1,515,830 research outputs found

    Colhecon Club Records

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    The Colhecon Club was the home economics club of Ouachita Baptist College / University during the 1950s through the 1970s. This collection contains club yearbooks, scrapbooks, financial records, the constitution, meeting notes, and various programs. Also included are items related to the American Home Economics Association and its various events and publications

    Oil cooling system for a gas turbine engine

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    A gas turbine engine fuel delivery and control system is provided with means to recirculate all fuel in excess fuel control requirements back to the aircraft fuel tank. This increases the fuel pump heat sink and decreases the pump temperature rise without the addition of valving other than normally employed. A fuel/oil heat exchanger and associated circuitry is provided to maintain the hot engine oil in heat exchange relationship with the cool engine fuel. Where anti-icing of the fuel filter is required, means are provided to maintain the fuel temperature entering the filter at or above a minimum level to prevent freezing thereof. In one embodiment, a divider valve is provided to take all excess fuel from either upstream or downstream of the fuel filter and route it back to the tanks, the ratio of upstream to downstream extraction being a function of fuel pump discharge pressure

    Fuel leak detection on large transport airplanes

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    Fuel leakage has the risk of being ignited by external ignition sources, and therefore it is important to detect any fuel leakage before the departure of the aircraft. Currently, there are no fuel leak detection systems installed on commercial aircrafts, to detect fuel tank leakage, while only a small number of more recent aircraft, have a fuel monitoring system, that generates a fuel leak-warning message in cockpit in the case of fuel imbalance between the tanks. The approach proposed in this paper requires the fuel vent ports on the wings to be replaced with fuel vent valves, which can be controlled to be in open or close position. The fuel vent valve will be in close position, when certain conditions are fulfilled (all the related fuel valves closed, pumps not operating, etc.), the fuel tank ullage area is then pressurized to 4 psi and the rate of change of the pressure is measured over a period. Several experiments have been conducted and, the result show that a continuous fuel leak of one liter per minute can be detected. Further experiments show that if the fuel tank is pressurized to higher pressures, a fuel leak can be detected sooner

    Enhancing fuel burning efficiency by regulate spark plug voltage supply

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    Nowadays, fuel consumption, fuel efficiency and fuel economy is number one priority for people. The need to reduce fuel consumption is because oil reserves are running low and the cost of gasoline will only increase day by day. The benefits of increased fuel economy is significant energy, cost saving, reducing greenhouse emission, improved air quality and etc. To increase the fuel efficiency, many fuel efficient vehicles was created. Fuel-efficient vehicles are extremely important because we need to cut our fuel consumption and find other way of powering cars. Thus, this research introduced the system that can reduce fuel consumption and improve car performance when the car battery voltage is increase. This system use ac power supply replacing the car battery to get the dc power supply. Also, the system enables to increase voltage from 12 volt to 16 volt supplied to spark plug to enhance fuel burning efficiency. Aims of project are to improve car performance and reduce fuel consumption. To meet the desired aim of this research, the experiment to measure car performance using power performance that are produce from current voltage and the experiment similarly concept with combustion process was done. From that experiment, the system had improved car performance and lessing fuel consumption to 33% when the voltage increases to 16V

    Fuel system technology overview

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    Fuel system research and technology studies are being conducted to investigate the correlations and interactions of aircraft fuel system design and environment with applicable characteristics of the fuel. Topics include: (1) analysis of in-flight fuel temperatures; (2) fuel systems for high freezing point fuels; (3) experimental study of low temperature pumpability; (4) full scale fuel tank simulation; and (5) rapid freezing point measurement

    Components of Alaska Fuel Costs: An Analysis of the Market Factors and Characteristics that Influence Rural Fuel Prices

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    Many Alaskans face extremely high, volatile fuel prices. Little is publicly known about the actual structure of Alaska’s rural fuel markets and what drives prices at the community level. The Alaska State Senate Finance Committee asked economists at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) to investigate rural Alaska fuel markets and identify policy options that could be considered for legislative action to reduce fuel prices. This study is both an update and an evolution of previous ISER Components of Fuel Costs studies.1 It does not include road-accessible communities.Alaska State Legislature Senate Finance CommitteeAcknowledgements / Executive Summary / Introduction / Western Alaska Fuel Market / Ice Free Coastal Alaska Fuel Market / Community Fuel Survey Results / Policy Options / References / Glossary of Terms / Appendix A. Results of Community Fuel Price Survey January 201

    Micronized coal burner facility

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    A combustor or burner system in which the ash resulting from burning a coal in oil mixture is of submicron particle size is described. The burner system comprises a burner section, a flame exit nozzle, a fuel nozzle section, and an air tube by which preheated air is directed into the burner section. Regulated air pressure is delivered to a fuel nozzle. Means are provided for directing a mixture of coal particles and oil from a drum to a nozzle at a desired rate and pressure while means returns excess fuel to the fuel drum. Means provide for stable fuel pressure supply from the fuel pump to the fuel nozzle
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