6 research outputs found

    From approximating to interpolatory non-stationary subdivision schemes with the same generation properties

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    In this paper we describe a general, computationally feasible strategy to deduce a family of interpolatory non-stationary subdivision schemes from a symmetric non-stationary, non-interpolatory one satisfying quite mild assumptions. To achieve this result we extend our previous work [C.Conti, L.Gemignani, L.Romani, Linear Algebra Appl. 431 (2009), no. 10, 1971-1987] to full generality by removing additional assumptions on the input symbols. For the so obtained interpolatory schemes we prove that they are capable of reproducing the same exponential polynomial space as the one generated by the original approximating scheme. Moreover, we specialize the computational methods for the case of symbols obtained by shifted non-stationary affine combinations of exponential B-splines, that are at the basis of most non-stationary subdivision schemes. In this case we find that the associated family of interpolatory symbols can be determined to satisfy a suitable set of generalized interpolating conditions at the set of the zeros (with reversed signs) of the input symbol. Finally, we discuss some computational examples by showing that the proposed approach can yield novel smooth non-stationary interpolatory subdivision schemes possessing very interesting reproduction properties

    Beyond B-splines: Exponential pseudo-splines and subdivision schemes reproducing exponential polynomials

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    The main goal of this paper is to present some generalizations of polynomial B-splines, which include exponential B-splines and the larger family of exponential pseudo-splines. We especially focus on their connections to subdivision schemes. In addition, we generalize a well-known result on the approximation order of exponential pseudo-splines, providing conditions to establish the approximation order of nonstationary subdivision schemes reproducing spaces of exponential polynomial function

    Exponential Splines and Pseudo-Splines: Generation versus reproduction of exponential polynomials

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    Subdivision schemes are iterative methods for the design of smooth curves and surfaces. Any linear subdivision scheme can be identified by a sequence of Laurent polynomials, also called subdivision symbols, which describe the linear rules determining successive refinements of coarse initial meshes. One important property of subdivision schemes is their capability of exactly reproducing in the limit specific types of functions from which the data is sampled. Indeed, this property is linked to the approximation order of the scheme and to its regularity. When the capability of reproducing polynomials is required, it is possible to define a family of subdivision schemes that allows to meet various demands for balancing approximation order, regularity and support size. The members of this family are known in the literature with the name of pseudo-splines. In case reproduction of exponential polynomials instead of polynomials is requested, the resulting family turns out to be the non-stationary counterpart of the one of pseudo-splines, that we here call the family of exponential pseudo-splines. The goal of this work is to derive the explicit expressions of the subdivision symbols of exponential pseudo-splines and to study their symmetry properties as well as their convergence and regularity.Comment: 25 page