314 research outputs found

    Effects of Ground Manifold Modeling on the Accuracy of Stixel Calculations

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    This paper highlights the role of ground manifold modeling for stixel calculations; stixels are medium-level data representations used for the development of computer vision modules for self-driving cars. By using single-disparity maps and simplifying ground manifold models, calculated stixels may suffer from noise, inconsistency, and false-detection rates for obstacles, especially in challenging datasets. Stixel calculations can be improved with respect to accuracy and robustness by using more adaptive ground manifold approximations. A comparative study of stixel results, obtained for different ground-manifold models (e.g., plane-fitting, line-fitting in v-disparities or polynomial approximation, and graph cut), defines the main part of this paper. This paper also considers the use of trinocular stereo vision and shows that this provides options to enhance stixel results, compared with the binocular recording. Comprehensive experiments are performed on two publicly available challenging datasets. We also use a novel way for comparing calculated stixels with ground truth. We compare depth information, as given by extracted stixels, with ground-truth depth, provided by depth measurements using a highly accurate LiDAR range sensor (as available in one of the public datasets). We evaluate the accuracy of four different ground-manifold methods. The experimental results also include quantitative evaluations of the tradeoff between accuracy and run time. As a result, the proposed trinocular recording together with graph-cut estimation of ground manifolds appears to be a recommended way, also considering challenging weather and lighting conditions

