hand moved in opposite directions during eye-hand decoupling compared to when the eyes and hand moved in the same direction (eye-hand coupling). In contrast, standing up did not significantly influence reaching performance compared to sitting. We concluded that increases in cognitive demands for eye-hand coordination created a greater need for postural control to help improve the goal- directed control of reaching. In the third study (chapter 5), we found no evidence of eye-hand coordination differences between highly fit or sedentary participants, yet cerebral activation in the centro-parietal location differed between tasks involving eye-hand coupling/decoupling. We concluded that reaching performance declines accompanied increased sensorimotor demands during eye-hand decoupling that may link to prior/current athletic experience and not fitness level. Overall, alterations in visually-guided goal-directed reaching movements involving eye-hand coupling and decoupling depend on changes in eye-movements utilized and not on low threat postural changes or fitness levels of the young adults performing the task

    What are the differences between subjects with and without flatfoot condition, with the aid of ultrasonography, kinematics, and kinetics in posture and gait?

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    O complexo do pé tem um papel importante na postura, equilíbrio, estabilidade e movimento, durante as posições estáticas e nos padrões gerais de movimento. Alterações estruturais ou funcionais no complexo do pé e no seu posicionamento podem afetar a postura e o movimento das estruturas distais e proximais. Comumente, indivíduos com pé plano desenvolvem restrições neurológicas ou musculares, frouxidão ligamentar ou articular, movimento excessivo e atividade muscular. Essa condição leva a maiores riscos de desenvolver lesões por sobrecarga mecânica nas articulações dos membros inferiores adjacentes. O objetivo é determinar se existem diferenças entre indivíduos com pé plano em comparação com indivíduos com pé neutro, em relação à postura e à análise do padrão de marcha. A amostra foi constituída por sujeitos com pé plano e neutro, alocados em dois grupos. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos a procedimentos de avaliação para serem alocados em um dos grupos. Cada participante foi submetido à avaliação do padrão de marcha e postura, com auxílio de sistema MOCAP, e à avaliação da rigidez muscular com Ultrassonografia e, por fim, à avaliação da pressão plantar com uma plataforma de pressões. Os sujeitos com pé plano mostraram várias alterações e diferenças quando comparados aos participantes com pé neutro, de acordo com os principais resultados da análise da postura e do padrão de marcha. Considerando todos os estudos realizados e incluídos nesta tese, várias diferenças foram encontradas em indivíduos de pé plano. Porém, a maioria desses resultados são contraditórios com os resultados presentes na literatura, dando um crescimento da evidência científica sobre a condição de pé plano e a sua influência na postura, e no padrão de marcha. No entanto, em relação à falta de consenso sobre os resultados e condições de avaliação, vários estudos necessitam ser realizados para criar uma maior robustez da evidência científica. Porém, no que se refere ao rigor metodológico em relação a diferentes parâmetros, novos estudos precisam de abranger variáveis que foquem a avaliação geral da condição e não apenas do complexo do pé. Palavras-chave: POSTURA DE PÉ, PADRÕES DE MOVIMENTO, PÈ PLANO, BIOMECÂNICA.The foot complex has an important role in posture, balance, stability, and movement, during the static positions and in overall movements' patterns. Structural or functional alteration in the foot complex and foot posture may have an impact on posture and movement on distal and proximal structures. Commonly, subjects with flatfoot develop neurological or muscular restrictions, ligament or joint laxity, excessive motion, and muscle activity. This condition leads to higher risks of developing mechanical overloading injuries on adjacent lower-limb joints. The aim of this study is to determine if there are differences between flatfoot subjects compared to neutral foot subjects, regarding posture and gait pattern analysis. The sample was constituted by subjects with a flat and neutral foot, allocated in two groups. All subjects were submitted to assessment procedures to be allocated in one of the groups. Therefore, each participant was submitted to gait pattern and posture assessment, with the aid of a MOCAP system, and to muscle stiffness assessment with an ultrasound-based Shear- Wave Elastography and, finally to plantar pressure assessment with a baropodometric platform. Flatfoot subjects showed several alterations and differences when compared to neutral foot participants considering all principal outcomes along with posture and gait pattern. Considering all studies realized and included in this thesis, several differences were found in flatfoot subjects. Thus, most of those results are contradictory to those found in the literature, giving a growth of evidence relatively to foot posture condition and influence in posture and gait pattern. However, regarding the lack of consensus about the outcomes and assessment conditions, further studies need to be performed to create a more robust body of evidence. Although, regarding methodological deficiency regarding influencing aspects, further studies need to encompass methodological variables handling to focus on an overall evaluation of the condition and not only on the foot complex