37 research outputs found

    Trajectory tracking of quaternion based quadrotor using model predictive control

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the trajectory tracking with a quaternion based quadrotor operation using model predictive con-trol (MPC). Since the efficacy of MPC on a system under noise and disturbance has been distinguished, it is a fair and successful attempt to apply MPC on the quaternion based quadrotor, which is a quite well-known system with uncertainties during operation. Quaternion approaches singularity-free orientation that is advantageous to design any trajectory for quadrotor wherein roll or pitch angle reaches at 90o. As a quaternion, with its four-tuple characteristics that incorporate vector elements, is different from Euler-angle orientation, a new cost function has been developed for the respective MPC controller. In order to achieve singularity-free ori-entations and abate the model infidelity of the system, the quaternion and MPC algorithm have been incorporated for quadrotor flight. Simulation based results elucidate the success of trajectory tracking of quaternion based dynamics of quadrotor using MPC approach

    A Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach on unit quaternion orientation based quadrotor for trajectory tracking

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    The objective of this paper is to introduce with a quaternion orientation based quadrotor that can be controlled by Model Predictive Control (MPC). As MPC offers promising performance in different industrial applications, quadrotor can be another suitable platform for the application of MPC. The present study consistently adopts unit quaternion approach for quadrotor orientation in order to avoid any axes overlapping problem, widely known as singularity problem whereas Euler angle orientation approach is unable to resolve so. MPC works based on the minimal cost function that includes the attitude error and consequently, the cost function requires quaternion error in order to proceed with process of MPC. Therefore, the main contribution of this study is to introduce a newly developed cost function for MPC because by definition, quaternion error is remarkably different from the attitude error of Euler angle. As a result, a unit quaternion based quadrotor with MPC can ascertain a smooth singularityfree flight that is influenced by model uncertainty. MATLAB and Simulink environment has been used to validate the cost function for quaternion by simulating several trajectories

    Attitude Control of Quadrotor Using PD Plus Feedforward controller on SO(3)

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    This paper proposes a simple scheme of Proportional-Derivative (PD) plus Feedforward controller on SO(3) to control the attitude of a quadrotor. This controller only needs the measurement of angular velocity to calculate the exponential coordinates of the rotation matrix. With rotation matrix as an error variable of the controller, the simulation shows that the controller is able to drive the attitude of the quadrotor from hovering condition to desired attitude and from an attitude condition goes to the hovering condition, despite the system is disturbed. When the system is convergent, the rotation error matrix will be a 3x3 identity matrix

    Identifikasi Ekstraksi Fitur untuk Gerakan Tangan dalam Bahasa Isyarat (SIBI) Menggunakan Sensor MYO Armband

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    Indonesian: Indonesian SIBI has been widely reviewed by researchers using different types of cameras and sensors. The ultimate goal is to produce a strong, fast and accurate movement recognition process. One that supports talk of movement using sensors on the MYO Armband tool. This paper explains how to use raw data generated from the MYO Armband sensor and extract integration so that it can be used to facilitate complete hand, arm and combination movements in the SIBI sign language dictionary. MYO armband uses five sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, orientation, euler-orientation and EMG. Each sensor produces data that is different in scale and size. This requires a process to make the data uniform. This study uses the min-max method to normalize any data on the MYO Armband sensor and the Moment Invariant method to extract the vector features of hand movements. Testing is done using sign language Movement statistics both dynamic signals. Testing is done using cross validation