13 research outputs found

    Fully Collusion Resistant Trace-and-Revoke Functional Encryption for Arbitrary Identities

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    Functional Encryption (FE) has been extensively studied in the recent years, mainly focusing on the feasibility of constructing FE for general functionalities, as well as some realizations for restricted functionalities of practical interest, such as inner-product. However, little consideration has been given to the issue of key leakage on FE. The property of FE that allows multiple users to obtain the same functional keys from the holder of the master secret key raises an important problem: if some users leak their keys or collude to create a pirated decoder, how can we identify at least one of those users, given some information about the compromised keys or the pirated decoder? Moreover, how do we disable the decryption capabilities of those users (i.e. traitors)? Two recent works have offered potential solutions to the above traitor scenario. However, the two solutions satisfy weaker notions of security and traceability, can only tolerate bounded collusions (i.e., there is an a priori bound on the number of keys the pirated decoder obtains), or can only handle a polynomially large universe of possible identities. In this paper, we study trace-and-revoke mechanism on FE and provide the first construction of trace-and-revoke FE that supports arbitrary identities, is both fully collusion resistant and fully anonymous. Our construction relies on a generic transformation from revocable predicate functional encryption with broadcast (RPFE with broadcast, which is an extension of revocable predicate encryption with broadcast proposed by Kim and J. Wu at ASIACRYPT\u272020) to trace-and-revoke FE. Since this construction admits a generic construction of trace-and-revoke inner-product FE (IPFE), we instantiate the trace-and-revoke IPFE from the well-studied Learning with Errors (LWE). This is achieved by proposing a new LWE-based attribute-based IPFE (ABIPFE) scheme to instantiate RPFE with broadcast

    Anonymous Traitor Tracing: How to Embed Arbitrary Information in a Key

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    In a traitor tracing scheme, each user is given a different decryption key. A content distributor can encrypt digital content using a public encryption key and each user in the system can decrypt it using her decryption key. Even if a coalition of users combines their decryption keys and constructs some ``pirate decoder\u27\u27 that is capable of decrypting the content, there is a public tracing algorithm that is guaranteed to recover the identity of at least one of the users in the coalition given black-box access to such decoder. In prior solutions, the users are indexed by numbers 1,,N1,\ldots,N and the tracing algorithm recovers the index ii of a user in a coalition. Such solutions implicitly require the content distributor to keep a record that associates each index ii with the actual identifying information for the corresponding user (e.g., name, address, etc.) in order to ensure accountability. In this work, we construct traitor tracing schemes where all of the identifying information about the user can be embedded directly into the user\u27s key and recovered by the tracing algorithm. In particular, the content distributor does not need to separately store any records about the users of the system, and honest users can even remain anonymous to the content distributor. The main technical difficulty comes in designing tracing algorithms that can handle an exponentially large universe of possible identities, rather than just a polynomial set of indices i[N]i \in [N]. We solve this by abstracting out an interesting algorithmic problem that has surprising connections with seemingly unrelated areas in cryptography. We also extend our solution to a full ``broadcast-trace-and-revoke\u27\u27 scheme in which the traced users can subsequently be revoked from the system. Depending on parameters, some of our schemes can be based only on the existence of public-key encryption while others rely on indistinguishability obfuscation

    Collusion Resistant Trace-and-Revoke for Arbitrary Identities from Standard Assumptions

