51,815 research outputs found

    From Declarative Set Constraint Models to “Good” SAT Instances

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    On the one hand, Constraint Satisfaction Problems allow one to declaratively model problems. On the other hand, propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) solvers can handle huge SAT instances. We thus present a technique to declaratively model set constraint problems, to reduce them, and to encode them into ”good” SAT instances. We illustrate our technique on the well-known nqueens problem. Our technique is simpler, more expressive, and less error-prone than direct hand modeling. The SAT instances that we automatically generate are rather small w.r.t. hand-written instances

    Set Constraint Model and Automated Encoding into SAT: Application to the Social Golfer Problem

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    On the one hand, Constraint Satisfaction Problems allow one to declaratively model problems. On the other hand, propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) solvers can handle huge SAT instances. We thus present a technique to declaratively model set constraint problems and to encode them automatically into SAT instances. We apply our technique to the Social Golfer Problem and we also use it to break symmetries of the problem. Our technique is simpler, more declarative, and less error-prone than direct and improved hand modeling. The SAT instances that we automatically generate contain less clauses than improved hand-written instances such as in [20], and with unit propagation they also contain less variables. Moreover, they are well-suited for SAT solvers and they are solved faster as shown when solving difficult instances of the Social Golfer Problem.Comment: Submitted to Annals of Operations researc

    Proteus: A Hierarchical Portfolio of Solvers and Transformations

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    In recent years, portfolio approaches to solving SAT problems and CSPs have become increasingly common. There are also a number of different encodings for representing CSPs as SAT instances. In this paper, we leverage advances in both SAT and CSP solving to present a novel hierarchical portfolio-based approach to CSP solving, which we call Proteus, that does not rely purely on CSP solvers. Instead, it may decide that it is best to encode a CSP problem instance into SAT, selecting an appropriate encoding and a corresponding SAT solver. Our experimental evaluation used an instance of Proteus that involved four CSP solvers, three SAT encodings, and six SAT solvers, evaluated on the most challenging problem instances from the CSP solver competitions, involving global and intensional constraints. We show that significant performance improvements can be achieved by Proteus obtained by exploiting alternative view-points and solvers for combinatorial problem-solving.Comment: 11th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. The final publication is available at link.springer.co

    A Simple Model to Generate Hard Satisfiable Instances

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    In this paper, we try to further demonstrate that the models of random CSP instances proposed by [Xu and Li, 2000; 2003] are of theoretical and practical interest. Indeed, these models, called RB and RD, present several nice features. First, it is quite easy to generate random instances of any arity since no particular structure has to be integrated, or property enforced, in such instances. Then, the existence of an asymptotic phase transition can be guaranteed while applying a limited restriction on domain size and on constraint tightness. In that case, a threshold point can be precisely located and all instances have the guarantee to be hard at the threshold, i.e., to have an exponential tree-resolution complexity. Next, a formal analysis shows that it is possible to generate forced satisfiable instances whose hardness is similar to unforced satisfiable ones. This analysis is supported by some representative results taken from an intensive experimentation that we have carried out, using complete and incomplete search methods.Comment: Proc. of 19th IJCAI, pp.337-342, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005. For more information, please click http://www.nlsde.buaa.edu.cn/~kexu/papers/ijcai05-abstract.ht

    Many Hard Examples in Exact Phase Transitions with Application to Generating Hard Satisfiable Instances

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    This paper first analyzes the resolution complexity of two random CSP models (i.e. Model RB/RD) for which we can establish the existence of phase transitions and identify the threshold points exactly. By encoding CSPs into CNF formulas, it is proved that almost all instances of Model RB/RD have no tree-like resolution proofs of less than exponential size. Thus, we not only introduce new families of CNF formulas hard for resolution, which is a central task of Proof-Complexity theory, but also propose models with both many hard instances and exact phase transitions. Then, the implications of such models are addressed. It is shown both theoretically and experimentally that an application of Model RB/RD might be in the generation of hard satisfiable instances, which is not only of practical importance but also related to some open problems in cryptography such as generating one-way functions. Subsequently, a further theoretical support for the generation method is shown by establishing exponential lower bounds on the complexity of solving random satisfiable and forced satisfiable instances of RB/RD near the threshold. Finally, conclusions are presented, as well as a detailed comparison of Model RB/RD with the Hamiltonian cycle problem and random 3-SAT, which, respectively, exhibit three different kinds of phase transition behavior in NP-complete problems.Comment: 19 pages, corrected mistakes in Theorems 5 and


