288 research outputs found

    WeedMap: A large-scale semantic weed mapping framework using aerial multispectral imaging and deep neural network for precision farming

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    We present a novel weed segmentation and mapping framework that processes multispectral images obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using a deep neural network (DNN). Most studies on crop/weed semantic segmentation only consider single images for processing and classification. Images taken by UAVs often cover only a few hundred square meters with either color only or color and near-infrared (NIR) channels. Computing a single large and accurate vegetation map (e.g., crop/weed) using a DNN is non-trivial due to difficulties arising from: (1) limited ground sample distances (GSDs) in high-altitude datasets, (2) sacrificed resolution resulting from downsampling high-fidelity images, and (3) multispectral image alignment. To address these issues, we adopt a stand sliding window approach that operates on only small portions of multispectral orthomosaic maps (tiles), which are channel-wise aligned and calibrated radiometrically across the entire map. We define the tile size to be the same as that of the DNN input to avoid resolution loss. Compared to our baseline model (i.e., SegNet with 3 channel RGB inputs) yielding an area under the curve (AUC) of [background=0.607, crop=0.681, weed=0.576], our proposed model with 9 input channels achieves [0.839, 0.863, 0.782]. Additionally, we provide an extensive analysis of 20 trained models, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in order to evaluate the effects of varying input channels and tunable network hyperparameters. Furthermore, we release a large sugar beet/weed aerial dataset with expertly guided annotations for further research in the fields of remote sensing, precision agriculture, and agricultural robotics.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, MDPI Remote Sensin

    Cross-domain transfer learning for weed segmentation and mapping in precision farming using ground and UAV images

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    Weed and crop segmentation is becoming an increasingly integral part of precision farming that leverages the current computer vision and deep learning technologies. Research has been extensively carried out based on images captured with a camera from various platforms. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground-based vehicles including agricultural robots are the two popular platforms for data collection in fields. They all contribute to site-specific weed management (SSWM) to maintain crop yield. Currently, the data from these two platforms is processed separately, though sharing the same semantic objects (weed and crop). In our paper, we have proposed a novel method with a new deep learning-based model and the enhanced data augmentation pipeline to train field images alone and subsequently predict both field images and UAV images for weed segmentation and mapping. The network learning process is visualized by feature maps at shallow and deep layers. The results show that the mean intersection of union (IOU) values of the segmentation for the crop (maize), weeds, and soil background in the developed model for the field dataset are 0.744, 0.577, 0.979, respectively, and the performance of aerial images from an UAV with the same model, the IOU values of the segmentation for the crop (maize), weeds and soil background are 0.596, 0.407, and 0.875, respectively. To estimate the effect on the use of plant protection agents, we quantify the relationship between herbicide spraying saving rate and grid size (spraying resolution) based on the predicted weed map. The spraying saving rate is up to 90 % when the spraying resolution is at 1.78 × 1.78 cm2 . The study shows that the developed deep convolutional neural network could be used to classify weeds from both field and aerial images and delivers satisfactory results. To achieve this performance, it is crucial to perform preprocessing techniques that reduce dataset differences between two distinct domains

    Deep convolutional neural networks for image-based Convolvulus sepium detection in sugar beet fields

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    Background Convolvulus sepium (hedge bindweed) detection in sugar beet fields remains a challenging problem due to variation in appearance of plants, illumination changes, foliage occlusions, and different growth stages under field conditions. Current approaches for weed and crop recognition, segmentation and detection rely predominantly on conventional machine-learning techniques that require a large set of hand-crafted features for modelling. These might fail to generalize over different fields and environments. Results Here, we present an approach that develops a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) based on the tiny YOLOv3 architecture for C. sepium and sugar beet detection. We generated 2271 synthetic images, before combining these images with 452 field images to train the developed model. YOLO anchor box sizes were calculated from the training dataset using a k-means clustering approach. The resulting model was tested on 100 field images, showing that the combination of synthetic and original field images to train the developed model could improve the mean average precision (mAP) metric from 0.751 to 0.829 compared to using collected field images alone. We also compared the performance of the developed model with the YOLOv3 and Tiny YOLO models. The developed model achieved a better trade-off between accuracy and speed. Specifically, the average precisions ([email protected]) of C. sepium and sugar beet were 0.761 and 0.897 respectively with 6.48 ms inference time per image (800 × 1200) on a NVIDIA Titan X GPU environment

    Multi-Spectral Image Synthesis for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming