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    A traitor tracing scheme is a multi-user public-key encryption scheme where each user in the system holds a decryption key that is associated with the user\u27s identity. Using the public key, a content distributor can encrypt a message to all of the users in the system. At the same time, if a malicious group of users combine their respective decryption keys to build a pirate decoder, there is an efficient tracing algorithm that the content distributor can use to identify at least one of the keys used to construct the decoder. A trace-and-revoke scheme is an extension of a standard traitor tracing scheme where there is an additional key-revocation mechanism that the content distributor can use to disable the decryption capabilities of compromised keys. Namely, during encryption, the content distributor can encrypt a message with respect to a list of revoked users such that only non-revoked users can decrypt the resulting ciphertext. Trace-and-revoke schemes are challenging to construct. Existing constructions from standard assumptions can only tolerate bounded collusions (i.e., there is an a priori bound on the number of keys an adversary obtains), have system parameters that scale exponentially in the bit-length of the identities, or satisfy weaker notions of traceability that are vulnerable to certain types of pirate evolution attacks. In this work, we provide the first construction of a trace-and-revoke scheme that is fully collusion resistant and capable of supporting arbitrary identities (i.e., the identities can be drawn from an exponential-size space). Our scheme supports public encryption and secret tracing, and can be based on the sub-exponential hardness of the LWE problem (with a super-polynomial modulus-to-noise ratio). The ciphertext size in our construction scales logarithmically in the size of the identity space and linearly in the size of the revocation list. Our scheme leverages techniques from both combinatorial and algebraic constructions for traitor tracing

    Public-Key Revocation and Tracing Schemes with Subset Difference Methods Revisited

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    Trace and revoke is broadcast encryption with the traitor tracing functionality. It is a very powerful primitive since it can revoke users whose private keys are compromised by finding them using a tracing algorithm if a pirate decoder is given. Public-key trace and revoke (PKTR) is a special type of trace and revoke such that anyone can run the tracing algorithm and anyone can create an encrypted message by using a public key. Although public-key trace and revoke schemes are attractive tools, the currently known PKTR schemes are a little bit inefficient in terms of the private key size and the public key size compared with public-key broadcast encryption schemes. In this paper, we propose a new technique to construct an efficient PKTR scheme by using the subset cover framework. First, we introduce a new concept of public-key encryption named single revocation encryption (SRE) and propose an efficient SRE scheme in the random oracle model. The universe of SRE consists of many groups and each group consists of many members. A user in SRE is represented as a group that he belongs and a member in the group. In SRE, a sender can create a ciphertext for a specified group where one member in the group is revoked, and a receiver can decrypt the ciphertext if he belongs to the group in the ciphertext and he is not revoked in the group. Second, we show that the subset difference (SD) scheme (or the layered subset difference (LSD) scheme) and a SRE scheme can be combined to construct a PKTR scheme. Our PKTR scheme using the LSD scheme and our SRE scheme has the ciphertext size of O(r)O(r), the private key size of O(log1.5N)O(\log^{1.5} N), and the public key size of O(1)O(1) where NN is the total number of users in the system and rr is the size of a revoked set. Our PKTR scheme is the first one that achieves the private key size of O(log1.5N)O(\log^{1.5} N) and the public key size of O(1)O(1)

    On Cryptographic Building Blocks and Transformations

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    Cryptographic building blocks play a central role in cryptography, e.g., encryption or digital signatures with their security notions. Further, cryptographic building blocks might be constructed modularly, i.e., emerge out of other cryptographic building blocks. Essentially, one cryptographically transforms the underlying block(s) and their (security) properties into the emerged block and its properties. This thesis considers cryptographic building blocks and new cryptographic transformations

    A Performance Evaluation of Pairing-Based Broadcast Encryption Systems

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    In a broadcast encryption system, a sender can encrypt a message for any subset of users who are listening on a broadcast channel. The goal of broadcast encryption is to leverage the broadcasting structure to achieve better efficiency than individually encrypting to each user; in particular, reducing the bandwidth (i.e., ciphertext size) required to transmit securely, although other factors such as public and private key size and the time to execute setup, encryption and decryption are also important. In this work, we conduct a detailed performance evaluation of eleven public-key, pairing-based broadcast encryption schemes offering different features and security guarantees, including public-key, identity-based, traitor-tracing, private linear and augmented systems. We implemented each system using the MCL Java pairings library, reworking some of the constructions to achieve better efficiency. We tested their performance on a variety of parameter choices, resulting in hundreds of data points to compare, with some interesting results from the classic Boneh-Gentry-Waters scheme (CRYPTO 2005) to Zhandry\u27s recent generalized scheme (CRYPTO 2020), and more. We combine this performance data and knowledge of the systems\u27 features with data we collected on practical usage scenarios to determine which schemes are likely to perform best for certain applications, such as video streaming services, online gaming, live sports betting and smartphone streaming. This work can inform both practitioners and future cryptographic designs in this area

