59 research outputs found

    From Text to Knowledge

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    The global information space provided by the World Wide Web has changed dramatically the way knowledge is shared all over the world. To make this unbelievable huge information space accessible, search engines index the uploaded contents and provide efficient algorithmic machinery for ranking the importance of documents with respect to an input query. All major search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing are keyword-based, which is indisputable a very powerful tool for accessing information needs centered around documents. However, this unstructured, document-oriented paradigm of the World Wide Web has serious drawbacks, when searching for specific knowledge about real-world entities. When asking for advanced facts about entities, today's search engines are not very good in providing accurate answers. Hand-built knowledge bases such as Wikipedia or its structured counterpart DBpedia are excellent sources that provide common facts. However, these knowledge bases are far from being complete and most of the knowledge lies still buried in unstructured documents. Statistical machine learning methods have the great potential to help to bridge the gap between text and knowledge by (semi-)automatically transforming the unstructured representation of the today's World Wide Web to a more structured representation. This thesis is devoted to reduce this gap with Probabilistic Graphical Models. Probabilistic Graphical Models play a crucial role in modern pattern recognition as they merge two important fields of applied mathematics: Graph Theory and Probability Theory. The first part of the thesis will present a novel system called Text2SemRel that is able to (semi-)automatically construct knowledge bases from textual document collections. The resulting knowledge base consists of facts centered around entities and their relations. Essential part of the system is a novel algorithm for extracting relations between entity mentions that is based on Conditional Random Fields, which are Undirected Probabilistic Graphical Models. In the second part of the thesis, we will use the power of Directed Probabilistic Graphical Models to solve important knowledge discovery tasks in semantically annotated large document collections. In particular, we present extensions of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation framework that are able to learn in an unsupervised way the statistical semantic dependencies between unstructured representations such as documents and their semantic annotations. Semantic annotations of documents might refer to concepts originating from a thesaurus or ontology but also to user-generated informal tags in social tagging systems. These forms of annotations represent a first step towards the conversion to a more structured form of the World Wide Web. In the last part of the thesis, we prove the large-scale applicability of the proposed fact extraction system Text2SemRel. In particular, we extract semantic relations between genes and diseases from a large biomedical textual repository. The resulting knowledge base contains far more potential disease genes exceeding the number of disease genes that are currently stored in curated databases. Thus, the proposed system is able to unlock knowledge currently buried in the literature. The literature-derived human gene-disease network is subject of further analysis with respect to existing curated state of the art databases. We analyze the derived knowledge base quantitatively by comparing it with several curated databases with regard to size of the databases and properties of known disease genes among other things. Our experimental analysis shows that the facts extracted from the literature are of high quality

    From Text to Knowledge with Graphs: modelling, querying and exploiting textual content

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    This paper highlights the challenges, current trends, and open issues related to the representation, querying and analytics of content extracted from texts. The internet contains vast text-based information on various subjects, including commercial documents, medical records, scientific experiments, engineering tests, and events that impact urban and natural environments. Extracting knowledge from this text involves understanding the nuances of natural language and accurately representing the content without losing information. This allows knowledge to be accessed, inferred, or discovered. To achieve this, combining results from various fields, such as linguistics, natural language processing, knowledge representation, data storage, querying, and analytics, is necessary. The vision in this paper is that graphs can be a well-suited text content representation once annotated and the right querying and analytics techniques are applied. This paper discusses this hypothesis from the perspective of linguistics, natural language processing, graph models and databases and artificial intelligence provided by the panellists of the DOING session in the MADICS Symposium 2022

    Capturing flight system test engineering expertise: Lessons learned

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    Within a few years, JPL will be challenged by the most active mission set in history. Concurrently, flight systems are increasingly more complex. Presently, the knowledge to conduct integration and test of spacecraft and large instruments is held by a few key people, each with many years of experience. JPL is in danger of losing a significant amount of this critical expertise, through retirement, during a period when demand for this expertise is rapidly increasing. The most critical issue at hand is to collect and retain this expertise and develop tools that would ensure the ability to successfully perform the integration and test of future spacecraft and large instruments. The proposed solution was to capture and codity a subset of existing knowledge, and to utilize this captured expertise in knowledge-based systems. First year results and activities planned for the second year of this on-going effort are described. Topics discussed include lessons learned in knowledge acquisition and elicitation techniques, life-cycle paradigms, and rapid prototyping of a knowledge-based advisor (Spacecraft Test Assistant) and a hypermedia browser (Test Engineering Browser). The prototype Spacecraft Test Assistant supports a subset of integration and test activities for flight systems. Browser is a hypermedia tool that allows users easy perusal of spacecraft test topics. A knowledge acquisition tool called ConceptFinder which was developed to search through large volumes of data for related concepts is also described and is modified to semi-automate the process of creating hypertext links

    Ontology Lexicalisation: The lemon Perspective

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    Ontologies (Guarino1998) capture knowledge but fail to capture the structure and use of terms in expressing and referring to this knowledge in natural language. The structure and use of terms is the concern of terminology as well as lexicology. In recent years, the relevance of terminology in knowledge representation has been recognized again (for example the advent of SKOS1) but less consideration has been given to lexical and linguistic issues in knowledge representation (Buitelaar2010)

    Ontology Lexicalization: The lemon perspective

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    Buitelaar P, Cimiano P, McCrae J, Montiel-Ponsoda E, Declerck T. Ontology Lexicalization: The lemon perspective. In: Proceedings of the Workshops - 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence (TIA 2011). 2011: 33-36

    Impact of standards in European open data catalogues: a multilingual perspective of DCAT

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    Within the European Union, member states are setting up official data catalogues as entry points to access PSI (Public Sector Information). In this context, it is important to describe the metadata of these data portals, i.e., of data catalogs, and allow for interoperability among them. To tackle these issues, the Government Linked Data Working Group developed DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary), an RDF vocabulary for describing the metadata of data catalogs. This topic report analyzes the current use of the DCAT vocabulary in several European data catalogs and proposes some recommendations to deal with an inconsistent use of the metadata across countries. The enrichment of such metadata vocabularies with multilingual descriptions, as well as an account for cultural divergences, is seen as a necessary step to guarantee interoperability and ensure wider adoption

    Ontologies et Recherche d'Information : une application au diagnostic automobile

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    International audienceCet article décrit les principes fondateurs et le fonctionnement global de TextViz, outil de recherche d'information (RI) sémantique utilisé dans le domaine du diagnostic automobile. Les bases d'incidents (répertoriant un ensemble de pannes connues) ont toujours été prisées par les constructeurs automobiles et les garagistes : elles permettent d'abord de capitaliser de la connaissance afin de pouvoir y accéder par la suite. Toutefois, avec une architecture des véhicules toujours plus complexe, les causes possibles d'une panne se sont vite multipliées, ce qui rend crucial le processus de RI. Se fondant sur un modÚle limité de connaissances du diagnostic automobile, notre logiciel a pour but de faciliter les tùches de stockage et de recherche sémantiques d'information parmi un grand nombre de cas de pannes connus

    Convertir des dérivations TAG en dépendances

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    International audienceLes structures de dĂ©pendances syntaxiques sont importantes et bien adaptĂ©es comme point de dĂ©part de diverses applications. Dans le cadre de l'analyseur TAG FRMG, nous prĂ©sentons les dĂ©tails d'un processus de conversion de forĂȘts partagĂ©es de dĂ©rivations en forĂȘts partagĂ©es de dĂ©pendances. Des Ă©lĂ©ments d'information sont fournis sur un algorithme de dĂ©sambiguisation sur ces forĂȘts de dĂ©pendances