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    In the last decade, Answer Set Programming (ASP) and Satisfiability (SAT) have been used to solve combinatorial search problems and practical applications in which they arise. In each of these formalisms, a tool called a solver is used to solve problems. A solver takes as input a specification of the problem – a logic program in the case of ASP, and a CNF theory for SAT – and produces as output a solution to the problem. Designing fast solvers is important for the success of this general-purpose approach to solving search problems. Classes of instances that pose challenges to solvers can help in this task. In this dissertation we create challenging yet simple benchmarks for existing solvers in ASP and SAT.We do so by providing models of simple logic programs as well as models of simple CNF theories. We then randomly generate logic programs as well as CNF theories from these models. Our experimental results show that computing answer sets of random logic programs as well as models of random CNF theories with carefully chosen parameters is hard for existing solvers. We generate random logic programs with 2-literals, and our experiments show that it is hard for ASP solvers to obtain answer sets of purely negative and constraint-free programs, indicating the importance of these programs in the development of ASP solvers. An easy-hard-easy pattern emerges as we compute the average number of choice points generated by ASP solvers on randomly generated 2-literal programs with an increasing number of rules. We provide an explanation for the emergence of this pattern in these programs. We also theoretically study the probability of existence of an answer set for sparse and dense 2-literal programs. We consider simple classes of mixed Horn formulas with purely positive 2- literal clauses and purely negated Horn clauses. First we consider a class of mixed Horn formulas wherein each formula has m 2-literal clauses and k-literal negated Horn clauses. We show that formulas that are generated from the phase transition region of this class are hard for complete SAT solvers. The second class of Mixed Horn Formulas we consider are obtained from completion of a certain class of random logic programs. We show the appearance of an easy-hard-easy pattern as we generate formulas from this class with increasing numbers of clauses, and that the formulas generated in the hard region can be used as benchmarks for testing incomplete SAT solvers

    Metamodel Instance Generation: A systematic literature review

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    Modelling and thus metamodelling have become increasingly important in Software Engineering through the use of Model Driven Engineering. In this paper we present a systematic literature review of instance generation techniques for metamodels, i.e. the process of automatically generating models from a given metamodel. We start by presenting a set of research questions that our review is intended to answer. We then identify the main topics that are related to metamodel instance generation techniques, and use these to initiate our literature search. This search resulted in the identification of 34 key papers in the area, and each of these is reviewed here and discussed in detail. The outcome is that we are able to identify a knowledge gap in this field, and we offer suggestions as to some potential directions for future research.Comment: 25 page

    ASlib: A Benchmark Library for Algorithm Selection

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    The task of algorithm selection involves choosing an algorithm from a set of algorithms on a per-instance basis in order to exploit the varying performance of algorithms over a set of instances. The algorithm selection problem is attracting increasing attention from researchers and practitioners in AI. Years of fruitful applications in a number of domains have resulted in a large amount of data, but the community lacks a standard format or repository for this data. This situation makes it difficult to share and compare different approaches effectively, as is done in other, more established fields. It also unnecessarily hinders new researchers who want to work in this area. To address this problem, we introduce a standardized format for representing algorithm selection scenarios and a repository that contains a growing number of data sets from the literature. Our format has been designed to be able to express a wide variety of different scenarios. Demonstrating the breadth and power of our platform, we describe a set of example experiments that build and evaluate algorithm selection models through a common interface. The results display the potential of algorithm selection to achieve significant performance improvements across a broad range of problems and algorithms.Comment: Accepted to be published in Artificial Intelligence Journa

    A Constraint Programming Approach for Non-Preemptive Evacuation Scheduling

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    Large-scale controlled evacuations require emergency services to select evacuation routes, decide departure times, and mobilize resources to issue orders, all under strict time constraints. Existing algorithms almost always allow for preemptive evacuation schedules, which are less desirable in practice. This paper proposes, for the first time, a constraint-based scheduling model that optimizes the evacuation flow rate (number of vehicles sent at regular time intervals) and evacuation phasing of widely populated areas, while ensuring a nonpreemptive evacuation for each residential zone. Two optimization objectives are considered: (1) to maximize the number of evacuees reaching safety and (2) to minimize the overall duration of the evacuation. Preliminary results on a set of real-world instances show that the approach can produce, within a few seconds, a non-preemptive evacuation schedule which is either optimal or at most 6% away of the optimal preemptive solution.Comment: Submitted to the 21st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2015). 15 pages + 1 reference pag
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