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    An effective perception system is a fundamental component for farming robots, as it enables them to properly perceive the surrounding environment and to carry out targeted operations. The most recent approaches make use of state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to learn an effective model for the target task. However, those methods need a large amount of labelled data for training. A recent approach to deal with this issue is data augmentation through Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), where entire synthetic scenes are added to the training data, thus enlarging and diversifying their informative content. In this work, we propose an alternative solution with respect to the common data augmentation techniques, applying it to the fundamental problem of crop/weed segmentation in precision farming. Starting from real images, we create semi-artificial samples by replacing the most relevant object classes (i.e., crop and weeds) with their synthesized counterparts. To do that, we employ a conditional GAN (cGAN), where the generative model is trained by conditioning the shape of the generated object. Moreover, in addition to RGB data, we take into account also near-infrared (NIR) information, generating four channel multi-spectral synthetic images. Quantitative experiments, carried out on three publicly available datasets, show that (i) our model is capable of generating realistic multi-spectral images of plants and (ii) the usage of such synthetic images in the training process improves the segmentation performance of state-of-the-art semantic segmentation Convolutional Networks.Comment: Submitted to Robotics and Autonomous System

    Semantic Segmentation of Weeds and Crops in Multispectral Images by Using a Convolutional Neural Networks Based on U-Net

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    A first step in the process of automating weed removal in precision agriculture is the semantic segmentation of crops, weeds and soil. Deep learning techniques based on convolutional neural networks are successfully applied today and one of the most popular network architectures in semantic segmentation problems is U-Net. In this article, the variants in the U-Net architecture were evaluated based on the aggregation of residual and recurring blocks to improve their performance. For training and testing, a set of data available on the Internet was used, consisting of 60 multispectral images with unbalanced pixels, so techniques were applied to increase and balance the data. Experimental results show a slight increase in quality metrics compared to the classic U-Net architecture

    A Review of the Challenges of Using Deep Learning Algorithms to Support Decision-Making in Agricultural Activities

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    Deep Learning has been successfully applied to image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing in recent years. Therefore, there has been an incentive to apply it in other fields as well. The field of agriculture is one of the most important fields in which the application of deep learning still needs to be explored, as it has a direct impact on human well-being. In particular, there is a need to explore how deep learning models can be used as a tool for optimal planting, land use, yield improvement, production/disease/pest control, and other activities. The vast amount of data received from sensors in smart farms makes it possible to use deep learning as a model for decision-making in this field. In agriculture, no two environments are exactly alike, which makes testing, validating, and successfully implementing such technologies much more complex than in most other industries. This paper reviews some recent scientific developments in the field of deep learning that have been applied to agriculture, and highlights some challenges and potential solutions using deep learning algorithms in agriculture. The results in this paper indicate that by employing new methods from deep learning, higher performance in terms of accuracy and lower inference time can be achieved, and the models can be made useful in real-world applications. Finally, some opportunities for future research in this area are suggested.This work is supported by the R&D Project BioDAgro—Sistema operacional inteligente de informação e suporte á decisão em AgroBiodiversidade, project PD20-00011, promoted by Fundação La Caixa and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, taking place at the C-MAST-Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences and Technology, Department of Electromechanical Engineering of the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using Semi-Supervised Learning to Predict Weed Density and Distribution for Precision Farming

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    If weed growth is not controlled, it can have a devastating effect on the size and quality of a harvest. Unrestrained pesticide use for weed management can have severe consequences for ecosystem health and contribute to environmental degradation. However, if you can identify problem spots, you can more precisely treat those areas with insecticide. As a result of recent advances in the analysis of farm pictures, techniques have been developed for reliably identifying weed plants. . On the other hand, these methods mostly use supervised learning strategies, which require a huge set of pictures that have been labelled by hand. Therefore, these monitored systems are not practicable for the individual farmer because of the vast variety of plant species being cultivated. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised deep learning method that uses a small number of colour photos taken by unmanned aerial vehicles to accurately predict the number and location of weeds in farmlands. Knowing the number and location of weeds is helpful for a site-specific weed management system in which only afflicted areas are treated by autonomous robots. In this research, the foreground vegetation pixels (including crops and weeds) are first identified using an unsupervised segmentation method based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). There is then no need for manually constructed features since a trained CNN is used to pinpoint polluted locations. Carrot plants from the (1) Crop Weed Field Image Dataset (CWFID) and sugar beet plants from the (2) Sugar Beets dataset are used to test the approach. The proposed method has a maximum recall of 0.9 and an accuracy of 85%, making it ideal for locating weed hotspots. So, it is shown that the proposed strategy may be used for too many kinds of plants without having to collect a huge quantity of labelled data