467 research outputs found

    Neural Network Observer-Based Prescribed-Time Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems With a Leader of Unknown Disturbances

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    This study investigates the prescribed-time leader-follower formation strategy for heterogeneous multiagent sys-tems including unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned ground vehicles under time-varying actuator faults and unknown dis-turbances based on adaptive neural network observers and backstepping method. Compared with the relevant works, the matching and mismatched disturbances of the leader agent are further taken into account in this study. A distributed fixed-time observer is developed for follower agents in order to timely obtain the position and velocity states of the leader, in which neural networks are employed to approximate the unknown disturbances. Furthermore, the actual sensor limitations make each follower only affected by local information and measurable local states. As a result, another fixed-time neural network observer is proposed to obtain the unknown states and the complex uncertainties. Then, a backstepping prescribed-time fault-tolerant formation controller is constructed by utilizing the estimations, which not only guarantees that the multiagent systems realize the desired formation configuration in a user-assignable finite time, but also ensures that the control action can be smooth everywhere. Finally, simulation examples are designed to testify the validity of the developed theoretical method

    Fully distributed consensus for high-order strict-feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with switched topologies

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    summary:This paper studies the distributed consensus problem of high-order strict-feedback nonlinear multiagent systems. By employing the adaptive backstepping technique and switched system theory, a novel protocol is proposed for MASs with switched topologies. Global information such as the number of agents and communication topology is not used. In addition, the communication topology between agents can be switched between possible topologies at any time. Based on the Lyapunov function method, the proposed adaptive protocol guarantees the complete consensus of multiagent systems without restricting the dwell time of the switched signal. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness and advantages of the given protocol

    Distributed Collision-Free Bearing Coordination of Multi-UAV Systems With Actuator Faults and Time Delays

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    Coordination of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems has received great attention from robotics and control communities. In this paper, we investigate the distributed formation tracking problem in heterogeneous nonlinear multi-UAV networks via bearing measurements. Firstly, a novel bearing-only protocol is designed for follower agents to achieve the desired formation. Particularly, we establish a compensation function on the basis of bearing measurements to deal with the non-linearity and actuator faults in the agent dynamics. The stability of the proposed strategy can be ensured by Lyapunov method in the presence of certain time delays. Moreover, to ensure safe operation in real-world scenarios, we extend the protocol and propose a sufficient condition to avoid potential collisions among the agents. The robustness of the collision-free controller with continuous action is also considered in the protocol design. Finally, the simulation case studies are presented to validate the feasibility of the theoretical results

    Pose consensus based on dual quaternion algebra with application to decentralized formation control of mobile manipulators

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    This paper presents a solution based on dual quaternion algebra to the general problem of pose (i.e., position and orientation) consensus for systems composed of multiple rigid-bodies. The dual quaternion algebra is used to model the agents' poses and also in the distributed control laws, making the proposed technique easily applicable to time-varying formation control of general robotic systems. The proposed pose consensus protocol has guaranteed convergence when the interaction among the agents is represented by directed graphs with directed spanning trees, which is a more general result when compared to the literature on formation control. In order to illustrate the proposed pose consensus protocol and its extension to the problem of formation control, we present a numerical simulation with a large number of free-flying agents and also an application of cooperative manipulation by using real mobile manipulators