305,771 research outputs found

    Electrical appliances control system by using iOS

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    Today, Internet of Things technology is preferred compared to manual systems. With the rapid increases in the number of users of Internet over the past decade, this situation has made Internet a part and way of life. Internet of Things, IoT is the latest and emerging internet technology. Internet of Things is known as a growing network of everyday activities from industrial machine to consumer's goods that can share information and complete tasks while everyone is busy with other activities. Electrical appliances control by using IoT technology is a system that uses computers or mobile devices to control basic home functions and automatic features. It is meant to save the electric power and human energy to control electrical appliances operations. Electrical appliances control system by using IoT systems differs from other systems by allowing users to operate the systems from anywhere around the world through internet connection. In this paper, the project uses Blynk application that employs the integration of cloud networking and wireless communication by providing the user with remote control of various electrical appliances such as lights, fans, and air conditioner in the house

    Technological Prospecting: A Mapping of the Patent Applications Related of Internet of Things

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    A new line of computers that interconnects through the Internet, also known as the Internet of Things, is a great challenge to be understood as a mechanism to generate new opportunities in the technology industry and society. This study aimed to analyze, by means of a technological prospection, the patent deposits on the Internet of Things in the world. Patent application searches were carried out at the bases of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), called Patentscope and the European Patent Office (Espacenet). The study showed the prominence of China and the United States in the technological production of the area. Brazil is still not among the main countries originating from IoT technologies, however in 2019 it established Decree No. 9,854, which establishes the National Plan for the Internet of Things

    Controlling of Home Appliances Using Internet of Things

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    In this new millennium of modern technology, everything is getting automated. Manual work is replaced by machines which reduced the burden on human beings. Nowadays humans have made internet an integral part of their everyday life without which they are helpless. Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of networks in which each object is identified by a unique identity that allows devices to connect, sensed and controlled remotely across a network infrastructure. In this paper we focus on controlling of home appliances by using internet of things. The devices connected to the cloud server are controlled by admin by giving commands. The controlling can be done by using Arduino. This whole system using Internet of Things (IoT) will be used to control home appliances from anywhere in the world by using internet connection. The system designed is economical and can be expanded as it allows connection and controlling of a number of different devices. Internet of Things (IoT) is an emergingtechnology that is making our world a global village. An IoT based Home automation is also one of such examples. In IoT based home automation various things such as lighting, home appliances, computers etc., all are connected to the Internet and allowing user to monitor and control things regardless of time and location constraint. This paper uses ThingSpeak IoT Platform for controlling home appliances through internet. The proposed system presented in this paper is used for controlling of home appliances through Internet of Things(IoT)

    Big Data, Digitization, and Social Change (Ubiquity Symposium)

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    The term “big data” is something of a misnomer. Every generation of computers since the 1950s has been confronted with problems where data was way too large for the memory and processing power available. This seemed like an inconvenience of the technology that would someday be resolved when the next generation of computers came along. So what is different about big data today? The revolution is happening at the convergence of two trends: the expansion of the internet into billions of computing devices, and the digitization of almost everything. The internet gives us access to vast amounts of data. Digitization creates digital representations for many things once thought to be beyond the reach of computing technology. The result is an explosion of innovation of network-based big data applications and the automation of cognitive tasks. This revolution is introducing what Brynjolfsson and McAfee call the “Second Machine Age.” This symposium will examine this revolution from a number of angles

    MOSDEN: An Internet of Things Middleware for Resource Constrained Mobile Devices

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is part of Future Internet and will comprise many billions of Internet Connected Objects (ICO) or `things' where things can sense, communicate, compute and potentially actuate as well as have intelligence, multi-modal interfaces, physical/ virtual identities and attributes. Collecting data from these objects is an important task as it allows software systems to understand the environment better. Many different hardware devices may involve in the process of collecting and uploading sensor data to the cloud where complex processing can occur. Further, we cannot expect all these objects to be connected to the computers due to technical and economical reasons. Therefore, we should be able to utilize resource constrained devices to collect data from these ICOs. On the other hand, it is critical to process the collected sensor data before sending them to the cloud to make sure the sustainability of the infrastructure due to energy constraints. This requires to move the sensor data processing tasks towards the resource constrained computational devices (e.g. mobile phones). In this paper, we propose Mobile Sensor Data Processing Engine (MOSDEN), an plug-in-based IoT middleware for mobile devices, that allows to collect and process sensor data without programming efforts. Our architecture also supports sensing as a service model. We present the results of the evaluations that demonstrate its suitability towards real world deployments. Our proposed middleware is built on Android platform

    Online-Based Information System For Short Semester At Information System Study Program With PHP My SQL

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    Improvement of grades is a lecture process carried out in a short time outside the regular schedule which is intended to provide opportunities for students to improve their poor grades. In this era of globalization, it is very important that the need for accurate, precise and fast information in presenting very complete data is one of the important goals. For this reason, computers play an active role in all fields, especially in the Information System study program and computers make information will make things easier. The internet is a series or network of interconnected computers which comes from the word interconnected networking. Internet is a global network that connects a network with other networks around the world

    Service Composition for IP Smart Object using Realtime Web Protocols: Concept and Research Challenges

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a world-wide network of interconnected physical things using standardized communication protocols. Recent development of Internet Protocol (IP) stacks for resource-constrained devices unveils a possibility for the future IoT based on the stable and scalable IP technology much like today's Internet of computers. One important question remains: how can data and events (denoted as services) introduced by a variety of IP networked things be exchanged and aggregated e ciently in various application domains. Because the true value of IoT lies in the interaction of several services from physical things, answers to this question are essential to support a rapid creation of new IoT smart and ubiquitous applications. The problem is known as service composition. This article explains the practicability of the future full-IP IoT with realtime Web protocols to formally state the problem of service composition for IP smart objects, provides literature review, and discusses its research challenges

    IoT Based Automated Car

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    Now a day internet of things has been great attention, because it is allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely and standardization are being actively conducted. Network of physical things which communicate with each other and passes the data with each other. A whole array of physical ?things? ? from people and places through cars and computers to domestic appliances and production machinery ? is being equipped with embedded electronics systems, software and sensors. As we can see that now a day?s car automation creates lot of attention in IoT. There are many challenge generated during implantation of system. In this paper we are controlling the different car function like over the internet. User can control his car anywhere in world, just basic 2G internet connectivity required. After completing this system car user can get flexibility because use can access his car over worldwide

    A Survey on Home Automation System Using IOT

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    Today?s world is agile and modern world. Everything is in this world enhancing digitization using internet. Internet is only one source through which man can discover smart world. Using Automation effort of doing task has reduced abruptly. With the expeditious expanding the figure of internet user the past decade has made the internet as factor of his life and IoT is the current and latest internet technology. Internet of things is a developing network of everyday activity from industrial machine to consumer goods that can contribute the information and complete tasks while you are busy with other activities. Wireless Home Automation system using IoT is a system that adopts the computers system or mobile devices to control essential home purpose and features undoubtedly through internet from anywhere around the world, an automated home is frequently called a smart home. It implies to save the electricity and human energy. Wireless Home Automation System using IoT is the system that controls the home appliances like speed of fan, light and temperature using the mobile phone anywhere around the globe through internet