    Optimization techniques and new methods for boradcast encryption and traitor tracing schemes

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical refences.In the last few decades, the use of digital content increased dramatically. Many forms of digital products in the form of CDs, DVDs, TV broadcasts, data over the Internet, entered our life. Classical cryptography, where encryption is done for only one recipient, was not able to handle this change, since its direct use leads to intolerably expensive transmissions. Moreover, new concerns regarding the commercial aspect arised. Since digital commercial contents are sold to various customers, unauthorized copying by malicious actors became a major concern and it needed to be prevented carefully. Therefore, a new research area called digital rights management (DRM) has emerged. Within the scope of DRM, new cryptographic primitives are proposed. In this thesis, we consider three of these: broadcast encryption (BE), traitor tracing (TT), and trace and revoke (T&R) schemes and propose methods to improve the performances and capabilities of these primitives. Particularly, we first consider profiling the recipient set in order to improve transmission size in the most popular BE schemes. We then investigate and solve the optimal free rider assignment problem for one of the most efficient BE schemes so far. Next, we attempt to close the non-trivial gap between BE and T&R schemes by proposing a generic method for adding traitor tracing capability to BE schemes and thus obtaining a T&R scheme. Finally, we investigate an overlooked problem: privacy of the recipient set in T&R schemes. Right now, most schemes do not keep the recipient set anonymous, and everybody can see who received a particular content. As a generic solution to this problem, we propose a method for obtaining anonymous T&R scheme by using anonymous BE schemes as a primitive.Ak, MuratPh.D

    Efficient Fully Secure Leakage-Deterring Encryption

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    Encryption is an indispensable tool for securing digital infra- structures as it reduces the problem of protecting the data to just protecting decryption keys. Unfortunately, this also makes it easier for users to share protected data by simply sharing decryption keys. Kiayias and Tang (ACM CCS 2013) were the first to address this important issue pre-emptively rather than a posteriori like traitor tracing schemes do. They proposed leakage-deterring encryption schemes that work as follows. For each user, a piece of secret information valuable to her is embedded into her public key. As long as she does not share her ability to decrypt with someone else, her secret is safe. As soon as she does, her secret is revealed to her beneficiaries. However, their solution suffers from serious drawbacks: (1) their model requires a fully-trusted registration authority that is privy to user secrets; (2) it only captures a CPA-type of privacy for user secrets, which is a very weak guarantee; (3) in their construction which turns any public-key encryption scheme into a leakage-deterring one, the new public keys consist of linearly (in the bit-size of the secrets) many public keys of the original scheme, and the ciphertexts are large. In this paper, we redefine leakage-deterring schemes. We remove the trust in the authority and guarantee full protection of user secrets under CCA attacks. Furthermore, in our construction, all keys and ciphertexts are short and constant in the size of the secrets. We achieve this by taking a different approach: we require users to periodically refresh their secret keys by running a protocol with a third party. Users do so anonymously, which ensures that they cannot be linked, and that the third party cannot perform selective failure attacks. We then leverage this refresh protocol to allow for the retrieval of user secrets in case they share their decryption capabilities. This refresh protocol also allows for the revocation of user keys and for the protection of user secrets in case of loss or theft of a decryption device. We provide security definitions for our new model as well as efficient instantiations that we prove secure

    Research Philosophy of Modern Cryptography

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    Proposing novel cryptography schemes (e.g., encryption, signatures, and protocols) is one of the main research goals in modern cryptography. In this paper, based on more than 800 research papers since 1976 that we have surveyed, we introduce the research philosophy of cryptography behind these papers. We use ``benefits and ``novelty as the keywords to introduce the research philosophy of proposing new schemes, assuming that there is already one scheme proposed for a cryptography notion. Next, we introduce how benefits were explored in the literature and we have categorized the methodology into 3 ways for benefits, 6 types of benefits, and 17 benefit areas. As examples, we introduce 40 research strategies within these benefit areas that were invented in the literature. The introduced research strategies have covered most cryptography schemes published in top-tier cryptography conferences