    An integrated approach for traffic scene understanding from monocular cameras

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    This thesis investigates methods for traffic scene perception with monocular cameras as a foundation for a basic environment model in the context of automated vehicles. The developed approach is designed with special attention to the practical application in two experimental systems, which results in considerable computational limitations. For this purpose, three different scene representations are investigated. These consist of the prevalent road topology as the global scene context and the drivable road area, which are both associated with the static environment. In addition, the detection and spatial reconstruction of other road users is considered to account for the dynamic aspects of the environment. In order to cope with the computational constraints, an approach is developed that allows for the simultaneous perception of all environment representations based on multi-task convolutional neural networks. For this purpose methods for the respective tasks are first developed independently and adapted to the special conditions of traffic scenes. Here, the recognition of the road topology is realized as general image recognition. Furthermore, the perception of the drivable road area is implemented as image segmentation. To this end, a general image segmentation approach is adapted to improve the incorporation of the a-priori class distribution present in traffic scenes. This is achieved through the inclusion of element-wise weight factors through the Hadamard product, which resulted in increased segmentation performance in the conducted experiments. Also, a task decoder for the perception of vehicles is designed based on a compact 2D bounding box detection method, which is extended by auxiliary regressands. These are used for an appearance-based estimation of the orientation and dimension ratio of detected vehicles. Together with a subsequent method for the reconstruction of spatial object parameters based on constraints derived from the backprojection into the image plane, a scene description with all measurements for a basic environment model and subsequent automated driving functions can be generated. From the examination of alternative multi-task approaches and considering the computational restrictions of the experimental systems, an integrated convolutional neural network architecture is implemented, which combines all perceptual tasks in a single end-to-end trainable model. In addition to the definition of the architecture, a strategy is developed in which alternated training of the perception tasks, changing with each iteration, enables simultaneous learning from several single-task datasets in one optimization process. On this basis, a final experimental evaluation is performed in which a systematic analysis of different task combinations is conducted. The obtained results clearly show the importance of a combined approach to the perception tasks for automotive applications. Thus, the experiments demonstrate that the integrated multi-task architecture for all relevant representations of the scene is indispensable for practical models on realistic embedded processing hardware. Regarding this, especially the existence of common, shareable image features for the perception of the individual scene representations, which are clearly evident from the results, is to be mentioned.Die Arbeit untersucht Wahrnehmungsmethoden mit monokularen Kameras für die Erzeugung eines grundlegenden Umfeldmodells im Kontext automatisierter Fahrzeuge. Der entwickelte Ansatz wird dabei mit Fokus auf die praktische Anwendung in zwei Versuchssystemen ausgelegt, woraus strikte Beschränkungen der rechentechnischen Ressourcen resultieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden drei verschiedene Szenenrepräsentationen untersucht. Diese bestehen aus der Straßentopologie als globalem Szenenkontext und dem befahrbaren Straßenbereich,welche beide dem statischen Umfeld zugerechnet werden. Darüber hinaus wird die Detektion und Rekonstruktion von anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern zur Berücksichtigung der dynamischen Umfeldanteile einbezogen. Um die rechentechnischen Einschränkungen zu berücksichtigen, wird ein Ansatz basierend auf Multi-task Convolutional Neural Networks entwickelt, welcher die gleichzeitige Wahrnehmung aller Umfeldrepräsentationen erlaubt. Hierzu werden Ansätze für die Wahrnehmungsaufgaben unabhängig voneinander ausgearbeitet und an die Gegebenheiten von Verkehrsszenen angepasst. Die Erkennung der Straßentopologie wird dabei als allgemeine Bilderkennung realisiert. Darüber hinaus wird die Wahrnehmung des befahrbaren Straßenbereichs als Bildsegmentierung umgesetzt. Hierfür wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz zur Bildsegmentierung angepasst um eine stärkere Berücksichtigung der in Verkehrsszenen vorhandenen a-priori Klassenverteilung zu erzielen. Dies erfolgt durch elementweise Gewichtungsfaktoren mittels des Hadamard Produkts, was im Experiment zu einer gesteigerten Segmentierungsgüte führte. Ebenso wird zur Wahrnehmung anderer Fahrzeuge ein Verfahren zur Detektion von 2D Bounding Boxen um zusätzliche Hilfsregressanden erweitert. Diese dienen zur Erscheinungs-basierten Schätzung der Dimensionen sowie der Orientierung detektierter Objekte. Zusammen mit einer Rekonstruktion der räumlichen Parameter durch aus der Rückprojektion in die Bildebene abgeleitete Zwangsbedingungen kann eine für nachfolgende Fahrfunktionen geeignete Objektbeschreibung erzeugt werden. Weiterhin erfolgt, hergeleitet aus der Betrachtung alternativer Multi-task Ansätze und unter Berücksichtigung der rechentechnischen Beschränkungen, die Integration in ein Convolutional Neural Network welches alle Wahrnehmungsaufgaben kombiniert. Zudem wird eine alternierende Trainingsstrategie vorgestellt, welche durch mit jeder Iteration wechselnde Wahrnehmungsaufgaben das simultane Anlernen von mehreren Single-task Datensätzen ermöglicht. Auf dieser Grundlage erfolgt eine abschließende Evaluation, bei welcher eine systematische Untersuchung verschiedener Aufgabenkombinationen erfolgt. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen klar die Bedeutung einer kombinierten Betrachtung der Wahrnehmungsaufgaben für eine Anwendung in der Fahrzeugtechnik auf. So ergibt sich in Hinsicht auf die betrachteten Versuchssysteme, dass eine integrierte Wahrnehmung aller Szenenrepräsentationen für praxistaugliche Modelle unabdingbar ist. In diesem Zusammenhang ist besonders das aus den Ergebnissen ersichtliche Vorhandensein gemeinsamer, mehrfach nutzbarer Bildmerkmale für die Wahrnehmung der einzelnen Szenenrepräsentationen zu nennen

    Road terrain detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    KĂĽhnl T. Road terrain detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University; 2013

    Holistic Temporal Situation Interpretation for Traffic Participant Prediction

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    For a profound understanding of traffic situations including a prediction of traf- fic participants’ future motion, behaviors and routes it is crucial to incorporate all available environmental observations. The presence of sensor noise and depen- dency uncertainties, the variety of available sensor data, the complexity of large traffic scenes and the large number of different estimation tasks with diverging requirements require a general method that gives a robust foundation for the de- velopment of estimation applications. In this work, a general description language, called Object-Oriented Factor Graph Modeling Language (OOFGML), is proposed, that unifies formulation of esti- mation tasks from the application-oriented problem description via the choice of variable and probability distribution representation through to the inference method definition in implementation. The different language properties are dis- cussed theoretically using abstract examples. The derivation of explicit application examples is shown for the automated driv- ing domain. A domain-specific ontology is defined which forms the basis for four exemplary applications covering the broad spectrum of estimation tasks in this domain: Basic temporal filtering, ego vehicle localization using advanced interpretations of perceived objects, road layout perception utilizing inter-object dependencies and finally highly integrated route, behavior and motion estima- tion to predict traffic participant’s future actions. All applications are evaluated as proof of concept and provide an example of how their class of estimation tasks can be represented using the proposed language. The language serves as a com- mon basis and opens a new field for further research towards holistic solutions for automated driving

