5 research outputs found

    Multiview 3D markerless human pose estimation from OpenPose skeletons

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    Despite the fact that marker-based systems for human motion estimation provide very accurate tracking of the human body joints (at mm precision), these systems are often intrusive or even impossible to use depending on the circumstances, e.g.~markers cannot be put on an athlete during competition. Instrumenting an athlete with the appropriate number of markers requires a lot of time and these markers may fall off during the analysis, which leads to incomplete data and requires new data capturing sessions and hence a waste of time and effort. Therefore, we present a novel multiview video-based markerless system that uses 2D joint detections per view (from OpenPose) to estimate their corresponding 3D positions while tackling the people association problem in the process to allow the tracking of multiple persons at the same time. Our proposed system can perform the tracking in real-time at 20-25 fps. Our results show a standard deviation between 9.6 and 23.7 mm for the lower body joints based on the raw measurements only. After filtering the data, the standard deviation drops to a range between 6.6 and 21.3 mm. Our proposed solution can be applied to a large number of applications, ranging from sports analysis to virtual classrooms where submillimeter precision is not necessarily required, but where the use of markers is impractical

    Fully Automatic Multi-Object Articulated Motion Tracking

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    Fully automatic tracking of articulated motion in real-time with a monocular RGB camera is a challenging problem which is essential for many virtual reality (VR) and human-computer interaction applications. In this paper, we present an algorithm for multiple articulated objects tracking based on monocular RGB image sequence. Our algorithm can be directly employed in practical applications as it is fully automatic, real-time, and temporally stable. It consists of the following stages: dynamic objects counting, objects specific 3D skeletons generation, initial 3D poses estimation, and 3D skeleton fitting which fits each 3D skeleton to the corresponding 2D body-parts locations. In the skeleton fitting stage, the 3D pose of every object is estimated by maximizing an objective function that combines a skeleton fitting term with motion and pose priors. To illustrate the importance of our algorithm for practical applications, we present competitive results for real-time tracking of multiple humans. Our algorithm detects objects that enter or leave the scene, and dynamically generates or deletes their 3D skeletons. This makes our monocular RGB method optimal for real-time applications. We show that our algorithm is applicable for tracking multiple objects in outdoor scenes, community videos, and low-quality videos captured with mobile-phone cameras. Keywords: Multi-object motion tracking, Articulated motion capture, Deep learning, Anthropometric data, 3D pose estimation. DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/12-1-01 Publication date: March 31st 202

    The Industrial Track of EuroVR 2018:Proceedings of the 15th Annual EuroVR Conference

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    The Industrial Track of EuroVR 2018:Proceedings of the 15th Annual EuroVR Conference

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