6 research outputs found

    Fully-Functional Bidirectional Burrows-Wheeler Indexes and Infinite-Order De Bruijn Graphs

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    Given a string T on an alphabet of size sigma, we describe a bidirectional Burrows-Wheeler index that takes O(|T| log sigma) bits of space, and that supports the addition and removal of one character, on the left or right side of any substring of T, in constant time. Previously known data structures that used the same space allowed constant-time addition to any substring of T, but they could support removal only from specific substrings of T. We also describe an index that supports bidirectional addition and removal in O(log log |T|) time, and that takes a number of words proportional to the number of left and right extensions of the maximal repeats of T. We use such fully-functional indexes to implement bidirectional, frequency-aware, variable-order de Bruijn graphs with no upper bound on their order, and supporting natural criteria for increasing and decreasing the order during traversal

    Linear-time Computation of DAWGs, Symmetric Indexing Structures, and MAWs for Integer Alphabets

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    The directed acyclic word graph (DAWG) of a string yy of length nn is the smallest (partial) DFA which recognizes all suffixes of yy with only O(n)O(n) nodes and edges. In this paper, we show how to construct the DAWG for the input string yy from the suffix tree for yy, in O(n)O(n) time for integer alphabets of polynomial size in nn. In so doing, we first describe a folklore algorithm which, given the suffix tree for yy, constructs the DAWG for the reversed string of yy in O(n)O(n) time. Then, we present our algorithm that builds the DAWG for yy in O(n)O(n) time for integer alphabets, from the suffix tree for yy. We also show that a straightforward modification to our DAWG construction algorithm leads to the first O(n)O(n)-time algorithm for constructing the affix tree of a given string yy over an integer alphabet. Affix trees are a text indexing structure supporting bidirectional pattern searches. We then discuss how our constructions can lead to linear-time algorithms for building other text indexing structures, such as linear-size suffix tries and symmetric CDAWGs in linear time in the case of integer alphabets. As a further application to our O(n)O(n)-time DAWG construction algorithm, we show that the set MAW(y)\mathsf{MAW}(y) of all minimal absent words (MAWs) of yy can be computed in optimal, input- and output-sensitive O(n+∣MAW(y)∣)O(n + |\mathsf{MAW}(y)|) time and O(n)O(n) working space for integer alphabets.Comment: This is an extended version of the paper "Computing DAWGs and Minimal Absent Words in Linear Time for Integer Alphabets" from MFCS 201

    Space efficient merging of de Bruijn graphs and Wheeler graphs

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    The merging of succinct data structures is a well established technique for the space efficient construction of large succinct indexes. In the first part of the paper we propose a new algorithm for merging succinct representations of de Bruijn graphs. Our algorithm has the same asymptotic cost of the state of the art algorithm for the same problem but it uses less than half of its working space. A novel important feature of our algorithm, not found in any of the existing tools, is that it can compute the Variable Order succinct representation of the union graph within the same asymptotic time/space bounds. In the second part of the paper we consider the more general problem of merging succinct representations of Wheeler graphs, a recently introduced graph family which includes as special cases de Bruijn graphs and many other known succinct indexes based on the BWT or one of its variants. We show that Wheeler graphs merging is in general a much more difficult problem, and we provide a space efficient algorithm for the slightly simplified problem of determining whether the union graph has an ordering that satisfies the Wheeler conditions.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1902.0288