    Spatial Road Representation for Driving in Complex Scenes by Interpretation of Traffic Behavior

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    Casapietra E. Spatial Road Representation for Driving in Complex Scenes by Interpretation of Traffic Behavior. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.The detection of road layout and semantics is an important issue in modern Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving systems. In particular, trajectory planning algorithms need a road representation to operate on: this representation has to be spatial, as the system needs to know exactly on which areas it is safe to drive, so that they can safely plan fine maneuvers. Since typical trajectories are computed for timespans in the order of seconds, the spatial detection range needed for the road representation to achieve a stable and smooth trajectory is in the tenths to hundreds of meters. Direct detection, i.e. the usage of sensors that detect road area by direct observation (e.g. cameras or lasers), is often not sufficient to achieve this range, especially in inner-city, due to occlusions caused by various obstacles (e.g. buildings and high traffic) as well as hardware limitations. State-of-the-art systems cope with this problem by employing annotated road maps to complement direct detection. However, maps are expensive to make and not available on every road. Furthermore, ego-localization is a key issue in their usage. This thesis presents a novel approach that creates a spatial road representation derived from both direct and indirect road detection, i.e. the detection and interpretation of other cues for the purpose of inferring the road area layout. Direct detection on monocular images is provided by RTDS, a feature-based detection system that provides road terrain confidence. Indirect detection is based on the interpretation of the other vehicles' behavior. Since our main assumption is that vehicles move on road area, we estimate their past and future movements to infer the road layout where we cannot see it directly. The estimation is carried out using a function that models the probability for each vehicle to traverse each patch of the representation, taking into account position, direction and speed of the vehicle, as well as the possibility of small past and future maneuvers. The behavior of each vehicle is used not only to infer the area where road is, but also to infer where there is not. In fact, observing a vehicle steering away from an area it was predicted to go can be interpreted as evidence that said area is not road. The road confidences provided by RTDS and behavior interpretation are blended together by means of a visibility function that gives different weights to the two sources, according to the position of the patch in the field of view and possible occlusions that would prevent the camera to see the patch, thereby leading to unreliable results from RTDS. The addition of indirect detection improves the spatial range of the representation. It also exploits the scenarios of high traffic that are the most challenging ones for direct detection systems, and allows for the inclusion of additional semantics, such as lanes and driving directions. Geometrical considerations are applied to the road layout, obtaining a distributed measure of road width and orientation. These values are used to segment the road, and each segment is then divided into multiple lanes based on its width and the average width of a lane. Finally, a driving direction is assigned to each lane by observing the behavior of the other vehicles on it. The road representation is evaluated by comparison with a ground truth obtained from manually annotated real world images. As in most cases the entirety of road area cannot be seen in a single image (a problem that human users share with direct detection systems), every road is annotated in multiple different images, and the road portions observed are converted into BEV and fused together using GPS to form a comprehensive view of said road. This ground truth is then compared patch-wise to the representation obtained by our system, showing a clear improvement with respect to the representation obtained by RTDS alone. In order to demonstrate the advantages of our approach in concrete applications, we set up a system that couples our road representation with a basic trajectory planner. The system reads real-world data, recorded by a mobile platform. The representation is computed at each frame of the stream. The trajectory planner receives the current state of the ego-car (position, direction and speed) and the location of a target area (from a navigational map), and finds the path that leads to the target area with minimum cost. We show that indirect road detection complements direct detection in a way that leads to a substantial increase in spatial detection range and quality of the internal road representation, thereby improving the smoothness of trajectories that planners can compute, as well as their robustness over time, since the road layout in the representation does not dramatically change only when a new road is visible. This result can help autonomous driving systems to achieve a more human-like behavior, as their improved road awareness allows them to plan ahead, including areas they do not see yet, just as humans normally do
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